Five Geographic Themes; Location Geographic Location August 10-11, 2016
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message for August 10, 2016: We begin Social Studies with understanding how geographers describe location by use of Hemispheres, Latitude & Longitude, Equator, Prime Meridian, and the use of Maps. Standard: Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development. E. Q. for Wednesday, August 10, 2016: What are the two ways that geographers describe location? Warm-Up: Describe where the City of Atlanta is to someone who has never been there using relative location.
Answers E.Q. Answers for Wednesday August 10, 2016: Absolute location & Relative location Warm-Up Answer: North America United States Southeast region of U.S. State of Georgia North Central Georgia
Geographic Location The two ways geography describes location are; Relative location describes a place in comparison to other places around it. Absolute location is the exact place on earth where a geographic location, such as a city is found.
Geographic Location Relative Location Relative location describes where a place is in relation to its surrounding environment. For example, you may tell a person that the library is three blocks west of the park.
Geographic Location Absolute Location To describe absolute location, geography uses a grid system of imaginary lines for precisely locating places on the earth’s surface. ~Hemispheres ~Equator ~Prime Meridian ~Latitude Lines ~Longitude Lines
Geographic Location Earth is divided into two equal halves. Each half of the globe is called a hemisphere. Because the earth is round, a hemisphere can be north and south, or east and west.
Geographic Location The equator is the imaginary line that divides the north and south halves (hemispheres). The prime meridian is the imaginary line dividing the east and west (hemispheres). (Sometime this is called the Greenwich meridian because it runs through the town of Greenwich, England.)
FIRST FIVE Agenda Message for Thursday August 11, 2016: Homework due Friday: Draw a globe using graph paper. Draw and label North, South, East, & West, Equator, Prime Meridian, Latitude lines & longitude lines. Standard: Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development. E. Q. for Thursday; August 11, 2016: What are the imaginary lines called that run parallel to the equator? Warm-Up: Describe where Douglasville is located to someone who has never been here, using Relative Location.
Answers E.Q. Answers for August 11, 2016: Latitude lines Warm-Up Answer: North America United States State of Georgia West of City of Atlanta
Geographic Location Latitude Lines To locate places north or south, geography uses a set of imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator. These lines are called latitude lines. The equator is labeled as the zero-degree line for latitude.
Geographic Location Latitude Lines cont. Lines north of the equator are called “north latitude lines” and lines south of the equator are called “south latitude lines”.
Geographic Location Longitude Lines To complete the grid system, geography uses a set of imaginary lines that go around the earth over the north and south poles. These lines are called longitude lines, and mark positions in the east-west hemisphere. The prime meridian is the zero-degree line for longitude. Just as the equator is the zero-degree line for latitude.
Geographic Location Each site on the earth can have only “one” absolute location. To find an absolute (or “precise”) location using the grid system, you need to find the point where the latitude and longitude lines cross.
Geographic Location Absolute Location (cont.) When describing Absolute location geographers use latitude and longitude. Latitude is always the first value expressed and longitude is always the second value. Example: 300 S/100E: would read 30 degrees South latitude and 10 degrees East longitude
Geographic Location Vocabulary Words for Location Absolute location Relative location Hemisphere Prime meridian Latitude line Longitude line Equator
Latitude & Longitude Practice Write out the following absolute locations: 20o N/50o E 30o N/60o E 40o N/40o E 20o N/80o E 40o N/100o E 30o N/70o E 30o S/10oE 0o/30o E
Five Geographic Themes; Maps August12, 2016
First Five Agenda Message: This week’s E.Q.’s & Warm-Ups are due Monday. Go to the schools website for the answers. 20 Question Vocabulary Quiz is Friday 8/19/16. Standard: Location affects a society’s economy, culture, and development. E. Q. for Friday, August 12, 2016: Identify the main benefit of maps and list four elements of a map, which are necessary in order to be able to read and understand them. Warm-Up: 400 North Latitude is in which hemisphere? 800 West Longitude is in which hemisphere?
Answers E.Q. Answers for Friday August 12, 2016: Maps are Portable Map Title, Map Legend, Scale, Compass Ross, Latitude Lines, Longitude Lines, Colors, Symbols, Grid Warm-Up Answer: Northern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere
Maps A globe is a three-dimensional representation of the earth. It provides a way to view the earth as it travels through space. But since the earth is round, we can see only one- half of it at any time. As a result, for some tasks, globes are not very practical because they are not portable.
Maps People prefer to use maps, which are two-dimensional graphic representations of selected parts of the earth’s surface. The advantage of maps is that they are portable. The disadvantage of maps is that distortions occur in flattening the earth’s surface to create the map.
Maps Reading a Map Most maps have the following elements, which are necessary to read and understand them. Map Title: The title explains the subject of the map and gives you an idea of what information the map conveys.
Maps Compass Rose: The compass rose shows you the north (N), south (S), east (E), and west (W) directions on the map. (It may also show intermediate directions such as NW, NE, SW, and SE.) Map Labels: Labels are words or phrases that explain features on the map. Examples include names of countries, oceans, seas, rivers, etc.