Sustainable Development, Resilience & Risk Management Enhancing Effectiveness Sustainable Development, Resilience & Risk Management | RCO Workshop | 6 Sep 2016 | Nairobi
A changing environment Intensifying disaster trends & more frequent events - Climate change [extreme events, slow onset disasters] Resource scarcity and degradation (land, water, food, energy, biodiversity) Increasing risk of “unchecked” urbanization coupled with high exposure of population and assets in high risk areas. Increasing governance challenges Equity, poverty, inclusion – all being fundamental development challenges contributing to vulnerability Inter-dependency and complexity of risk drivers
Disaster Impact – Year 2015 Global impact: Impact in Africa: 346 disasters 22,773 deaths 98.6 million affected 27.8 million people displaced: 70% due to disasters Impact in Africa: 120 disasters 4,544 deaths 28.3 million affected Global economic losses from disasters are an average of US$250 billion to US$300 billion annually
POST-2015 GLOBAL FRAMEWORKS Paris Agreement Dec 2015 SDGs Sep 2015 Sendai Framework March 2015 Addis Ababa Action Agenda July 2015 HABITAT-III Oct 2016 World Humanitarian Summit Apr 16
Sustainable Development Goals
UNDG Commitment to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
UNDG Strategic Actions Greater coherence among UN’s development, humanitarian, human rights and peace-building agendas Risk-informed and evidence-based practices Coordination, coherence and integration High performing and common business operations Developing partnership and joint funding approaches Leadership Mainstreaming, Acceleration & Policy Support (MAPS) Accountability for inter-agency approaches and agreements Agency and UNDG-CEB programming and operations
Programming Principles Core Programming Principles Key Enablers 1. Human rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment Risk management 2. Sustainable development and resilience Policy coherence 3. Leave no one behind Coherence across the Charter 4. Accountability Partnerships
Sustainable Development, Resilience and Risk Management
Sustainability and Resilience Maximizing the efficiency of the system and reducing its impact on the environment Resilience Balancing efficiency with redundancy of the system to withstand impacts from the environment Source:
Uncovering Sustainable Development & Resilience Hazard Exposure Vulnerability Preparedness -- SPRING-BACK -- Resilience ensures that shocks and stresses do not roll back development gains
Making Development Sustainable Development that does not take risks into account, cannot be sustained, nor is it sustainable… A system that is effective in managing risk is likely to become more resilient to shocks and stresses
Linking Sustainability & Resilience Risk Management
Can disasters be prevented? Cyclones in Orissa (India) Earthquake Impact: 2015-16 (Magnitude 7.0 and above) Country Mortality New Zealand Ecuador 673 Japan 40 Tajikistan 2 Peru Afghanistan 398 Nepal 9,236 Chile 14
Risk Management Risk Governance Risk Management Investment External Internal Governance Risk Management Investment Risk Knowledge Risk Information Awareness Address Risk Prevention Mitigation Transfer Accept or Avoid Prepare Early warning Contingency planning Recover Rehabilitate Reconstruct Build Back Better DISASTER
SDGs & Disaster Risk Reduction 1 2 3 4 6 9 11 13 14 15
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
Sendai Framework: Goal Focus on preventing new risks and reducing existing disaster risks Calls various measures to prevent and reduce hazard exposure and vulnerability, increase preparedness and recovery PREVENTION REDUCTION HAZARD EXPOSURE VULNERABILITY PREPAREDNESS RESILIENCE
Sendai Priorities for Action 1. Understanding Disaster Risk GLOBAL& REGIONAL 2. Strengthen Risk Governance 3. Investing in DRR for resilience NATIONAL & LOCAL 4. Preparedness for Response, Recovery & Reconstruction
Making UNDAFs Risk-Informed UNDAF Roadmap Envisage risk assessments required to implement the roadmap Common Country Analysis Identify risks to achievement of the 2030 Agenda in the country, and risk management strategies to address the risks Strategic Priority Areas – Theory of Change Outline risks and assumptions underlying ToC Results Matrix / M&E Risks and assumptions Risk Register (?) Identified risks, agreed actions, lessons learnt from mitigation actions
DRR & Resilience in the UN System UN Plan of Action on DRR for Resilience Endorsed by the CEB, April 2016 Three Commitments Strengthen system-wide coherence through a risk-informed and integrated approach Deliver coordinated and high-quality support to countries on DRR Disaster risk reduction remains a strategic priority for UN organizations 11 Results
Thanks for your attention! Thanks for your attention! 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction | 22-26 May 2017 | Cancun, Mexico |