Kansas Leads the World in the Success of Each Student.
Zero Year Get Familiar with the new KESA model. Do we have the right teams in Place? Do we have community voice and involvement? What are the 5-R Rubrics? How do they align to the Rose Standards? What year of the cycle do we want to enter KESA? Get plugged into our regional trainings.
Kansas Education Systems Accreditation The Five R’s
Five Year Cycle
A PreK-Postsecondary SYSTEM High School Middle Class Postsecondary Middle School Elementary School Early Childhood
Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.. A NEW Vision for Kansas…. Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.. Based on the feedback received across the state, the board has adopted as its new vision for education “Kansas leads the world in the success of each student.” We intend to challenge the status quo, move away from placing emphasis on a single test score and focus more on helping each student identify and achieve their career aspirations. Teachers, administrators and support staff already are doing great work preparing Kansas’ students for success, and this new vision stands to unite our efforts across the state. You will hear us say we need to rethink how our schools are asked to operate. From a state perspective, we will look at every requirement to determine if and how we are supporting or impeding our schools’ abilities to address the needs of each child.
College and Career Competencies Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Soukup, J.H., & Noonan, P. (2013). College & Career Competency Wheel. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning. Derived in part from Pellegrino, J.W., & Hilton, M.L. (Eds.). (2012). Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Civic Advocacy Network A program to promote civic engagement and award buildings that intentionally create civic engagement opportunities for their students. 80 schools in 50 districts are participating in the pilot program. Pilot year 2016-17 Operational Year 2017-18
Kindergarten Readiness Develop a kindergarten readiness screener that includes communication, problem solving, motor, and social emotional areas of development. Based on families’/teachers’ observations of children’s skills and abilities. 38 Districts with 62 schools involved with the pilot. 2016-17 pilot of the screening tool and giving feedback to KSDE. Operational in 2017-18.
Transition to College Algebra A high school course designed to provide seniors another opportunity to gain the math knowledge necessary to enter credit bearing math classes at postsecondary institutions across Kansas. 40 high schools piloting with seniors this year. Approximately 800 students in the pilot. Operational in 2017-18 for all schools.
Individual Plans of Study Beginning in the Middle Grades. Helping Parents and Students reach their Dreams. Career Exploration aligned to skills and talents. Aligning course schedules and pathways to those skills, interests and postsecondary plans. Includes job shadowing and internships.
Kansans Can The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today. -Chinese Proverb
No program or initiative, by itself, will ever lead to student success No program or initiative, by itself, will ever lead to student success. Passionate well trained individuals, using the right programs and initiatives, will lead to the success of all students.
”I never stopped trying to become qualified for the job.” Kansans Can ”I never stopped trying to become qualified for the job.” -Darwin Smith, Kimberly-Clark Corp.
KESA A meaningful process, focusing on the right initiatives, evaluating multiple outcomes, lead by passionate people, involving parents and community.
Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas Today’s students are the future workforce and future leaders of Kansas. Kansans Can achieve anything and, together, Kansans Can lead the world in the success of each student.