The Wharfedale Vineyard – Bible - Microsoft Internet Explorer Fall of Jerusalem Primeval history Laws Israel’s history Saul David Solomon… Exile in Babylon Genesis – Ex 20 Ex Lev Num Deut Josh Jud Ruth 1 Sam 2 Sam 1 Kings 2 Kings Ezra Nehemiah Esther 1 Chr 2 Chronicles Creation Wisdom Writings Major prophets Suffering servant The Son of Man Job Job Psalms Prov Eccles Song Is Jer Lam Ezek Is Jer Daniel How to: Suffer Praise Act Enjoy Love The Spirit Minor prophets Hos Joel Amos Obad Jonah Mic Nah Hab Zeph Jonah Zech Mal Haggai Writing to Jews So that you may believe Gospels: Jesus Letters by Paul Matt Mark Luke John Acts Acts Rom 1 Cor 2 Cor Gal Eph Phil Cor 1 Thess 2 Thess 2 Thess 1 Tim 2 Tim Tit Phil Heb James 1 Pet 2 Pet 1 Jn 2 Jn 3 Jn Jude Revelation Revelation Racy narrative Doctor: Accurate facts The early church Letters by others End of the age Relates OT to NT
Reminders about God’s covenant. Start here: Mark (the life of Jesus) Acts (the early church) Genesis (how it all began) 2 Samuel (King David) Narrative Great stories Top level: God’s plan through all history Middle level: Israel Jesus Church Lowest level: Story of individuals 40% of the Hebrew Scriptures Illustrate truth but don’t teach directly Letters to early Christians mostly dealing with problems and explaining about Jesus. Very useful to help us understand and work out how to live our lives Letters Three types of rules: Israelite civic laws (don’t apply to us) Israelite ritual laws (don’t apply to us) Ethical laws (do apply to us – usually appear in the new testament as well) Start here: 1 Corinthians 15 Galatians The Bible Law Apocalypse Start here: Exodus 19 and 20 Start here: Revelation 21 Prophecy The end of the age. Complicated symbols and images. Hard to understand. Very dramatic Start here: Isaiah 40 to 66 Wisdom Two simple patterns: Turn from your sin or face ten curses (death, disease, drought, dearth, danger, destruction, defeat, deportation, destitution, disgrace) Big with writers before the fall of Jerusalem God is love: Six blessings (life, health, prosperity, agricultural abundance, respect, safety) Big with writers after the fall of Jerusalem when the people are in exile. Start here: Proverbs 4, 10. Psalms 19, 23, 27, 51, 84, 103, 139. Job 1, 2, 38, 42 Eccles 3, 12 Teach us to worship, be honest with God, reflect and meditate Reminders about God’s covenant.