Welcome to South Lake P.E.!!!
Place Backpack by gates. Do not block aisle or entrance.
Do Not block entrance to locker gates
Go to Locker to get PE clothes Bring lock and PE clothes into locker room Change quickly and return to number.
Using a gym bag is optional but very helpful!!! GYM BAGS Using a gym bag is optional but very helpful!!!
Notes, Loaners, TA’s, and essays Bring sick notes to coaches office . Go outside to find a teaching assistant (T.A.) Go to the teaching assistants and they will provide you with a written assignment to be completed during the period. If one day you forget to bring your uniform you can ask Mr. Doan or Ms. Hagstrom for a Loaner uniform. Please be respectful of our TA’s, as they are an extension of your PE Coaches.
Come out of locker room and sit on assigned number for attendance. Students are expected to be seated on their attendance numbers so that class can get started quickly. Students not on assigned number or standing may be marked absent or tardy. KEEP HANDS AND FEET OUT OF AISLE PLEASE!!!
Basic Stretches The basic stretches consists of: 1.) Saddle stretch 2.) Butterfly 3.) Modified Hurdler 4.) Right/Left arms across 5.) Right/Left arm behind 6.) Push ups and Crunches YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT!
Cardio Warm-up “YES I CAN!” “YES I CAN!” After stretching, girls go to starting area and boys meet on grass area behind starting line. Stay around the poles and do not cut cones. Jog around fitness area to avoid injuries. Jog at a pace you can maintain. PE teachers will tell you where to meet for activity. “YES I CAN!” “YES I CAN!”
Class Procedures: Activity After warm-up, meet at location given for your activity. Leave PE equipment alone until teachers give instructions. Follow teachers cues.
Face teacher and listen for instructions Face teacher and listen for instructions. Always sit with the sun facing behind you LISTEN UP! Time to learn a new game!
Class Procedures: Hear Whistle, STOP and LISTEN for instructions When you hear the whistle, stop what you’re doing and LISTEN! After all the equipment is put away, wait behind the red line of locker rooms. Stop SHOOTING BASKETS WHEN THE CLASS IS OVER. NO throwing footballs after class ends. NO half-court shots ever. Soccer & Footballs are grass only. FOLLOW SAFETY RULES AT ALL TIMES.
Class Procedures: Go to Locker Room After all the equipment is put away, and everyone is behind the red lines PE teachers will tell you to enter the locker rooms. Never enter the locker room until a teacher is inside.
Leave Locker Room After you are dressed in your school clothing, you bring your PE clothes/gym bag to your outside locker and lock up PE clothes in your OUTSIDE locker.
Get Backpack and Wait at Lunch Tables for Passing Bell After your outside locker is locked up, get backpack and WAIT at the lunch tables until bell rings. Always wait at the lunch table area until you hear the bell. Please do not disturb classrooms with doors facing outside.
Fitness Center Expectations Good posture and listen. Boys and Girls use different doors…both on their own sides of their locker room. Always leave an aisle around the room for walking space. Leave an aisle!
Helping out When you see teaching assistants putting equipment away, make sure to give them a hand, so we are not late to our next class.
Special Schedules RAINY DAYS: Ms. Hagstrom’s roll group meet in the Girls Locker room. Mr. Doan’s roll group meet in the Boys Locker room. Enter fitness center safely. Please dry your feet!
PING PONG TABLES Avoid dragging the tables, as they will collapse. Safety issue! You can help us wheel them out but only adults can open and close them up or teaching assistants who have been trained. Avoid sitting on the tables or playing with the nets. They Break! Avoid using your feet to stop the ball…you will smash the ping pong ball…Not good!
The 2 sets of threes from John Wooden’s father Set one: NEVER LIE, NEVER CHEAT, NEVER STEAL Set two: Don’t whine, don’t complain, don’t make excuses His father taught him to do your best. If the results weren’t satisfactory, keep quiet about it and work harder next time John Wooden…June 2010, UCLA basketball coach
Thanks for watching. Hope you have a really, really fun year in P. E Thanks for watching! Hope you have a really, really fun year in P.E. as a South Lake Shark!