ALEX TAUBMAN Top Welsh amateur player for over eight years Excellent marketing opportunity for YOUR business Get your Company name known around the world, GLOBAL COVERAGE whilst helping a talented young snooker player reach his full potential ALEX TAUBMAN Top Welsh amateur player for over eight years
Alex Taubman is a hardworking and dedicated snooker player. held back because of a lack of funding, meaning he has to work to support himself and his family. This eats into available practice time. Alex aims to practice or play in competitions, 7 hours per day. Through hard work he is a chosen practice partner with some of the snooker professional greats Sponsorship would enable him to work a part time basis, thus giving time to dedicate himself to perfecting his game. Reliable, trustworthy he would not let any sponsor down and would respect the sponsors product and Company Alex v Neil Robertson, York 2016
THIS COULD BE YOUR POTENTIAL MARKET 2017 European Open s European Team winner, 2017 World team semi-finalist 2017 European Open semi-finalist 2017 European 6 reds semi-finalist 2016/17 North Wales Masters Winner 2015 Club 147 Germany -147 break 2015-16Pro-tour one year inclusion – spanning China, York, Barnsley, Hong Kong, Preston, Germany, Thailand, Coventry, Belfast, Glasgow, Llandudno, Welsh men’s number 1 2015-16 season 2 x Men's Ranking Event winner Q school 2015 finalist, Shanghai masters round 2, Pink ribbon 2015 last 16, Gloucester Last 64 Paul hunter classic 2014. 2014 Runner up Welsh amateur championships 2013 World team championships semi finals. Home internationals winner Played worldwide: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, (each is country wide), Europe Far and middle East, Egypt Malta, Cyprus, Albania to name but a few Before we go into the rollo delivery, we must be very clear about what the Cursillo weekend is and what its goals are. I included eating because it is an important part of our religion—the table was a privileged place where the followers of Jesus met. The early Christian gave the bread/wine ritual at the table as the “breaking of the bread.” In the Acts of the Apostles we find powerful witness concerning the first Christians, that: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers…. Day by day they spend much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home…” (Acts 2:42, 46) Later in the Acts, Luke mentions that: “On the first day of the week, when we meet to break bread, Paul was holding a discussion with them; since he intended to leave the next day” (20:7). At the end of Luke’s Gospel, on the road to Emmaus, the two disciples told the apostles “what happened on the road, and how Jesus had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread. (24:35). Finals Hurgada, Egypt 2017
What exposure will you receive? World wide exposure through European and International games via Television and radio Exposure on Social Internet –Twitter, Facebook etc You Tube coverage of key games, giving on going worldwide additional coverage – leading to millions of views Extensive exposure in prominent locations around the UK, particularly Wales Get your company’s logo shown in some of the worlds most prominent sporting venues! THIS COULD BE YOUR LOGO!! AND HERE !! x Logos will appear on waistcoat front, professional polo shirt (arm and front) sweat shirts cue cases,