What scientific explanation can account for the diversity of life?
Humans share the Earth with millions of other organisms of every imaginable shape, size and habitat. This variety of living things is called biological diversity. How did all these different organisms arise? How are they related?
The answer can be found in a collection of scientific facts, observations and hypotheses. This process is known as Evolutionary Theory. A theory is a well supported testable explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world.
What is Evolution? Evolution is the change of an organism’s structures and functions over time. (genotype/phenotype) A process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
Even though the fossil record is not complete (and is likely to never be complete) we can form a picture from the fossils we do have!
Name the scientist
Charles Darwin First scientist to explain the diversity of life and the theory of evolution
February 12, 1809 – April 19, 1882 Born in England
Voyage of the HMS Beagle In 1831, 22 year-old Darwin was invited to participate in a voyage to South America and the Pacific Islands. Darwin joined the voyage as an unpaid naturalist (a person who studies the natural world). The two-year voyage developed into a five-year exploration of the world. In late December 1831, the research ship HMS Beagle set sail from England for a five-year cruise around the world.
Darwin’s 5-year Worldwide Voyage
Darwin made numerous observations and collected fossil evidence (once living organisms) that led him to propose a revolutionary hypothesis about how life changes over time. This hypothesis is now supported by a large amount of evidence.
This evidence has become known as: The Theory of Evolution
Theory of Evolution During his voyage Darwin noticed elevated ancient coastlines He became convinced that the Earth and organisms evolved slowly over time.
Opposite Views of the Natural World The common view was that the surface of the Earth was shaped by a few violent events that formed entire mountain chains and oceans in a very short amount of time. Through observation, Darwin started to believe that the common belief was FALSE and that the Earth’s surface evolved slowly through many events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and erosion.