Latitude and Longitude
Latitude, which gives the location of a place north or south of the equator, is expressed by angular measurements ranging from 0° at the equator to 90° at the poles.
Latitude Lines Imaginary lines that run east to west around the globe Measure degrees north and south of the Equator
The imaginary line at 0° latitude The Equator The imaginary line at 0° latitude
Helpful Hint The steps of a ladder- ladder sounds like latitude- make the latitude lines.
Each degree of latitude and longitude is divided into 60 minutes, and each minute divided into 60 seconds, thereby allowing the assignment of a precise numerical location to any place on earth.
Longitude Lines Imaginary lines that run from the north pole to the south pole Measure degrees east and west of the Prime Meridian
Lines of longitude run north and south along the surface of the earth Lines of longitude run north and south along the surface of the earth. Mapmakers think of the earth as a huge globe that is divided into 360 equal slices. The lines between the slices on the outside of the globe are called meridians. Meridians are the main lines of longitude on maps.
The imaginary line at 0° longitude The Prime Meridian The imaginary line at 0° longitude
Although the equator was an obvious choice as the prime parallel, being the largest, no one meridian was uniquely qualified as prime. Until a single prime meridian could be agreed upon, each nation was free to choose its own, with the result that many 19th-century maps of the world lacked a standardized grid.
The problem was resolved in 1884, when an international prime meridian, passing through London's Greenwich Observatory, was officially designated.
Helpful Hint: If you stretch your body out as LONG as you can make it- this is a longitude line…
How to Read Latitude and Longitude If you know the latitude and longitude of a place, put one finger on the line of longitude and another on the line of latitude. Bring your fingers together until they meet.
Calculating Latitude and Longitude Always calculate Latitude First North and South of the Equator Then calculate Longitude East and West of the Prime Meridian
It helps to make a map North East North West South West South East Prime Meridian Equator South West South East
Let’s Sing!
Latitude and Longitude Song (sung to The Wheels on the Bus tune) I'm climbing the Ladder of Latitudes, latitudes, latitudes, latitudes, latitudes, latitudes I'm climbing the ladder of latitudes, all around the world. ( Pretend to be climbing a ladder)
2nd Verse Longitude It's a LONG LONG way from pole to pole, pole to pole, pole to pole It's a LONG LONG way from pole to pole, so we call those LONGITUDES. (We stretch our arms from up to down to indicate going from pole to pole.)