1 2 3 4 Get Microsoft Mouse Mischief READ THIS SLIDE FIRST (This is a hidden slide and will not appear in the slide show) This presentation requires Microsoft Mouse Mischief. Mouse Mischief lets students use computer mice to answer questions and participate in activities teachers create in PowerPoint presentations. To learn more, visit www.microsoft.com/mousemischief Get Microsoft Mouse Mischief 1 Download and Install Download and install the Mouse Mischief add-in. Copy and paste www.microsoft.com/mousemischief into your browser window to visit the site. 2 Restart PowerPoint After installation is complete, restart PowerPoint. 3 Create Use the Mouse Mischief features on the Multiple-Mouse tab. 4 Play Slide Show To play a multiple-mouse slide show (such as this file), click the Play Slide Show button. The Microsoft® Mouse Mischief™ add-in works with Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 or Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007.
Latitude and Longitude Using the Global Grid
What are latitude and longitude? Latitude and Longitude are imaginary lines that we use to identify places on a map or a globe.
What are latitude and longitude? You use latitude and longitude to say where something is, such as a city or a mountain. 084W 086W 082W 088W 090W 42N 44N 46N
Parallels of Latitude Equator: 0° Latitude measures angular distance North or South of the Earth’s Equator, in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Latitude is represented by horizontal lines on a map. The Earth’s Equator is zero (0°) degrees latitude, the North Pole is 90 degrees North latitude, and the South Pole is 90 degrees South latitude. North Pole: 90° North Other parallels of latitude Equator: 0°
Lines of Longitude Longitude measures angular distance East and West, in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Longitude is represented by vertical lines on a map. Long ago, people agreed to use the line of longitude that runs through Greenwich, England, as zero degrees (0°). All other lines of longitude are either East or West of 0°, and go to 180° in each direction. Lines of longitude are like sections of an orange; they meet at the poles. Longitude lines meet at the North and South poles 0° longitude
What are the red lines on this map called? Latitude Longitude
What are the red lines on this map called? Latitude Longitude
What do we call 0° latitude? North Pole Equator South Pole
Through what city does 0° longitude pass? Tokyo, Japan New York, NY, USA Greenwich, England
On the map below, a mountain is located near 33°30’ North latitude and 133°00’ East longitude. The red dot shows where it is. 33°00’N 33°30’N 34°00’N 134E 00’ 133E 00’ 133E 30’ 132E 30’ 132E 00’
On the map below, draw dots at these locations: 34° North latitude and 133° East longitude 33° North latitude and 133° East longitude 33°30’ North latitude and 132°30’ East longitude 33°00’N 33°30’N 34°00’N 134E 00’ 133E 00’ 133E 30’ 132E 30’ 132E 00’