WMO Polar and High Mountain activities GLOBAL CRYOSPHERE WATCH ROLLING REVIEW OF REQUIREMENTS (RRR) Rodica Nitu Global Cryosphere Watch, WMO SAON Board Meeting Jan 11, 2017
SUMMARY WMO Priorities Global Cryosphere Watch Rolling Review of Requirements Opportunities for collaboration GCW-SAON
WMO Priorities 2016-2019 Disaster Risk Reduction Global Framework for Climate Services WMO Integrated Global Observing System Aviation Meteorological Services Polar and High-mountain Regions: Improve meteorological and hydrological monitoring, prediction and services, by: (i) operationalizing the Global Cryosphere Watch; (ii) understanding the implications of changes on the global weather and climate patterns Capacity Development WMO Governance Align the WMO priority activities with emerging global needs, including the needs regarding the meeting of
GCW Activities (what is GCW doing, or what’s happening that wouldn’t otherwise happen) Fundamental contribution to GEOSS; refining cryosphere observational requirements for WIGOS OSCAR ; network of surface observations, with "CryoNet“ at its core; collating/establishing measurement guidelines and best practices; engaging in and supporting intercomparisons of instruments and (satellite) products, e.g., GCW Snow Watch(and SnowPEx); SPICE enable access to data and metadata through GCW portal; Use the WMO data regulatory framework to enable the development and implementation of data/metadata standards contributing to WMO’s space-based capabilities database (with PSTG); producing unique hemispheric products, e.g., “snow anomaly trackers”; engaging in historical data rescue (e.g., snow depth); building a glossary of cryospheric terms;
CryoNet network of cryospheric in-situ observations. extensive monitoring through GCW (standardized) practices; cryospheric data for improved process understanding and modelling; calibration and validation data for satellite data; linking cryospheric ground truth observations to cryospheric models; training. CryoNet
WMO Rolling Review of Requirements https://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/GOS-RRR.html Review of technology free requirements for observations within each area of application Review of observing capabilities (existing, planned) of observing systems (surface, space based) Critical review of the extent to which the technology deliver the requirements Statement of Guidance: Inform on the extent to which the requirements are met by the identified systems Informs the dialogue with the observing system developing agencies, influencing future research Feasibility and affordability
Application Areas GCW is an evolving area: Global NWP; High resolution NWP; Nowcasting and very short range forecasting; Subseasonal to longer term prediction; Forecasting atmospheric composition; Monitoring atmospheric composition; Provide atmospheric composition information to support services in urban and populated areas; Aeronautical meteorology; Ocean applications; Agriculture meteorology; Hydrology; Climate monitoring; Climate applications; Space weather GCW is an evolving area: requirements under development
RRR Process http://www.wmo-sat.info/oscar/ Requirements defined in terms of: Horizontal and vertical resolution Frequency of observations Timeliness (delay in availability) Uncertainty (acceptable RMS errors, limitations or bias) Values: goal, threshold, breakthrough. WMO collects requirements for observations Catalogues the current and planned provisions of observations Generates a database on User Requirements and Observing System Capabilities Accessible via WMO website through the Observing Systems Capabilities Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR).
OSCAR Database
Cryosphere variables CryoNet Team meeting, Sept 20-22, 2017 http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Reports/GCW-index.html Recommended and desirable variables by component Next steps: complete the assessment of attributes of variables
gcw.met.no GCW DATA PORTAL Engagement with Arctic Data Committee Exchange cryosphere data, metadata, information and analyses among a distributed network of providers and users. The GCW Data Portal is part of WIS, a Data Collection and Production Centre and is interoperable with data centres. YOPP data management builds on GCW data management
GCW Steering Group Meeting: Jan 16-19, 2017, Cambridge, UK Focus on implementation: potential for collaboration with CON SAON Define GCW as a Programme Data Exchange Partnerships New products Expansion of the GCW Observing Network
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre GCW partners: Collaboration and cooperation with partners is essential to successfully conduct GCW activities at the international, regional and national levels. Partners include, but not limited to: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
GCW sponsors:
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