Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Chapter 2
Jewish Bible Grouping of Books Torah: Hebrew word for “teaching” often mistakenly translated into English as “law”. First 5 books often called Pentateuch (Greek for 5 parts) or Humash (Hebrew for 5) Nevi’im: Hebrew word for “prophets” Historical narratives and prophetic messages Ketuvim: Hebrew word for “Writings” Prayers, poetry, wise sayings, short narratives etc. The Christian OT is broken up similarly but they add a 4th category. See pg. 21 Another common title for Hebrew Scriptures is Tanakh (Ta-na-Kh) Acronym made up of the initial sounds Ta = Torah Na= Nevi’im Kh=Ketuvim)
How Jews Read the Hebrew Scriptures A plain sense (peshat): looks to the surface, though not necessarily literal meaning Inquiring (derash): looks for further layers of meaning. Interpretive reading that a rabbi or minister does when giving sermon Allegorical (remez): looks for parallels between scripture and abstract concepts Mystical (sod): looks at it as a symbolic code and each letter Types of reading are meant to be complimentary, not exclusive. Not overly concerned with one “correct” way of reading Jonah 1:17 “Now the LORD provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights”
The Power of a NAME!!! Names carry enormous power The personal name of God was revealed in Ex. 3:15 (I AM) Yaweh (4 Hebrew letters) Known in Greek as the Tetragrammaton Only spoken in Holy of Holies therefore a substitute Adonai (LORD) Many even resort to Ha-Shem (The Name)
Your Name in Hebrew Assignment For HW, go to and receive your name spelled in Hebrew. Some names may not be there and then you will have to spell your name out the best you can using this website: Check out this cool song to help learn the aleph-bet if your interested Use an 8 ½ X 11 sheet of paper (which will be provided for you) to write your name in a creative/illustrative way. Include color and feel free to add things that pertain to your likes and intrests. These will be due Thursday at the beginning of class. יַרְדֵּן Yarden