CSIP 2016-2017 Guidance November 2016 DRAFT 11/10/2016
Resources CSIP Calendar https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/sites/default/files/CSIPPlanCalen1617V2.pdf CSIP Documents (including Review Rubric, under Planning Resources) https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/data-management-planning-and-program-evaluation-division/planning-and-program-evaluation/cdipcsip DATA SOURCES CASCADE (District Assessments): https://assessment.jefferson.kyschools.us/ Data Management Center (Attendance, Behavior, CCR, Key Focus Areas): https://assessment.jefferson.kyschools.us/DMC/ School Report Card (Delivery Targets): http://applications.education.ky.gov/src/ Comprehensive Survey Results (Teacher, Student, Parent Perception Data): http://assessment.jefferson.kyschools.us/cssCompare/default.aspx TELL (Teacher Perception Data): https://tellkentucky.org/results
Timeline for Submission in ASSIST (https://cas. advanc-ed December 9, 2016 CSIP needs to be complete for Area Assistant Superintendents and peer review process December 14, 2016- Principal Meeting CSIP Peer-review process and Technical Assistance and Feedback December 16, 2016 1) FINAL CSIP and supporting documents need to be submitted in ASSIST and 2) KDE Title I Report- School-wide Diagnostic (Title I Schools Only) FINAL Deadline to KDE: December 29, 2016
What’s new this year for CSIP? Equitable Access Diagnostic- revised “Academic” and “Organizational” goals changed to “Type 1” and “Type 2” The required goals: Elementary – Proficiency, GAP Proficiency, and GAP Novice Reduction Middle- Proficiency*, GAP Proficiency, and GAP Novice Reduction High- Proficiency, GAP Proficiency, GAP Novice Reduction, Graduation Rate (new graduation rate of 98% by 2024), and CCR PGES not a required goal (include as a strategy under a goal/objective) *Note: Middle School used to have a College and Career Readiness (CCR) Goal in the CSIP. Not needed now as the CCR goal is the same as the Proficiency goal (Suggested label for goal: “School Name Proficiency/CCR goal”. The cut scores for proficient performance on K-PREP were linked to ACT benchmarks in 2012. Thus, students scoring at the proficient and distinguished levels on K-PREP are determined to be on track toward meeting or exceeding college benchmarks.
CSIP Required Components Overview CSIP Components Copy feature available? Purpose Format of Component Phase I: Equitable Access Diagnostic No Provides an analysis of whether students who are most at risk have access to effective educators 5 Items (2 Excel files to complete and upload to ASSIST, 2 Open-ended, 1 item to select specific CSIP strategies) The Missing Piece Response to statements on parent and community involvement in different aspects of the school 31 Items (2 Open-ended, 29 Multiple-choice) Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Yes Narratives on how stakeholders were involved in the planning process 3 Items (3 Open-ended) Phase I- Needs Assessment Reflective narratives to describe results from data analysis, areas of improvement, areas of strengths 4 Items (4 Open-ended) Goals & Plans (CSIP) Edit Option Reflects the goals, objectives, strategies, and action steps of the CSIP School-developed Phase II- KDE Assurances A series of statements to ensure certain areas of planning, assistance, and procedures have been followed. 32 Items (32 Yes/No/NA responses) Phase II- KDE Compliance and Accountability – Schools A series of statements where specific strategies from CSIP Goals are checked to ensure certain components are in the CSIP (e.g., proficiency, graduation, etc.) 9 Items (For each item, specific strategies from CSIP are selected to address the statement) Executive Summary Narratives to describe an overview of the school, its purpose, notable achievements, and areas of improvements. KDE Title I Diagnostic (Title I schools only) Additional strategies/assurances for Title I schools 53 Items (7 items to select specific CSIP goals/strategies and 46 Yes/No/NA responses)
Sample Sequence for Completing Components 1) Read all the questions/statements for each of the diagnostics. For example, understanding the questions and expectations of The Missing Piece and Improvement Plan for Stakeholder Involvement are essential to ensuring stakeholders are involved in the planning process. 2) Conduct a needs assessment by reviewing last year’s CSIP along with data analysis of key metrics. 3) Develop goals and plans for CSIP (either revising, updating, or starting new). 4) Complete the Equitable Access Diagnostic 5) Complete KDE Assurances and KDE Compliance and Accountability to ensure CSIP strategies are complete and processes were followed. 6) Complete The Missing Piece and Improvement Plan for Stakeholder Involvement 7) Revise/update/write Executive Summary 8) If Title I school, complete Title I School-wide Diagnostic report
KDE Needs Assessment Click on “Diagnostics & Surveys” tab To create a KDE Needs Assessment: Click on “Start Diagnostic” Click on “KDE Needs Assessment” in the drop down list Give it a name in the description box, we recommend “Year School KDE Needs Assessment” Click on “Start”
KDE Needs Assessment Click on section headers to enter information
KDE Needs Assessment KDE Resource document to assist with KDE Needs Assessment diagnostic: http://education.ky.gov/school/csip/Documents/CSIP-CDIP%20Effective%20Needs%20Assessment.pdf
Required CSIP Goals 2016-2017 Proficiency- All students and content areas Gap students- Proficiency Gap students- Novice Reduction CCR (for High Schools); CCR goal for Middle Schools same as Proficiency goal Graduation (for High Schools only) Other Optional goals (can be embedded as strategies): Equitable access to effective educators Instructional Resource/Textbook Program Review
Goal Components Goals – these are generally based on the long-term Delivery Targets in the School Report Card (2018-19 or 2019-2020 targets) Objectives – these are based on the 2016-2017 Delivery Targets in the School Report Card Strategies - This includes a strategy name, how the strategy will work, and research supporting the strategy (optional); must connect school strategy to a state category Activities – This includes activity name, activity type, activity description, funding source, funding amount, begin date, end date, and responsible staff. Ensure most activities are dated at least through December 2017.
Sample Structures for CSIP Goals and Objectives Example One Example 2 Proficiency Goal (All): By 2019, students will meet the 2018-2019 delivery targets. Separate objectives for content areas (reading, math, etc.) Proficiency Goal (Gap): By 2019, students in the gap group will meet their 2018-2019 delivery targets proficiency targets. Novice Reduction Goal (Gap): By May 2017, students in the gap group will meet their 2016-2017 delivery targets for novice reduction OR By 2020, students in the gap group will be reduced in Novices by 50% in Reading and Math. Separate objectives for Reading and Math Graduation Goal (for High Schools): By 2020, xx% of students will graduate. CCR Goal (for High Schools): By 2016-2017, xx% of student will be college/career ready. Reading Proficiency Goal (All): By 2019, xx% of students will be proficient in reading. Reading Proficiency Goal (Gap): By 2019, xx% of students in the gap group will be proficient in reading. Reading Gap Novice Reduction Goal: By May 2017, students in the gap group will meet their 2016-2017 delivery targets for novice reduction in reading. Math Proficiency Goal Math Gap Proficiency Goal Math Gap Novice Reduction Goal Graduation Goal CCR Goal
CSIP Goals Options Creating New Goals vs Editing Previous Goals Advantages: May be beneficial if there is: New leadership New structure New purpose/mission/vision New instructional approaches Disadvantages: In addition to new goals, new objectives, strategies, and action steps will need to be created. Advantages: Editing current goals retains the underlying objectives, strategies, and action steps (which can also be edited) Disadvantages May be difficult if to adapt/edit if substantial updates are needed
Delivery Targets – School Report Card To get the Delivery Targets for the Goal and Objective: 1st Go to the School Report Card (http://applications.education.ky.gov/SRC/Default.aspx) 2nd Go to “Delivery Targets” on the top set of tabs and then “Proficiency/Gap” on the tabs in the middle of the page 3rd Scroll to the content area you are working on. In the Green section, is the number for the Proficiency Goal under 2018-2019 and in the same section under 2015-2016 shows the number for the Objective 4th Click on the “Drill Down” in the same section. The last group is for “Gap Group (non- duplicated)”. This is where you will get your 2017 Achievement Goal and 2016-2017 Gap Objective numbers Novice Reduction Delivery Targets on NOT on School Report Card- find them here: https://spportal.jefferson.kyschools.us/departments/aaaassistantsup/_layouts/15/WopiFram e2.aspx?sourcedoc=/departments/aaaassistantsup/PrincipalEmails/3-18- 16/Novice%20Reduction%20Estimated%20Targets.pdf&action=default
Delivery Targets – Example School Report Card Click on the “Delivery Targets” tab Test Click on the “Proficiency/Gap” tab Angela
Delivery Targets – Example School Report Card “Achievement” 2019 Goal Number Click here to “Drill Down” “Achievement” 2016-17 Objective Number “Gap” 2019 Goal Number Angela “Gap” 2016-17 Objective Number
Topics of Strategies/Activities that will need to be covered in the CSIP The school has identified specific strategies to address areas for improvement identified in the TELLKY Survey results. The school identified specific strategies to increase the average combined reading and math K-Prep proficiency scores. All children-were screened for kindergarten readiness. If yes, name the assessment. (for elementary) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are Kindergarten ready. (for elementary) The school identified specific K-3 strategies to increase the average 3rd grade math and reading combined K-Prep proficiency scores. (for elementary) The school identified specific strategies to address subgroup achievement gaps. The school identified specific strategies to increase the average freshman graduation rate. (for high school) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready. (for high school) The school identified specific strategies to increase the percentage of distinguished programs in the arts and humanities, PL/CS and writing.
Topics of Strategies/Activities that will need to be covered in the CSIP (Title I schools only) Schoolwide Reform Strategies Instruction By Highly Qualified Teachers and Paraeducators Highly Qualified Professional Development for Principals, Teachers, and Paraeducators Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Teachers Transition to Kindergarten (for elementary) Measures to Include Teachers in Decision Making Regarding the Use of Academic Assessments To Inform Instruction Activities to Ensure that Students Meet State Academic Standards Coordination and Integration of Programs
Topics of Strategies/Activities that will need to be covered in the CSIP (Priority/Focus School) Curriculum alignment for schools within the district and within each individual school, ensuring the instructional program is research-based, rigorous , aligned with the Kentucky Core Academic Standards, based on student needs Provision of time for collaboration on the use of data to inform evaluation and assessment strategies to continuously monitor and modify instruction to meet student needs and support proficient student work Activities to target the underperforming areas of achievement, gap, growth, readiness, or graduation rate Activities to target demonstrators of weakness in program reviews Activities to target areas of need identified in teacher and leader effectiveness measures School safety, discipline strategies, and other non-academic factors that impact student achievement, such as students’ social, emotional, and health needs, Design of the school day, week, or year to include additional time for student learning and teacher collaboration Specific strategies to address gaps in achievement and graduation rates between the highest-achieving student performance group and the lowest-achieving student performance group (Focus schools) Short-term, monthly plans for the first ninety (90) days of implementation, and the establishment of teacher turnaround teams with intensive year-round training focused on teacher effectiveness and school improvement in the professional development component of its plan, if a Priority School Document meaningful family and community involvement in selecting the intervention strategies that shall be included in the revised CSIP
School Equity Diagnostic Resources Two required spreadsheets to complete and upload to ASSIST: School Equity Diagnostic Spreadsheet and School Equity Diagnostic Goals School Equity Diagnostic Spreadsheet : http://tinyurl.com/he9f7ef One self-selected indicator required KDE Guidance: Self-selected data could come from a variety of sources. It should be relevant to the needs of the school. Examples could include: principal, teacher or student demographic data; percentage of National Board Certified Teachers or Advanced Degrees; teacher or principal effectiveness data, TELL, turnover School Equity Diagnostic Goals can be found on the Equity Tab under Learning Environments on the School Report Card: http://applications.education.ky.gov/SRC/ Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/sites/default/files/KDEEquityDiagnosFAQ.pdf
Questions Florence Chang 485-3278 florence.chang@Jefferson.kyschool.us Joe Prather 485-7073 joseph.prather@Jefferson.kyschools.us