Great American Eclipse 2017 The path of totality spans the continental United States from coast to coast and no other nation or land mass-astrophysicist Rick Boozer
Today’s eclipse in Beavercreek, OH Starts at 1:02 PM Maximum coverage (88.86%) at 2:29 PM Ends at 3:51 PM
Today’s eclipse is caused by the Moon moving between the Sun and the Earth There are approximately 2 solar eclipses somewhere in the world every year!
The moon casts two shadows on the Earth Umbra—people in this area get to experience a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE!!!
The moon casts two shadows on the Earth Penumbra—people in this area get to experience a PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE!!! Beavercreek, OH is in this region!!!
SAROS CYCLE A Saros Cycle is approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 11 days, 8 hours in length. One saros period after an eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon return to approximately the same relative geometry, a near straight line, and a nearly identical eclipse will occur. This makes solar eclipses predictable!
Viewing the solar eclipse You need special eclipse glasses to watch the eclipse DO NOT look directly at the sun at any time, even during a solar eclipse
DO NOT look directly at the sun without wearing the eclipse glasses WHY????? Think about when you hold a magnifying glass up to the sun. It focuses light intensely enough to start a fire. Well, something similar happens with the sunlight as it enters your eye. DO NOT look directly at the sun without wearing the eclipse glasses (this can burn out your retina and could lead to permanent eye damage; it can take hours or days before you notice any damage to your eye) Here is a one minute safety video! EVERYONE SHOULD PLEASE SHOW THIS TO ALL STUDENTS!
Impact of the Eclipse Towns in the path of totality are expecting a huge influx of visitors and are hoping for a once in a generation economic boost. Money could pour in for food, lodging, gas etc. unless the weather is bad then eclipse hunters may not arrive or may leave the area to find a better viewing area
Historically many civilizations have thought solar eclipses were omens of bad things to come. Ancient Chinese believed solar eclipses occurred when a celestial dragon eats the sun. The event foretold the future of the emperor.
Animals are said to display strange behavior during a solar eclipse or to act as if it is night by going to roost or going to their burrows. Mosquitos and other nighttime animals are said to be active during a solar eclipse. Due to the difficulty in studying these phenomenon no solid research has been conducted to prove these activities. Plants may get into their night positions such as closing flowers or drooping leaves during a solar eclipse. This has not been scientifically proven either.
WHAT WILL SCIENTISTS LEARN FROM THIS ECLIPSE? They will study the sun’s corona. The corona is the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere. It is usually hidden by the bright light of the sun's surface. During an eclipse, NASA uses ground and space instruments to view the corona when the moon blocks the sun’s glare.
Things to remember as you go outside Do not look directly at the sun without wearing the eclipse glasses (this can burn out your retina and could lead to permanent eye damage) The eclipse will have already started by the time you get outside and our maximum coverage is (89%) which will occur at 2:29 pm. SINCE BEAVERCREEK ISN’T IN THE 100% ZONE, YOU MUST WEAR YOUR VIEWING GLASSES WHEN LOOKING AT THE SUN!!! The eclipse will still be happening until 3:51 pm. You are to keep your glasses when you leave today.
Things to remember as you go outside Do not walk wearing the eclipse glasses (you can’t see anything) You shouldn’t even use your cell phone to view the eclipse or take pictures……… YOU WILL DAMAGE YOUR PHONE!
Teachers…..If you have extra time with your classes before we go outside and would like to share some information about the eclipse feel free to show one of these videos: This is a 5 min video with the basics of eclipse This 8min video is CBS Sunday morning video. More of a social studies look at how this eclipse with effect certain towns. This is a page from NASA about eclipse (not a video) This is a 6min video that reviews this eclipse and why solar eclipse have been significant in human history. This 2 min video shows the path of totality This 2 min video discusses the basics of this solar eclipse and what scientists hope to study during the eclipse.