READING Notebook Goal: Learn the proper format so that we can begin to write our Hunger Project Research essay. Do Now: Review your notes, do you have enough information- data, facts, and statistics to begin drafting your essay?
Paragraph 1: introduction State the topic: Hunger in our local community. List some of the information you have gathered: income, race/ethnicity, zip code, free lunch programs, government funded aid/support, etc. Thesis statement: sum up what this project is all about. What do you intend the reader to learn about this issue?
Body paragraphs: Body Paragraph 1: Write about your specific zip code, 10451, 10452, or 10453. What information did you gather specifically about income, household size, food cost, free school lunch, unemployment, demographics (race/ethnicity) etc. Body Paragraph 2: Include here the information you researched about government assisted programs, food pantry, and what can you do to help?
Body Paragraph 3: Compare the information you collected for your specified zip code with the zip code for another Bronx community: Riverdale—10471. Compare and contrast the two areas. Conclusion paragraph: Restate your findings. Point out the highlights. What did you find that was most interesting? Surprising? Etc. What did you learn? Has this changed your views about certain areas of the Bronx, especially those surrounding your own neighborhood?