Mountain View Elementary/Middle School 2014 - 2015 Monroe County Schools Opening Day Presentation August 13, 2014
WESTEST 2 Results for 2013-2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL UNION WV HAWK PRIDE Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence Results guide data desegregation for curriculum enhancement, interventions, PLC’s, and assessments. WAITING ON RESULTS
WESTEST 2 Results for 2013-2014 Mountain View Elementary and Middle School trend data (2009-2013) illustrates significant gains in Math and Reading. The trend data demonstrates a ranking advancement from the bottom 25th percentile to the top 25th percentile in the state of West Virginia.
Factors Contributing to the Success of Our Students
Instructional Practices Inventory An Increase in Student Engagement can be seen through the data collected during Instructional Practice Inventory Observations. Since 2011, we have shown an increase in all areas of student engagement.
Professional Learning Communities At Mountain View we have been participating in PLCs for five years now; following the PLC principles of DeFour. During PLC meetings teachers analyze data collected through the use of iStation, DIBELS, Acuity, WESTEST, and classroom assessments to drive the curriculum in the classroom and to identify the individual needs of students. Beginning transition into PLT’s; developing teacher leadership in research and best instructional practices.
Compelling Conversations and Assessments Teachers also participated in Compelling Conversations, where they look at Acuity Data to determine which CSOs need more focus and to look at individual student scores. Compelling Conversations helps teachers prepare students for the WESTEST. Assessments include the formative variety of teacher-made, Acuity, STAR, etc. and assessments within SPED elements.
Updated Accelerated Reading Program STAR Child takes a computer based assessment Also gives us what CSO’s they are weak in to target Gives us their reading ability and the range of books from which they can read (Zone of Proximal Development) AR Students get books within their reading range Take a test on the book to measure how well they comprehended the book Tracks their growth in reading and the books from which they are taking tests
Respect and Protect Respect and Protect is a Positive Behavior Support Program that is part of classroom management at Mt. View. * Students who maintain a Conduct Grade of 93 or Above are rewarded each nine weeks. * Students who did not earn a reward received lessons on character education.
Guidance Activities Red Ribbon Week Pennies for Patients Brail Awareness Mentoring Program and Finish Line Club Bullying Prevention through Developmental Guidance Character Education ASPEN Suicide Prevention – Grade 5 -8 Cyberbullying 8th Grade Explore – Guest Speaker Hawks Helping Hands Academic Club Mrs. Holesapple
Student Health and Fitness School Based Clinic Dental Program Healthy Hawks Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program Physical Education Activities Soccer Bowling Flag Football Wii Just Dance March Madness during NCAA Tournament
Student Activities and Clubs Music Program Mr. Jacob Lee is implementing a successful music program at Mountain View School. In addition to daily classes he conducts a Band and Choir. Clubs *Finish Line Club *Helping Hands *Girl Scouts Sports *Volleyball *Football- CONFERENCE CHAMPS *Softball *Basketball *Cheerleading
Contest Participation Battle of the Books Martin Luther King Essay and Art Contest Young Writer’s Contest Spelling Bee Science Fair INTERACTIVE VISITS FROM THE DRUG-FREE BASKETBALL ALL-STARS AND THE WVU MOUNTAINEER MASCOT
Parent & Community Involvement We maintain our high level of Parent and Community Involvement through our School Based Parent Resource Center which is directed by Toby McMahan. New Playground The new playground was dedicated in May 2013 and is open for school and public use. The project was made successful through the efforts of parents and community members.
Helping Every Hawk Soar