for the HADES Collaboration HADES @ SIS100 - setup - News concerning the HADES @ SIS100 experiment - HADES/CBM cave design, space, beam line concept, ... - HADES@SIS100 – subsystems - Possible upgrades Jerzy Pietraszko for the HADES Collaboration GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research GmbH Planckstrasse 1, D-64291 Darmstadt, GERMANY
SIS (heavy-ion synchrotron ) at GSI Darmstadt SIS18, SIS100 and SIS300 SIS (heavy-ion synchrotron ) at GSI Darmstadt Energy ranges SIS18: 197Au up to 1.25 AGeV SIS100: 197Au up to 11 AGeV - future SIS300: 197Au up to 35 AGeV - future
Experiments at SIS100 HADES CBM
T0 and beam monitoring detectors Low material budget (low interaction probability), good time resolution (below 50 ps) In vacuum operation, located “somewhere” in front of the target High rate capability: 109 ions /s, 1011 protons /s, Tracking of single beam ions, scCVD diamond, 50 m thickness or less, large area: several cm2 fast, precise readout electronics CBM beam line aperture
HADES/CBM cave preparation – radiation safety - consequences A. Senger No space for FWall – has to be shortened or PSD 6
Neutral mesons in HADES Calorimeter for HADES (lead glass) ECAL Substitute for Pre-Shower (18º<Θ<45º, 8 m2;18 tons) improved el/ separation and full reconstruction of pº and η allows to fix their Dalitz contributions to the e+e- cocktail Calorimeter for HADES (2017- ...) substitute for Pre-Shower (18º<Θ<45º, 8 m2;18 tons) η reconstruction C+C, Ni+Ni Measured energy resolution e/p separation ECAL TDR submitted !!!! last week
RICH – key detector for dielectron measurements at SIS100 improvements proposed in 2009 (TDR of HADES at SIS100) Rich detector Radiator gas: C4F10, thr = 18 (hadron blind) photon detector: CsI photo cathode Three scenarios have been studied for RICH at SIS100: (M.Weber) Use of different radiator gases Extension of the radiator length Upstream shift of the photon detector. Important issues for long term, high rate stable operation: Detector stability (HV, load) Noise reduction capability (time measurement) fast DAQ maybe PMTs ???? Dedicated study needed, hardware, software experts !!!
MDC – key detector for any measurements at SIS100 Wire chambers: Go to Ar+CO2 for all layers, Test stability with Ar+CO2 Plane II with Ar+CO2 - on going test ... Spare chambers: one-two per layer., fast exchange procedure. Straw-tubes as MDC plane 0 (between RICH and MDCI) ? Electronics: New readout system needed, fast multi-hit TDC New analog part needed or re-use ASD8 chip ASD8 chip – seems to be the best ever produced ASDBLR (ALTLAS) slower and less sensitive than ASD8 Panda straw chip – design phase Dedicated study needed, hardware, software experts ! Low mass tracking system single cell resolution: 100 m 4 planes / sector (high res. mode) example: , ASC8 chip, Sr
Upgrades for FAIR - summary List of HADES upgrade subprojects: ECal almost settled, TDR submitted !!! open issue: RPC mounting on ECal RICH Time and ADC Better photon efficiency Stability MDC Fast readout Spare chambers, Plane 0 between RICH and MDC I DAQ-Upgrade Go from TRB2 TRBv3 (beam detectors) DAQ rate increase by a factor of 10 !!! Reaction plane reconstruction: FWal or CBM PSD ? PID for low theta region (< 18 degree) – what is possible ?
Summary - Well defined list of possible upgrades - A lot of experts available in HADES (FPGA, Hardware, software, simulation) - Synergies with other FAIR projects (PANDA, CBM) - Costs ? - Activities need to be started soon.
Thank you