Our aim To produce excellent doctors who: are compassionate and skilled practitioners provide safe, individualised care based on a sound knowledge of health, disease and society work in a professional manner are equipped to work as part of, and to lead a multi-professional health care team are prepared for on-going professional and personal development and, through this, are able to adapt to future developments in practice are well prepared to succeed in their medical career
Teaching Methods Medical Course: Your choice! Traditional (Oxford, Cambridge, some London) Problem solving (Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester, UEA) Integrated (Newcastle, Sheffield, Southampton etc)
Teaching Methods Features of the Newcastle Course- “Blended” approach: Case-led approach Early patient contact Early clinical and communication skills Development of professional identity Mixed teaching approach- small/ large group, face to face, e- learning and guided self-study Academic mentorship
Case-led approach Case presentation Supported by bespoke virtual learning environment Learn about the patient journey Holistic approach. Not just physiology, pathology, signs and symptoms etc, but understanding your patients and how to best care for them Application of knowledge and skills and development of clinical reasoning
Early patient contact Patient involvement in classroom teaching e.g. clinical skills, communication skills and lectures/seminars Hospital visits General Practice visits Community agency visits Early Clinical Experience bank of opportunities to choose from
Clinical Skills developed from Year 1 Early Clinical Skills Clinical Skills developed from Year 1 First learn how to take blood from an arm trainer Select a good friend with a good vein
Developing skills competence with safe simulation
Academic mentors Academic mentors review and support your progress throughout each year One-to-one face-to-face meetings, including an end of year appraisal Assist in identifying areas of relative strength, areas in need of improvement and creation of personal development plans Point of contact for support and guidance
The early years of the course
MBBS MBBS @ Newcastle Based in Newcastle (Medical School) 5-years (A100N) Year 1 Graduate entry 4-years (A101) Year 1 Based in Newcastle (Medical School) Year 2 Year 3 Year 2 Clinical placements in north of England (Base Units) Year 4 Year 3 A100 318 places A101 25 places TOTAL 343 Year 5 Year 4 MBBS
Year 1 & 2 “Essentials of Medical Practice” Foundation A101 is delivered in same way, just over one extended academic year Delivery structured around a series of clinical cases & Early clinical & community experience Transition to Clinically Based Practise
Integrated Medical Practice Medicine, Surgery & Acute Care Year 3: “Clinically Based Practise” Integrated Medical Practice Placements in Medicine, Surgery & Acute Care SSC 1 Integrated Clinical Placement Child & Adolescent Health Integrated Clinical Placement Women’s Health Integrated Clinical Placement Mental Health
Medical & Surgical Clinical Placements Year 4: “Complexity in Medical Practise: Continuity, Co-morbidity & Context” SSC 2 Clinical Reasoning Medical & Surgical Clinical Placements Long Term Conditions Elective
(Medicine, Surgery & Primary Care) Year 5: “Transition to Medical Practitioner” Assistantship Child & Adolescent Health Assistantship Primary Care Preparing to Practise Assistantship Mental Health Assistantship Women’s Health Critical Care Senior Assistantship (Medicine, Surgery & Primary Care) Graduation
Regional Medical School: Base Units
Regional Medical School: General Practice Northumbria TYNE TEES WEAR
Regional Medical School: Distributed delivery of learning University Academic Educational Resource Centres Base Unit Key: AHT: Acute Hospital NHS Trust GP: General Practice MHT: Mental Health NHS Trust Com: other community & voluntary organisations Com GP AHT Base Unit Constituents MHT
Student choice Student Selected Components (SSCs) Year 3 & Year 4 Elective Summer between Year 4 & 5 Intercalated degrees BSc or Masters level
Student support Academic guidance Academic mentor Bespoke virtual learning environment Learning outcomes Study Skills Adviser Non-academic support Peer mentors Senior tutor for support Academic mentors and other staff