ILO Tool Box Inter Agency Technical Meeting on the CEB Social Protection Floor Initiative Turin, 13-15 October 2009
ILO knowledge management tools Name Main features Examples Case studies Employment and Social Security paper series Technical papers History Legislation Functioning Coverage Budget Strengths & challenges Bolsa familia, Brazil (forthcoming) Internet KM platform: GESS Statistical data Resource centre Country profiles Thematic pages Workspaces … Country profiles Sub-section on the global crisis Roadmap for the extension of social security
ILO standards Name Main features International Labour Standards (Conventions and Recommendations) ILO conventions are a binding international instrument for signatory countries. It is the only available set of international legal instruments defining precisely the general right to social security. Key social security conventions: Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention, 1962 (No. 118) Employment Injury Benefits Convention, 1964 (No. 121) Invalidity, Old-Age and Survivors' Benefits Convention, 1967 (No. 128) Medical Care and Sickness Benefits Convention, 1969 (No. 130) Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982 (No. 157) Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Convention, 1988 (No. 168) Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183) ILO recommendations are non-binding but member countries can be asked to provide information to what extent they implement recommendations as well as non-ratified conventions Recommendations: Income Security Recommendation, 1944 (No. 67) Medical Care Recommendation, 1944 (No. 69)
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) Branches Benefit Conditions Duration of Benefit Coverage of persons Sickness Benefit 45 % To preclude abuse 26 weeks (each case sickness) 50% of all employees or 20% of all residents, or all residents whose means do not exceed certain limits Unemployment Benefit 45 % To preclude abuse 13 weeks in period of 12 months 50% of all employees, or all residents whose means do not exceed certain limits Old-Age Benefit 40 % 30 years Throughout the contingency Employment Injury Benefits Short term disability Permanent disability Death of the breadwinner 50 % No qualifying Throughout the contingency 50 % period allowed 40% 50% of all employees, and their widows and children in case of death of the breadwinner through an employment injury Family Benefit 3% or 1,5% To preclude abuse Throughout the contingency Maternity Benefit 45 % To preclude abuse Minimum of 12 weeks Women of classes of employees constituting not less than 50% of all employees or 20% of all residents, Invalidity Benefit 40 % 15 years Throughout the contingency or until old – age pension is paid 50% of all employees or 20% of all residents, or all residents whose means do not exceed certain limits Survivors’ Benefit 40 % 15 years Throughout the contingency Wives and children of 50% of all employees, or 20% of all residents, or all resident wives and children whose means do not exceed limits
Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No. 102) Basic social security principles Guaranteed, defined benefits Participation of protected persons in decision making and administration General responsibility of the Governments for provision of benefits, and proper administration of schemes, e.g. through regular actuarial reviews Collective financing Adjustment of pensions Right of appeal Equality of treatment
ILO advocacy tools Name Main features Examples Social Security Legislation Legislation drafting e.g. Barhrein, China, Jordan Training and capacity building ITC, Quatrain: series of textbooks, Maastricht, Lausanne, Africa and America Extension of social protection: towards a universal SP floor Social Security Statistics (expenditure and income, coverage and levels of benefits) Collection, storage and dissemination of comparable data on Social security, micro-insurance Social Security Inquiry SSE Inventory of health micro-insurance schemes in Africa Can low-income countries afford basic social security? (#3) Social Security for All. Investing in social justice and economic development (#7) Social Security Policy Briefings Policy vision of the ILO Research-based evidence Country case studies
ILO design and costing tools Name Main features Examples SPER (Social Protection Expenditure Review) Analysis of existing contributory and non-contributory social security schemes, of SP coverage gaps; Formulation of SP extension strategies Sénégal, Tanzania, Zambia and more Social budgeting and actuarial modelling for demographic and financial projections of social security systems Past, current and future social protection expenditure (takes into account all branches of SS and their interrelation) Ghana; Ecuador, Panama; Poland; Ukraine; etc. ILO FACTS generic models ILO POP, ECO, LAB, SAL, Health, PENS, etc. 60+ countries Basic social protection assessment tool Preliminary costing of a basic set of social security benefits – for advocacy African and Asian countries Nepal ILO/STEP Feasibility study guide Design of health Micro-insurance schemes Niger, Sénégal
ILO monitoring, evaluation and reporting tools Name Main features Examples Social Security Inquiry Compilation of country statistics on social protection systems 100 countries but not complete SPER Monitoring coverage, effectiveness, efficiency financial sustainability Not many countries have implemented is as a regular mechanism Social budgeting MAS Gestion and MAS-Pilote software STEP’s monitoring and evaluation guide, guide de gestion des mutuelles de santé PIS (Performance indicators)