Chaplaincy: Tutor time Context: This term we have introduced a weekly interactive prayer activity to tutor time for Years 7-9 This is in response to feedback from SIAMS which highlighted student response to ‘acts of worship’ as an area for development. The activities are interactive and use materials from post-it notes to stones and plastercine to give all of our students the opportunity to respond in a way that suits them!
Interactive tutor group prayer When? Every Wednesday (Year 7) What? Short interactive prayer activity in tutor group Why take time to pray in tutor? Prayer is the way that we communicate with God, develop a relationship with God and learn his plans for us. There is no one fixed way of praying and we would like to help you to try out praying in different, interesting ways! What is expected of me? To have a go at the activity, respect those around you and feedback which activities work best for you. .
Prayer Activity 1: Encouraging each other This activity is about e Take a post-it note and choose someone in your tutor group. Write their name at the top. Jot down something to encourage that person. You might like to start with the phrase ‘You are brilliant because…’ Fill out more than one post-it if you would like to encourage more than one person! “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5.11) Dear Lord, Thank you for every member of this tutor group and for the gifts that each person has. Please help us to encourage and look out for each other as you have asked us to do. Amen
Interactive activities Prayer Activity 1: Encouraging each other Prayer Activity 2: Wailing wall – prayers for help Prayer Activity 3: Being thankful! Prayer Activity 4: Opening flowers – praying for hopes Prayer Activity 5: Praying for the news Prayer Activity 7: Encouragement Bank Prayer Activity 12: Pipe cleaner prayers Prayer Activity 17: Praying for the world
Prayer Activity 2: Wailing wall – prayers for help This activity is about e Asking for help is a really important part of our understanding of prayer. Write down things that you would like to ask God for on a post-it note (We are going to share them so make sure you are happy for others to read it). Take someone else’s post-it note and say a silent prayer asking God for help for that situation. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.….” (Matthew 7.7) You might like to start your prayer with… Dear Lord, Please help ….. (name) as he/she has asked us to pray for ………. . Please bring change in this situation as you have promised in Matthew in the Bible. Amen
Prayer Activity 3: Being thankful! This activity is about e How can you develop an attitude of gratitude (being thankful)? Try to think of something that you are grateful for (there might be more than one thing) and write it on the paper strip you are given. When everyone is ready, link your slip to others to make a paper chain of thankfulness across your tutor room. Don’t forget that everyone has a piece of good news inside them. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16.34) Dear Lord, Teach us how to be thankful and to find joy in what we do. Help us to find the positive in all of the situations we find ourselves in and also help us to remember that we are never alone and that we can always call on you. Amen
Prayer Activity 4: Opening flowers – praying for hopes This activity is about e Take the flower template and in the centre, write someone or something that you would like to pray for. It could be… A situation that you would like to see open up. A person who you would like to see grow and flourish. A prayer for guidance that you need Fold the petals of the flower gently inwards so that it makes a circle shape and then float it on water. Give the flower 20-30 seconds and watch the petals unfold. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6.33) Dear Lord, Thank you that you hear our prayers and want to help us grow and flourish. We give all of the situations on our flowers to you this morning and trust in your power to bring change. Amen.
Prayer Activity 5: Praying for the news This activity is about e We can use clips from the news to help us pray for the world. God wants us to pray to him and ask for help, for ourselves and on behalf of others. Your teacher will show you some clips of some key events that are taking place around the world. Choose one of the events that interests you / you feel passionate about and write a prayer. You might like to start your prayer with ‘ Dear God… Please help the situation in …’ “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” . (Philippians 4:19) Dear Lord, Thank you for the diversity and wonder of your world. Help us to remember that in some parts of the world, life is difficult and not how you would want it to be. Help us to remember to pray for different parts of the world and prompt us into thinking about how we can change the world around us. Amen
Prayer Activity 7: Encouragement Bank This activity is about e Everyone needs some encouragement from time to time! This activity is about encouraging one another. You will be given a Bible verse with the theme of encouragement. There should be enough for everyone to have one. Then in partners, or tables, discuss what each means and see what each other thinks. You may wish to share your thoughts with the tutor group. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41.10) Dear Lord, we thank you for our friends and teachers who encourage us. Help us to feel encouraged today and also to encourage others . In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Prayer Activity 12: Pipe cleaner prayers This activity is about e Sometimes expressing our prayers physically can help us think and reflect on a different level. In this activity, use pipe cleaners to make shapes that fit in with what you want to pray for, e.g. a heart or a person symbolising that you want to pray for someone. When you are ready, sit quietly and pray for the situation that you have chosen. “O God, hear my prayer; give ear to the words of my mouth.” (Psalm 54.2) Dear Lord, Thank you that you hear our prayers whether we pray them out loud or speak to you in different ways. We pray that you would hear our prayers this morning. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayer Activity 17: Praying for the world This activity is about e Think of ways in which you are connected to different parts of the world…. Maybe you were born there Maybe your family lives there Maybe you have seen pictures of that place recently on the news Maybe you have always been fascinated by this place. Your teacher is going to put a map of the world onto the whiteboard. On a post-it note, write a prayer for people in a country of your choice. Go up to the board and stick your post-it carefully onto that country. “God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.” (Psalm 47.8) Dear Lord, Thank you for the world that you have created. Thank you that each country is so unique. Help us to pray for others and value the fact that they are different to ourselves. Amen