Visual Rhetoric Presentation Ali Lampert
Dovima with the Elephants
Background Information: Photograph taken by Richard Avedon Model in the photograph is Dovima (considered one of the first supermodel) Elephants are circus elephants Taken in 1955 – a time when America was starting to bloom and prosper again after war The dress is the first dress ever designed for Christian Dior. The picture was very controversial for that time because of the way that a woman is being portrayed.
Questions to Consider What is your initial reaction to the picture? Who is the intended audience? What do you believe the photographer intended to convey? (consider time period) What is the overall tone/mood?
My Initial Reaction The first thing that struck me was the fact that is beautiful model is standing between these enormous elephants. The way she’s positioned in the photo just bursts with boldness – grace, but boldness.
Audience and Message The intended audience was American citizens of the 50’s. More specifically, it targeted women and people of the fashion world. The message was that women are bold, daring, and beautiful creatures. The thought that women could be bold and daring was next to unheard of at the time. Most women were housewives or secretaries, and were often unappreciated. This photo made a huge statement on the behalf of women (and it was photographed by a man!).
Juxtaposition! Richard Avedon obviously juxtaposed the small Dovima with the huge elephants. Her cleanliness contrasts the dirtiness of the animals. The colors of the dress also contrast the grey color of the elephants. A less obvious juxtaposition is the smooth dress next to the wrinkled, rough skin of the elephants, as well as the juxtaposition of the chains around the elephants ankles, whereas Dovima is unbound. Dovima in this light contrasts with that of the typical woman of that time.
Tone/Mood The mood/tone of Dovima with the Elephants is very bold an dramatic. This photograph made a statement, and was a wake up call to the public’s eye: Women aren’t just confined within the walls of their home.
Pathos From the female perspective, I feel a sense of empowerment. I feel proud to see a woman portrayed like Dovima – graceful, yet in control and courageous.
Ethos The picture appeals to ethics by showing how the woman is powerful enough to stand and compete in a “man’s world.”
Logos The picture appeals to logic by the bravery displayed in her pose and facial expression. Anyone who stands that close to elephants has some major courage.
Works Cited Marin, Lucian E.. “Iconic Photos: Dovima with the Elephants.” Word Press, n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2012 Cox, Erika. “Rewind the Fifties: Life in the Fifties.” Rewind History. 2009. Web. 30 Dec. 2012.