TMMS Weekly News D.R.E.A.M 12/16/2016
A Day to Remember December 7, 1941 December 7th of last week, the nation honored the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This is the day the United States entered WWII. Can you see the sunken battleship under the water?
She's an App Maker! Anvitha Vijay has built two educational apps and is at work on a third one. She aims to use her skills to help others. Can you guess how old she is?
Anvitha Vijay is 9 years old! With the help of YouTube videos, the young techie from Melbourne, Australia, learned to code at age 7.
Hmmmm….she learned to code at an early age……I think we saw a bunch of students coding here at TMMS last week!
Basketball….We’re Playing Basketball! Monday; December 19th! Scrimmage VS Triton HOME GAME Girls at 3:30 Boys at 4:30 Admission is $1.00 All proceeds will benefit coats and hat drive!
Basketball….We’re Playing Basketball! Thursday; December 22nd! Jamboree featuring: Breed Marshall Pickering St. Mary’s HOME GAME First game at 4:00, Second Game at 4:30 Third game at 5:00, Fourth Game at 5:30 Admission is $1.00 All proceeds will benefit coats and hat drive!
Holiday Happenings at TMMS Marshall Celebration Week – 2016 Thurgood Marshall Celebration week is an over 20 year tradition here at TMMS. It has experienced some changes over the years but has always been a successful and joyful experience.
Holiday Happenings at TMMS The HOLIDAY MALL The Holiday Mall will be open from 2:30 until 3:30 each day beginning Wednesday December 14th through Thursday December 22nd. The Holiday Mall is for the students to purchase gifts for their family members at reasonable cost. Items range from $.25 to $3.00. We also offer gift wrapping for $.25. The PTO member will also be setting up a “Picture booth” this year.
Holiday Happenings at TMMS BASKET RAFFLE Chances are $.50 and will be on sale during the lunches the week of December 12th. The baskets will be displayed in the windows on the first floor. They will be numbered. The basket raffles will be drawn on Friday, December 23rd.
Holiday Happenings at TMMS Homeroom Poster Decorating Contest: (this replaces our old Door Decorating Contest)… Posters will be displayed in the main lobby. Which homeroom will have the best poster this year???? Judging will happen on Friday, December 23rd
Holiday Happenings at TMMS Monday December 19th: Favorite Sport Day – Wear your favorite team’s clothing Tuesday December 20th: Wear Red and/or Green or your favorite holiday color! Wednesday December 21st: Dress Up Day – Look your best!! Thursday December 22nd: Twin Day – dress like your soulmate!! Friday December 23rd: School Pride Day – Wear Green and White!!
Holiday Happenings at TMMS . MISTLETOE MAMA Mistletoe Mama is a long time tradition here Students can purchase a “kiss” for $1.00 during the lunches. Mistletoe Mama will deliver the kisses (stamp on the cheek and a Hershey kiss) during the lunches Tuesday December 20th through the 22nd.
All students should have their lanyards: Around your neck Outside of your shirts/sweatshirts On between 7:45 and 2:45 Must have for: All school functions including dances/athletic games Lunch Morning Gym Morning Breakfast
It is getting cold out there! Don’t forget… WEAR YOUR….. Hats Gloves/Mittens Coat See Guidance in Main Office if you need help with this!
Things that make you go hmmmm…..or giggle!
GO in lunch line BEFORE you get your snacks/ice cream! Another sorry but true! GO in lunch line BEFORE you get your snacks/ice cream! Must have lanyard to go first in line
All students should have their lanyards: Around your neck Outside of your shirts/sweatshirts On between 7:45 and 2:45 Must have for: All school functions including dances/athletic games Lunch Morning Gym Morning Breakfast
Things that make you go hmmmm…..or giggle!
It is getting cold out there! Remember to wear your…. Hats Gloves/Mittens Coat See Guidance in Main Office if you need help with this!
Weather for the weekend! What are your plans?
Ice Cream Sunday Social Date Wednesday; January 4TH 2017! $3.50
Things that make you go hmmmm…..or giggle!
Grumpy Cat says, “Clean up after yourself please!” Clean up the space in front of you Below you Throw your own trash out!
H2O + = Wet Koala Bear!
Happy Birthday! This slide is dedicated to those of you who celebrated a birthday this week!
TMMS Blog Check this out….
Have a super weekend! Remember: Represent with the D.R.E.A.M. at all times!