State Directors’ Meeting National CASA and State Directors’ Meeting November 14, 2016
Chief Executive Officer Welcome Tara Perry Chief Executive Officer
State Development Initiative: Participant Report from The Kentucky CASA Network Andrea Bruns State Director
The Kentucky CASA Network: The Progress of a Developing State CASA Association Andrea Bruns The Kentucky CASA Network Project Director/State Director – 2012-Current
State Association in 2012 - Snapshot Informal Network Sharp Deviation from Standards by Some Disengaged Local Programs Previous Board Dissolved Lack of Funding Group of Local Program Directors created Leadership Committee Part-Time Contractor Local Programs not Unified
Successes of the Kentucky CASA Network ( 2013-2016) Achieved State Funding of $3 Million Dollars for CASA in the Biennial Budget in the 2016 Legislative Session. These funds are in the form of grants to Local Programs of $1.5 million each fiscal year. The KCN received a $150,000 grant from this fund in 2016. Collaboration and Trust of Local Programs and the State Office which enabled local programs to vote to diversify the KCN Board to include-- as the majority-- board members who are not affiliated with Local Programs. Annual Statewide Fundraising Event has yielded $140,000 over the past 3 years which the KCN passed through roughly 80% to Local Programs Diversification of Funding: Large Statewide Foundation Grant, State Funding, NCASA Grant Funding, Program Dues, Annual Event
Challenges facing the KCN KCN Board Development. New By-Laws switched Board Membership from all Local Programs to Non-Profit Board. Building a diverse well rounded board to govern the organization. Long Term Sustainability. Short term funding is strong but long term sustainability for 3 FTE’s and 2 Contractors.
Future Plans for Growth Development of New Statewide Strategic Plan for Increasing Number of Children Served by Local Programs in Kentucky Currently have 41 of the 120 Counties in Kentucky Served by CASA Programs. 7 Counties are currently in development and have applied for NCASA Provisional Membership with strong assistance from the KCN (2 separate programs). 5 Additional Counties with plans to develop a CASA Program in the Spring of 2016. 3 existing programs with plans to develop into surrounding Counties.
Support from National CASA Guidance and technical assistance to KY’s informal network by NCASA staff 2012-15 Partner visits to stakeholders during the transition and crisis of the past state association Assistance with data and state funding legislative support Grant funding in 2013-2015 to the informal network to help develop a state organization State Development Grant(s) in 2016
Legal & Advocacy Officer Update on capta Re-authorization Mercedes Scopetta Deputy Chief Legal & Advocacy Officer
CAPTA Guardian ad Litem Mandate to states Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) language: …in every case involving an abused or neglected child which results in a judicial proceeding, a guardian ad litem, who may be an attorney or a court appointed special advocate (or both), shall be appointed to represent the child in such proceedings – (I) to obtain first-hand, a clear understanding of the situation and needs of the child; and (II) to make recommendations to the court concerning the best interests of the child
Timeline for Re-Authorization CAPTA not likely to be taken up by the lame-duck Congress On agenda for new Congress National CASA continues to track and monitor timing for consideration and any proposed amendments National Child Abuse Coalition
Items related to Capta re-authorization Quality Improvement Center on Child Representation Study (QIC) Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Guidance to States and Tribes on client-directed attorney representation of children HHS Office of Inspector General Study on CAPTA Guardian ad Litem appointments
primary qic study Seven year, $6 million grant to University of Michigan Law School The Study is again delayed but will be published by the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law as a book called Children’s Justice and available November 2016 Main propositions are that attorney training model improved ‘case-related activities’ Three child outcome measures tracked, only one impacted Multiple recommendations on child rep, ABA Model Act, Public Health Model and others
Hhs Children’s bureau Guidance HHS has stated publicly that they will issue a “Guidance” to States, Courts and Tribes that all children before the court due to abuse or neglect should have an attorney to represent their legal interests
National CASA and HHS Meeting on guidance Guidance will recommend client-directed attorney representation for every child Not to the exclusion of CASA/GAL best interest representation Offered to help build our network and recruit volunteers Requested messaging language and tweets which National CASA has provided
Capta gal appointments HHS OIG Study on Capta gal appointments To examine States’ implementation of child representation (guardian ad litem) under CAPTA The study is not specifically linked to the reauthorization of CAPTA but will likely impact reauthorization Heavily data driven This work will likely result in a set of studies reporting out on individual states – first state chosen is Indiana OIG completion target date is mid 2017
Re-Authorization Communications Plan National CASA CAPTA Re-Authorization Communications Plan
Master Q&A document to represent the Association’s position Materials in process Best interest advocacy key messages, talking points, background document Master Q&A document to represent the Association’s position Review past input from network QIC workgroup, state directors and seek guidance from Legal and Advocacy Committee
ACTIVITIES IN PROCESS Communications planning/material preparations Shared suggested talking points on HHS Guidance and social media tools with HHS contacts Inventory of key stakeholders/plan of action Monitoring for release of reports/guidance
PLANNED ACTIVITIES Outreach to specific stakeholders at review of released materials Garner “endorsements” of best-interest advocacy (from judges, etc.) Guest author columns, write op-eds, etc. Develop a white paper on the unique, essential role of best interest advocacy
data collection protocol Director of State support Janet Ward Director of State support
Data collection protocol Consensus from SD meeting, June 4, 2016, Washington DC: Accurate and timely data is critical to the CASA/GAL network at every level National CASA and state organizations share a commitment to increasing data accuracy and streamlining data collection efforts and tools The capacity of state organizations to review, collect and report local CASA/GAL program data to National CASA varies significantly
Data collection protocol Action taken: A draft protocol was created with several reviewing and reporting options for the Annual Survey and the Six-Month Report to accommodate diverse state organization capacity State organization collection and reporting of local program data to National CASA is voluntary The document was reviewed at the 10/26/16 meeting of the State Leadership Committee and is now being shared with all State Directors for review and input
Data collection protocol Action needed: Each state organization should: review the draft document provide feedback to Sally Erny on any changes to the draft; prior to COB on November 30 Note – state organization involvement in local program data collection and reporting remains voluntary. Because NCASA believes that it will increase data accuracy, we will work toward this model with our state organization partners.
State Leadership Council Update Co-Chair, State Leadership Council Cindy Bizzell Co-Chair, State Leadership Council
State Leadership Council transition New Members for 2017-18 term Five positions open beginning January, 2017 Announcement went to State Directors in October containing: SLC Member Position description Application Form Timeline Application Deadline is 11/23 Appointment will be made by William Collins, President, National CASA Board of Trustees, before end of the year
Updates and Announcements Director of State support National CASA Updates and Announcements Janet Ward Director of State support
NCASA staff updates Michelle Olson – Chief Advancement Officer (DC) Erica Owens – Director Member Services (Seattle) David Forrester – Information Technology Officer (Seattle) Brad Ray – National Strategic Partnership Officer (Seattle)
Registration will open in mid-November National CASa Updates National CASA/GAL Conference March 11-14, Seattle, WA Registration will open in mid-November Awards of Excellence Nominations Open Conference Scholarship Applications Open Survey Results - State Director Workshop Track Topics for State Director & Reps meeting?
Local Program Self-Assessment National CASa Updates Local Program Self-Assessment Over 500 local CASA/GAL programs have already participated in Waves 1, 2 and 3 The existing Self-Assessment system will be used to complete the current cycle so all programs are held to the same standards The timeline and due dates for upcoming Waves 4, 5 and 6 will be announced after the first of the year
Local Program Self Assessment (continued) National CASa Updates Local Program Self Assessment (continued) Local programs will be advised of their assigned cycle one month before the opening of the Self-Assessment They will then have four months from the opening to submit the completed assessment and supporting documents National CASA will redesign our quality assurance system with significant input from state organizations.
National CASA Grants to State Organizations: National CASA Updates National CASA Grants to State Organizations: Capacity Building, Development and Growth grants totaling $1,992,000 were awarded in October of 2016 $500K is still to be awarded in support of state organization development opportunities Details regarding the award of the remaining funds to be determined
National CASA Grants to Local Programs: National CASA Updates National CASA Grants to Local Programs: $500K will be available to fund Capacity Building grants in the $20-40K range $750K will be available to fund Growth grants in the $40-100K range Applications will be posted on the NCASA website this week and due 12/16/16 Letter of Support from State Association will be required Grant term - 1/1/17 to 12/31/17
QUESTIONS. OTHER BUSINESS. Next Meeting: December 12, 2016 11 a. m QUESTIONS? OTHER BUSINESS? Next Meeting: December 12, 2016 11 a.m. Pacific; 2 p.m. Eastern