Welcome Parents! Last Names A-L Last Names M-Z Please sit on the food service side of the cafeteria Last Names M-Z Please sit on hallway side of cafeteria
Third Grade Parent Night Avon Grove Intermediate School
Welcome Third grade students visited AGI on May 24th! Jeff Detweiler - Principal Kelly Harrison - Assistant Principal for 4th and 6th Grade in 2017-18 Mike Garvin - Assistant Principal for 3rd and 5th Grade in 2017-18 Mrs. Harrison and Mr. Garvin will follow students as they progress through grades here at AGI. Third grade students visited AGI on May 24th!
Thank You 6th Grade Ambassadors! Enjoy a tour around the building this evening with our wonderful 6th grade ambassadors!
AGIS Core Values AGIS is a place... To grow academically, socially, emotionally Where we celebrate our successes Challenge ourselves to be our best For lifelong learning
Support Staff Guidance Counselors Mrs. Kristy Brown - 3rd Grade Counselor for 2017-18 Nurses Mrs. Gail Berardi - 3rd Grade Nurse for 2017 - 18 Mrs. Ellen Stefanosky Office Staff Mrs. Mary Howie Ms. Gail Ferrigno Mrs. Karen Ambrose Ms. Jenifer Fonseca Ms. Sandy Poole (reception) Kelly
Behavior Policy AGIS is a place... To grow academically, socially, emotionally Where we celebrate our successes Challenge ourselves to be our best For lifelong learning School Wide Must Behaviors: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Fair Mike
Olweus Bullying Prevention Same expectations as those set forth at PLE. Classroom meetings are integral to preventing bullying activities by promoting a caring classroom community. Further community building activities are integrated into the Encore rotation during Guidance lessons. Mike
Who Should I Go To…? It’s usually best to go to your child’s teacher first with questions/concerns Bullying, friendship, or social concern - teacher and counselor Behavior concern in school - teacher Behavior concern on bus - Grade Level AP (Mr. Garvin) Kelly
What’s a typical day for a 3rd grader at AGI? Teachers are paired on 2-teacher teams One teacher teaches Math/Science while the other teaches ELA/SS Encore Rotation Slide upcoming as example of how a floor of classrooms rotates through the 8-day cycle Lunch/Recess 40 minute flexible period Homework Approximately 20-30 minutes an evening Independent reading included in this time estimate Jeff
Student Schedule Jeff
Encore Rotation Jeff
Academics PA Core Standards Math Bridges Math Practices ELA Fundations Balanced Literacy Guided Reading AGIS Thinking Strategies Jeff - Math Mike - ELA
Academics Continued… Sound Where am I in the USA? Rocks and Minerals US History World History Economics Sound Rocks and Minerals Insects Pollution Kelly
Student Placement Students are heterogeneously grouped for all classes, excluding accelerated classes Student placement goes home at the end of summer Placement considerations - reference Mr. Detweiler’s email Collaboration between PLE and AGI principals and counselors for placement Jeff
Accelerated Course Enrollment Math only Begins in 5th grade Placement Criteria: CDT’s Curriculum Based Assessments Mathematical Practices Rubric More information on the AGIS webpage Jeff
PSSA Testing Prepare for all year Occurs in the spring Math and ELA in grade three Testing in the morning, modified schedule for rest of day Mike
Transition Visit 2nd grade visited us on May 24th Introduction and welcome from the Principals, School Counselors, and current 3rd Graders Welcome Video in the audion Building tour with 6th grade ambassadors Follow up letter for parents Kelly
Parent Involvement We love parent support at AGIS! Homeroom Parent Country Christmas Basket Coordinator Classroom Volunteers PTA Volunteers We love parent support at AGIS! Kelly
Extracurriculars Most activities begin in 4th grade. Choir Strings Band/Orchestra Reading Olympics Robotics Intramurals Coding Club Science Fair 6th Grade Safeties 6th Grade Ambassadors More to come…. Jeff
Frequently Asked Questions For Even More Information… Be sure to reference the Elementary Student/Parent Handbook on the parent page of the AGSD website. Drop Off/Pick Off procedures No drop off before 8:10am Please stay single file in the drop off lane Enter the line from 896 campus entrance Do not exit your vehicle to assist your child during drop off Students must exit from curb side of vehicle Cafeteria Accounts Information will come home from the food services dept. Jeff
Questions If you have questions, please send us an email at your convenience. Jeff Detweiler jdetweiler@avongrove.org Kelly Harrison kharrison@avongrove.org Mike Garvin mgarvin@avongrove.org Jeff