How to find your radiation exposure online Office of Radiation Safety
How do I find my dose online? The Office of Radiation Safety is responsible for checking your exposure and will notify you if the results are unexpected. However, you can check your exposure at any time online using Landauer’s electronic record system.
How do I find my dose online? Go to the portal and click on “Site Map” Navigate to “R” and select “Radiation Safety” Click on the link “How to Find my Exposure Online” You will find the following instructions: Navigate to: This link leads you to the Landuaer Website. Enter the following: User Name: luriechildrens (This is one word) Password: My Dosimetry (Remember the space between the words as well as the capital letters).
How do I find my dose online? Once you have logged into the webpage, you must have your radiation badge handy. The Account Number and Serial number are printed on your badge. Enter this information and you will receive a report.
Thank You! For further information, you may contact: The Office of Radiation Safety 312-227-4500 Or visit the Radiation Safety Home Page by navigating to “R” on the Portal Site Map and selecting “Radiation Safety”: http://portal2/sites/radsafe/SitePages/Home.aspx