Searching for Themes in Scripture
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24)
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) v. 27, “…beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.”
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) v. 27, “…beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” vv. 44-45, “‘…all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’ Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures…”
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) Isaiah 53
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) Isaiah 53 Psalm 16 (see Acts 2:25-28)
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) Isaiah 53 Psalm 16 (see Acts 2:25-28) Jonah 1:17 (see Matthew 12:38-40)
The Road To Emmaus (Luke 24) Isaiah 53 Psalm 16 (see Acts 2:25-28) Jonah 1:17 (see Matthew 12:38-40) Genesis 40
Searching For Themes In Scripture
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism 4:1-11, testing in the wilderness
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism 4:1-11, testing in the wilderness 5:1, giving of law on a mountain
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism 4:1-11, testing in the wilderness 5:1, giving of law on a mountain Themes: Deliverance, Redemption
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism 4:1-11, testing in the wilderness 5:1, giving of law on a mountain Themes: Deliverance, Redemption Isaiah 32:1-5, 9-18
Searching For Themes In Scripture Jesus in Matthew 2-4 2:13-15, calling out of Egypt 2:16, massacre of infants 3:13-17, baptism 4:1-11, testing in the wilderness 5:1, giving of law on a mountain Themes: Deliverance, Redemption Isaiah 32:1-5, 9-18 Themes: Kingship, Healing, God’s Spirit
Searching For Themes In Scripture Bible study is about more than the gathering of mere “book knowledge” – it is about seeing & understanding God.
Searching For Themes In Scripture Bible study is about more than the gathering of mere “book knowledge” – it is about seeing & understanding God. How something is said is just as important as what is said.
Searching For Themes In Scripture Bible study is about more than the gathering of mere “book knowledge” – it is about seeing & understanding God. How something is said is just as important as what is said. Discovering themes throughout Scripture transforms the way we read the text.
Searching For Themes In Scripture Bible study is about more than the gathering of mere “book knowledge” – it is about seeing & understanding God. How something is said is just as important as what is said. Discovering themes throughout Scripture transforms the way we read the text. Seeing God’s behavior in various situations builds our faith in His character now.