Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: tecnica e sorgenti Alba Zanini - April 18th, 2005
What’s BNCT Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is a binary form of cancer therapy It uses a boron-containing compound that preferentially concentrates in tumor sites BPA Boronophenylalanine BSH Sulfhydryl borane The tumor site is irradiated by a neutron beam damage is done to the tumor cell Neutrons interact with the boron in the tumor 10B 1n 11B* 7Li 4He -photon - April 18th, 2005
BNCT Cell-killing mechanism (1.47 MeV) Emission of high LET and low range ions : 4He2+ (9 mm) 7Li3+ (6 mm) These ranges are comparable with the average cell diameter. The ionizations are responsible of the DNA double strand break and this effect is lethal at least in 95% of cases. (0.48 MeV) (0.84 MeV) 3840 barn 10B (n,) 7Li 10B + nth 11B* 7Li (1.01 MeV) + (1.78 MeV) (6 %) 10B + nth 11B* 7Li (0.84 MeV)+ (1.47MeV) + (0.48 MeV) (94 %) - April 18th, 2005
Patologies treated with BNCT neutron source: REACTOR Epithermal neutron to treat: Brain tumour Fir-1 Espoo Helsinki, Finland; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Brookhaven National Laboratory; Studsvik, Sweden; High Flux Reactor Petten, Netherlands; Head and Neck tumour Kyoto University Reasearch Reactor, Japan Thermal neutron to treat Melanoma Massachusetts Institute of Technology; RA-6 Reactor at the Bariloche Atomic Center Buenos Aires, Argentina Explanted Liver Triga Mark II reactor Pavia, Italy - April 18th, 2005
Novel neutron sources for BNCT Disadvantages of nuclear reactors Reactors are large, expensive and subject to strict regulations, making them unsuitable for in-hospital treatment. SEARCH for in-hospital neutron sources: Charged-particle accelerators, compact neutron generators LINAC accelerator for radiotherapy (PHONES, INFN project). - April 18th, 2005
Innovative Neutron Sources for in-hospital treatment Compact neutron generator based on D-D or D-T fusion reaction. Collaborations with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (CA, USA), EUROSEA (To), S. Giovanni A. S. Hospital (To) Phononeutron reaction (g,n) in linear accelerator head. Collaborations with INFN Trieste, Gemelli Hospital (Roma) - April 18th, 2005
BSA and figures of merit Thermal neutrons are nedeed for surface treatment (En < 0.04 eV) Epithermal neutrons are nedeed for in depth treatment (0.04 eV< En < 10 keV) such as brain tumour. Free beam parameters; IAEA recommended values Beam Shaping Assembly Study of different materials and thicknesses in order to optimize the neutron energy spectrum delivering highest dose to the tumour and minimizing undesired dose to patient’s body. Fepith [cm-2 s-1] 1E8-1E9 Df / Fepith [Gy cm2] < 2E-13 Dg /Fepith [Gy cm2] - April 18th, 2005
Publications I. Akkurt, J.-O. Adler, J.R.M. Annand, K.W. Burn, F. Fasolo, K. Hansen, C. Ongaro, A. Reiter, G. Rosner and A. Zanini, “Photoneutron Yields from Tungsten in the Energy range of the Giant Dipole Resonance ”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 48 (2003), 3345 – 3352 . A. Zanini, E. Durisi, F. Fasolo, C. Ongaro, L. Visca, U. Nastasi, K.W. Burn, G. Scielzo, J. O. Adler, J.R.M. Annand and G. Rosner, “MC simulation of the photoneutron field in LINAC radiotherapy treatment with different collimation systems”, Physics in Medicine and Biology 49 (4) 571-582. A. Zanini, F. Fasolo, E. Durisi, L. Visca, C. Ongaro, U. Nastasi, K.W. Burn and J.R.M. Annand, “Neutron spectra in a tissue equivalent phantom during photon radiotherapy treatment by LINACS”, Proceeding of the 9th Neutron dosimetry Symposium, Delft University of Technology, Nederland, September 28th- October 3rd, 2003. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2004), Vol. 110, Nos 1-4. G. Rosi, G. Gambarini, V. Colli, L. scolari, O. Fiorani, A. Perrone, A. Zanini and P. Colautti, “Dose measurement in the thermal column of TAPIRO reactor” Proceeding of the 9th Neutron dosimetry Symposium, Delft University of Technology, Nederland, September 28th- October 3rd, 2003. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2004), Vol. 110, Nos 1-4. G. Gambarini, C. Colombi, V. Colli, L. Scolari, L. Pirola, A. Zanini, G. Rosi, K.W. Burn and C. Petrovich, “In-phantom profiling of absorbed dose in bnct: intercomparison of different experimetal methods and calculations” Proceeding of the 9th Neutron dosimetry Symposium, Delft University of Technology, Nederland, September 28th- October 3rd, 2003. Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2004), Vol. 110, Nos 1-4. A. Zanini, E. Durisi, F. Fasolo, C. Ongaro, U. Nastasi, K.W. Burn, G. Scielzo and M. Fabris, “A dosimetric system for the evaluation of undesired neutron dose in radiotherapy treatmentes with photons: experimental method and MC simulation”, proceeding del Workshop on Radiation Dosimetry:Basic Technologies, Medical Applications, Environmental Applicatons, su Frascati Physics Series Vol. XXIX (2003), pp.89-96.