An Introduction to the SCQF


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Presentation transcript:

An Introduction to the SCQF Welcome An Introduction to the SCQF Helen Murdoch, Development Officer

Activity 1

How many notional hours does 1 credit equate to? 10

A National 5 qualification takes 240 hours to complete A National 5 qualification takes 240 hours to complete. How many credit points does this qualification have? 24

No. The credit value remains unchanged Does a Higher qualification at an A pass have a different SCQF credit value than C pass? No. The credit value remains unchanged

Apart from SQA and HE qualifications can you name another two qualifications on the Framework? ECDL Highland Dance Graded Exam Duke of Edinburgh Leadership Awards King George VI Leadership (Boys Brigade) AAT Diploma Teaching in Colleges Today (CDN)

Name three types of qualification at SCQF level 7 HNC Advanced Higher Certificate of HE SVQ 3 Scottish Baccalaureate

What kind of organisations can make decisions about level and credit and put things on the SCQF? Credit Rating Bodies

Approximately, how many learning programmes are there on the SCQF? 2200 (b) 6200 (c) 11200 11,200

Aims of the SCQF Assists people of all ages and circumstances to access appropriate education and training over their lifetime to fulfil their personal, social and economic potential; Enables employers, learners and the public in general to understand the full range of Scottish qualifications and how they relate to each other. Provides a Framework which can support the aims of fair work and social justice by ensuring it provides tools and resources which can recognise prior learning, support progression and improve social inclusion. Access education and training Understand education and training Support aims of fair work and social justice

SCQF Partnership SCQFP Chair Rob Wallen Established November 2006 QAA Scotland College Development Network Scottish Qualifications Authority Universities Scotland Co-opted Director representing employers SCQFP Chair Rob Wallen Established November 2006 Company Ltd by Guarantee Registered Charity in Scotland SCQF Partnership The SCQF is in the custody of, and managed by the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Partnership (SCQF Partnership). Since its creation in November 2006 the SCQF Partnership, has aimed to: • ensure that, where appropriate, all assessed learning and qualifications in Scotland are included within the Framework and extend the recognition of informal and non formal learning; • fully develop and promote the Framework as a Lifelong Learning tool; • develop relationships with other frameworks internationally. 5 partners QAA, CDN, SQA, Universities Scotland and a co-opted Director representing employers. Rob Wallen is the independent chair. 12

For many people this is what the SCQF is, this image of the framework. This version shows the traditional mainstream qualifications available in Scotland in terms of school, college, higher education and work based learning. As you can see there are 12 levels in the framework, Each level is described by a set of level descriptors. As the level increases the learning becomes more challenging. Level 7 highlights the different qualifications available, they all meet the level 7 descriptors although the volume of learning undertaken to gain each one may differ. Many people think of the framework diagram the way you would a map, allowing to help orientate themselves in terms of the education landscape, wherever they are. Like any map, this is not a comprehensive view - there are a multitude of learning programmes which sit on the SCQF which are not signposted on this version. Not all learning programmes delivered in Scotland are on the framework – there is no obligation. There are clear and widely recognised benefits to having a learning programme credit rated and included on the SCQF – there are currently 280 different programme owners. To put it another way, there are 280 organisations who have decided to have their learning programmes credit rated. The SCQF is about bringing a parity of esteem to learning whatever its context. Recall point about level 7.

The Framework by numbers… 11,200 qualifications/learning programmes 54 organisations (known as Credit Rating Bodies) have the authority to place qualifications on the SCQF 280 different organisations own these qualifications 850 other qualifications in addition to SQA, university degree, and SVQ qualifications are now on the SCQF 1,300 programmes at SCQF Level 11 that are not Masters Degrees 11 members of staff on the SCQF Executive Team

Descriptive framework What it is Descriptive framework Brings together the main Scottish academic and vocational qualification systems into a single, unified framework Provides a national vocabulary for describing all kinds of learning; formal, non-formal and informal What it is NOT A regulated Framework Owned by Government or any single sector or stakeholder Means to `force’ convergence between sectors Intended to prescribe internal organisation/shape of learning programmes development of progression routes, minimising duplication of learning, Allows credit transfer, Clarifies relationships between different kinds of learning – important for recognising different qualifications and the recognition of prior learning

SCQF Criteria A learning programme must be: Based on learning outcomes Formally assessed Quality assured Be at least 10 notional learning hours (1 Credit) in size The SCQF is one of the most inclusive Frameworks in the world. For learning provision to be levelled and credited on the SCQF it needs to have: Clear learning outcomes Be quality assured Be formally assessed Contain at least 10 hours of learning (the equivalent of 1 SCQF credit point) Credit can often be transferred between courses for instance, someone who has an HND in Business Management could progress onto a degree in Business Management and some of the credit points gained from the HND could be used towards the degree which may result in the student completing the degree more quickly but we will talk more about recognition of prior learning later. However, it is important to remember that it remains the decision of the receiving institution as to how much credit can be granted for previous learning. 16

Criteria are applied by SCQF ‘Credit Rating Body’ Credit Rating Bodies: Universities Colleges SQA Scottish Police College City & Guilds Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland Institute of Counselling Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - TED

Guidance Documents One set of guidance for all programmes and all sectors 25 key principles

The SCQF Handbook Organised around five themes: Learning Arrangements Credit Rating Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Quality Assurance Third Party Credit Rating 25 cross-cutting principles summarising key information for users. Extensive guidance on credit rating process and clear signposting of other relevant information within each theme

SCQF Level Descriptors Fundamental building blocks of the SCQF Same level descriptors are used by all sectors For learning that is academic, vocational, non-formal or informal Provide a common vocabulary across Scotland Generic in nature Used in all credit rating . Fundamental building blocks of the SCQF Same level descriptors are used by all sectors For learning that is academic, vocational, non formal or informal Formal learning – provided by an education or training institute. Non formal/informal – learning resulting from daily life activities related to work, family and leisure. Provides a common vocabulary across Scotland Generic in nature Used in all credit rating

SCQF Level Descriptors Level 1 is an all inclusive statement Emphasises participation, experiential learning and basic achievements Levels 2-12 have 5 characteristics: Knowledge & understanding Practice General cognitive skills Communication, IT & numeracy Autonomy & working with others Level 1 is an all inclusive statement emphasises participation, experiential learning and basic achievements. Level 2 -12 have 5 characteristics: Knowledge and understanding Practice General cognitive skills Communication, IT and numeracy Autonomy & working with others

Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL Basics Based on assumption that people learn from informal and non-formal settings as well as formal settings Different terms used to refer to recognition of prior learning Allows recognition of learning based on life experiences Always includes use of SCQF Level Descriptors Some learners might be aiming eventually to undertake a formal programme of learning at a college or university or as part of workplace learning so they might be seeking SCQF credit. Others might simply want to benchmark their skills and learning gained through experience as part of their personal development or for career planning. READ THE SLIDE. Using RPL for the recognition of non-formal and informal learning involves a review of past experiences, so learners reflect on their experience and then express what these experiences have taught them. RPL is a process through which learning gained from experience can be recognised and used

RPL Definition “RPL is the process for recognising learning that has come from experience and / or previous formal, non-formal and informal learning contexts. This includes knowledge and skills gained within school, college and university and outside formal learning situations such as through life and work experiences” The SCQF Partnership established an RPL Network some years ago and in order to be clear on the boundaries and because of the various names and understanding of RPL we agreed that the first thing we needed was a definition of RPL and this is it. Make the point that it is not “Recognition” until a decision is made regarding the learning, whether that is informal mapping to the Framework or the award of formal credit.

Key Features of RPL systems Map learning to the SCQF using Level Descriptors Identification of learning pathways Support for learners in transition from informal to formal learning Monitoring process for RPL Integration within the overall QA systems Just before I talk about the types of RPL I think it’s useful just to quickly outline the key features. Read first 3 bullets There is no restriction on the type of experience that can provide someone with knowledge and skills – even negative experiences might have led someone to learn something about themselves. RPL is about recognising that all experiences can provide a basis for learning But we also need to consider Read final 2 bullets So RPL can be used by a wide range of people either to help them re-enter learning or to contribute towards a programme of learning.

Core principles Recognition is given for the learning that has resulted from experience (i.e. not the experience itself); RPL processes should be: learner-focused; accessible to all; flexible; reliable, transparent and consistent RPL can be used for personal and career development, to gain entry to a qualification or learning programme or for the award of SCQF Credit Points. However, all RPL provision whether for personal/career development or for credit, should be underpinned by the SCQF RPL Core Principles Read slide RPL should be a gateway and not a barrier to learning. The aim of the SCQF RPL Core Principles is to ensure that there is effective, quality-assured practice that will enable users of the SCQF to have confidence in the outcomes of RPL.

Uses of RPL within the context of SCQF Formative = based on informal process of benchmarking against SCQF level descriptors – no formal assessment, no certificate – designed to aid planning and progression Summative = based on process involving formal assessment of evidence and awarding of SCQF credit points – certificated achievement RPL can be used for formative recognition and summative recognition Summative – formal assessment, certificated Formative – no formal assessment, benchmarking The key message is that the recognition is for the learning gained, not just for the experience of learning. The process of recognising prior learning in practice involves working with learners to help them identify what they have learned from their experiences of, for example, non formal and informal learning.

Credit transfer Term used in many institutions for actual credit given for summative recognition in a specific programme or entry requirement Learner gains credit points for their learning which has been assessed and quality assured Institution allows those credit points to count as full or part credit towards a new qualification (i.e. credit is transferred between the qualification achieved already and the qualification yet to be gained) = only the amount of credit that an institution recognises and allows to be used towards a new qualification Run through the definitions as per slide. Stress the point that the extent to which the transfer of credit is allowed is the decision of the receiving institution. There is no automatic entitlement to credit transfer. Specific credit

RPL On-line Guide generic guidance for use by learning and training providers, employers and HR personnel as well as learners themselves includes how the SCQF can help in recognising learning Online RPL Guide There is a section on the SCQF website relating to RPL which contains a lot of useful information and resources, including an on-line toolkit, the link is shown on the slide.

How does SCQF support Widening Access? Activity How does SCQF support Widening Access?

Helps learners plan their learning journey Helps people understand the level of learning they have achieved Promotes different learning routes Can help re-engage learners Recognition of all learning to help build confidence and self esteem

Framework is the tool which allows the recognition of all learning achieved by individuals RPL toolkit can help learners and organisations better understand and facilitate RPL Help support flexible transitions for learners Reduce duplication of learning

Support from SCQF Range of workshops  Intro to RPL  RPL in Sectors SCQF for Careers, Info & Guidance Staff Range of resources on SCQF website

Any Questions?

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