Leadership: The Basic Concept


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Presentation transcript:

Leadership: The Basic Concept Andreasta Meliala, dr., DPH., Mkes., MAS Leadership: The Basic Concept

Overview Leadership is one of the most highly valued management abilities Leadership is the process through which an individual attempts to intentionally influence another individual or a group in order to accomplish a goal.

Dinamika Lingkungan Rumah Sakit Regulator Client Globalisasi Rumah Sakit Competitor Supplier

Masalah Pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Regulasi ketat Biaya mahal Rumah Sakit Akses sulit Kompetisi Kental 4 D meningkat Harapan tinggi

Masalah Mikro di Rumah Sakit Standar tidak jelas Infeksi Nosokomial Rumah Sakit Perilaku tak terkendali Regulasi internal tidak efektif Sumberdaya terbatas Piutang Besar

Teori Leadership/Kepemimpinan Kreitner Hersey & Blanchard Genetic approach & Traits Behaviour apporach Ohio Group Managerial grid (Blake & Mouton)

Leadership Podsakof , 1990 Leadership adalah kemampuan pemimpin mengenali waktu kebutuhan untuk melakukan perubahan, mengidentikasi arah perubahan, mengkomunikasikan stategi perubahan kepada orang2 dalam organisasi terutama yang mendukung terjadinya perubahan. Memberdayakan mereka untuk melakukan perubahan dan memfasilitasi upaya pencapaian tujuan perubahan

NHS perspective on Leadership Sir Kenneth Calman, 1991-1998 Leadership requires knowing where you want to go, taking pople with you, giving sufficient time and energy dan make it happen

Kepemimpinan bukan pemberian, tetapi dapat dipelajari Tidak ada yang salah dengan salah satu gaya kepemimpinan. Efektifitas kepemimpinan tergantung pada kebutuhan dan situasi

Organizational Life Cycle & Leadsership

Leadership Core concepts Is a Process, an action word, not a noun Locus of leadership is in a person Focus of leadership is other individuals and groups Influence is leadership’s center of gravity

Key points of Leadership Leadership is Multidirectional. Although its multidirectional, Leadership focus on the downward. The focus is generally other managers; Managers lead other managers. Leadership depends on the power associated.

Leadership effectiveness and Success: What We know Perspectives of Leadership : The Trait perspective The Behavioral perspective The Contingency Perspective

Emerging Theories & Concepts Transactional Leadership Concerned with changes than exchanges. Seeking to alter both the objective and nature of manager-follower interactions, lead by empowering. Charismatic Leadership Distinct social relationship between the leader and follower, in which the leader presents the revolutionary idea & Follower accepts the idea not by rationally, but by believes

High Performance leadership, Depends on : Systems Thinking, Mastering a conceptual framework and associated set of analytical tools or technique which allow us to understand these patterns and how they can be changed. Visioning Effective managers lead by pulling, not pushing Facilitating learning Organizations and the environments in which they operate are not static. Changes tends to revolutionary than evolutionary

Distinctive aspect of leadership in health services organizations Leading the Clinical Professionals Leadership and Gender in Health Services Organizations

LEADERSHIP Intelligent Credibility Humanity Discipline SUN TZU SUN TZU

Leadership & Organization (The Two Dynamic Things) Organization as ARENA for various power and influence to interact LEADER AGREEMENT LEGITIMATE LEADERSHIP Organization as ORGAN/TOOLS to achieve a set of objective Human related Organization Culture OBJECTIVE Organization as a system

LEADERS & MANAGERS Warren Bennis Leaders Managers Innovate Administer Develop Inspire Long-Term View Ask What and Why Originate Challenge the Status Quo Do the Right Things Managers Administer Maintain Control Short-Term View Ask How and When Initiate Accept the Status Quo Do the Things Right Warren Bennis

Managers do the things right Leaders do the right things “DO THE RIGHT THING IN THE RIGHT WAY” Warren Bennis It is inseparable and indifferent between managers and leaders. Supposedly, Managers = Leaders Leaders must perform management Managers must own leadership

An Interactional Framework for Analyzing Leadership Leadership Context Personality Position Expertise, Etc An Interactional Framework for Analyzing Leadership Values Norms Cohesiveness, Etc Task Stress Environment, Etc Situation Followers

EMOTIONAL RELATION BETWEEN LEADERS AND FOLLOWERS Common fate/condition Common objective Common enemy Charisma Trust etc

LEADERS To change perception & meaning To state VISION that can be well understood and followed (shared vision) To change mindset To create SITUATION / environment that allows the organization to move upwards (benchmarking) Make “CHANGE”

AN ORGANIZATION WILL NEVER RISE ABOVE THE QUALITY OF ITS LEADERSHIP COX & HOOVER An organization with poor leadership will never become a good (effective) organization

Success Without Leadership B T Y 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 E F F E C T I V E N E S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Success Dedication John Macarthur

Imagination is more important than knowledge The first task of a leader is to define reality and then imagination Imagination is more important than knowledge Albert Einstein

DREAMING Dreams make difference Dreamless society is meaningless Dream and the dream to achieve something is a way to move forward and make change

Dream Imagination Inspiring Vision Shared Vision Mission Strategy Critical Success Factors (CSf) Objective Goals Targets

LEARNING ORGANIZATION THROUGH System Thinking Personal Mastery Mental Model Shared Vision Team Learning Peter Senge In the learning organization, the role of leaders and their leaderships are very significant.

Success With Leadership B T Y 10 9 8 7 6 5 E F F E C T I V E N E S S I N C R E A S E S 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Success Dedication John Macarthur

LEADERSHIP CAN BE LEARNED & TAUGHT There are 2 distinct opinions on leadership: whether it is a birth talent (given) or it is possible to be learned & taught. Although it may be easier for the talented, but leadership can be learned/taught/trained.

Leadership is both rational and emotional Leadership is science and arts The important of arts is sometimes can not be explained

organisasi Analisis Sistem Manajamen Klinik Man Money Material Method Manajemen Administrasi L E A D R S H I P Man Money Material Method Machine Performance organisasi Eksplorasi Evaluasi Intervensi Development Kultur & behavior

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