ROLE OF NIH IN NHP NIH is assigned with two tasks in NHP: Planning and organising training programmes for capacity building of the Implementing Agencies (IAs). Purpose Driven Studies (PDS): Initiation, Review and Monitoring.
NIH Nodal Agency for training needs Training needs analysis Formation of expert committee for Preparation of training calendar Identification of training institutes Course contents and modules Oragnisation of training courses as per training calendar
Constitution of Expert Committee for Training 1. Director, National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee Chairman 2. Project Director (NHP), NIH, Roorkee Member 3. Mr. Rajesh Kumar, Director, CWC 4. Mr. NandKumar, CGWB 5. SJC-IV, NHP, MOWR, RD & GR 9. Four eminent experts/ academicians 10. Nodal Officer (NHP), NIH, Roorkee 11. Coordinator, PDS , NIH, Roorkee 12. Coordinator, Training, NIH, Roorkee Member Secretary
Terms of Reference of (TOR) of Committee… To evolve a viable mechanism for the organization of training programmes in the States and Central Agencies for imparting the trainings on basic/advanced modern tools and techniques. To develop a mechanism to monitor the progress of the training activities for the successful implementation of the capacity building programmes. To finalize number of trainees and study tours from various implementing agencies at the selected academic and research institutions abroad. Identification of Training institute at National and international level
PROGRESS OF TRAINING ACTIVITEIS Five Regional workshops were organised during Feb. and March 2016 and Outcome of workshops communicated to Consultant Hiring of consultant for TNA Mr. M P Sethy has been appointed as TNA consultant for the preparation of training needs analysis document Four meetings with Consultant at NIH Roorkee TNA report was prepared by the consultant. TNA report was reviewed and finalised after comments/suggestions by Mr. A B Pandya Meetings of Expert Committee Training calendar for 2017-18
Suggested Training Programme Structure Lectures: maximum 50 to 60% of the training duration Tutorials and hands on sessions on software: at least 40 to 50% of the training duration Mini project: A mini project on training topic to be completed by the participants. Feed back: Feed back of the participants of the training programme, faculty, arrangements etc.
Guidelines Trainings under NHP can be classified under following four major categories: Basic Training Course Regular Training Course Advanced Training Course Specialised Training Course Trainings on the following basic topics may be organised specifically for the organisation entering first time in the Hydrology Project. Trainings on the topics covered under Regular Training Course may be continued for the complete project period. Trainings on the topics covered under Advanced Training Course may be started from 2nd Year onwards and initially it may be organised for the implementing agencies those who have participated in HP-I and/or HP-II States and further it should be extended to new States. Specialised training programmes may be organised on the request of the user departments/ implementing agencies.
Guidelines (Contd..) Preferably, basic, regular and advanced trainings will be organised by NIH, NWA, CWPRS, Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute and NERIWALM. Depending on the requirements, other government or autonomous academic /research/training institutes (e.g. IITs, NITS, State Universities, WALMI, CWRDM, HIRMI etc.) may be involved in organisation of training courses. Training cost may vary from Institute to Institute and also on the Training Topics. Therefore, the training cost may be decided case by case for the time being. The honorarium of the faculty for the training courses may be kept Rs 2500/- per lecture in the trainings organised by the IAs. Honorarium of the faculty in the institutes other than IAs may be considered as per the training rules of the concerned institutes.
BASIC COURSES Topic Sl No. 1 Training of Procurement MIS and Tender Preparation 2 Basics of hydrology 3 Hydrological data Processing&Water Availability Assessment 4 Hydrological Network Design 5 Basic programming, Website management and Excel Macro programming etc. 6 Remote Sensing & GIS in water resources 7 Surface Water Hydrology 8 Ground Water Hydrology 9 Water Quality: Basics & Measurement 10 Statistical Techniques in Hydrology 11 Modern Techniques in River Gauging and Gauge-Discharge modelling
REGULAR COURSES Sl No. Topic 1 Online hydrology, Public domain data availability and collection 2 Crop water requirement and irrigation scheduling 3 Reservoir operation/optimization 4 Design Flood Estimation 5 Assessing and managing reservoir sedimentation 6 Hydrological Modelling 7 Predictions in Ungauged Basins 8 Soil erosion modelling and reservoir sedimentation 9 Flood Forecasting 10 Dam Break Flood Modelling&Emergency Action Plan 11 Flood Frequency Analysis 12 Hydrological Time Series Modelling 13 Flood Management 14 Integrated catchment modelling
REGULAR COURSES Sl No. Topic 15 Hydrologic Modelling using SWAT 16 Watershed Management 17 Hydrologic Extremes – Prediction, Management & Mitigation 18 Drought Management 19 Coastal Groundwater Development, Modeling and Management 20 Integrated water balance of surface water and groundwater 21 Seawater intrusion modeling in coastal aquifers 22 Conjunctive use and management of surface water and groundwater including water quality aspects 23 Artificial Ground Water Recharge and Aquifer Management 24 Water Quality Monitoring Analysis and Management 25 Water Quality Monitoring Network Design, Sampling Analysis and Quality Assurance 26 Environmental Hydrology with special reference to surface and ground water quality 27 Techniques for Hydrological Investigations 28 Project Hydrology
ADVANCE COURSES Sl No. Topic 1 Hydrologic Design Aids 2 Reservoir inflow forecasting 3 Integrated Water Resources Management: DSS 4 PMP Atlas 5 Benchmarking and water use efficiency 6 Planning and Operation of modern irrigation systems 7 Interlinking of rivers and water availability assessment 9 Hydrological analysis of Lakes 10 Hydrological Analysis for Hydropower Projects 11 Modern Techniques in Hydrological Modelling 12 Urban Hydrology 13 Isotope techniques in Surface water and groundwater investigation 14 Climate Change and its Impact on Water Resources 15 Applications of Soft Computing Techniques in Hydrological Modelling 16 Online Hydrology: Participatory Irrigation Management 17 Modeling impact of aquaculture ponds, ash ponds and dumping yards in coastal aquifers
TRAINING CALENDER UNDER NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT FOR YEAR 2017-18 Sl. No. Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates Course Coordinator/ Organiser Venue 1st Quarter (April – June, 2017) 1 Basics of Hydrology May 01-05, 2017 NIH NIH, Roorkee 2 E-SWIS – Data entry and Excel May 15-19, 2017 RD Dte, CWC / NIH New Delhi 3 Riverware Training World Bank Lucknow/ Jaipur/ Chandigarh 4 Flood Forecasting Modelling 1D June 5-9, 2017 NIH / DHI NWA, Pune 5 Network design and Instrumentation June 12-16, 2017 CWPRS/NIH Pune 6 Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Water resources June 19-23, 2017 NRSC/NIH Hyderabad
TRAINING CALENDER UNDER NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT FOR YEAR 2017-18 (Contd..) Sl. No. Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates Course Coordinator/Organiser Venue 2nd Quarter (Jul – Aug., 2017) 7 River Basin Modelling July 10-14, 2017 NIH Chennai 8 Open Data Sources: Introduction and Spatiotemporal Analysis July 24-26, 2017 Dr. D S Arya / NIH IIT, Roorkee 9 Water Quality Basics and Measurements Belgaum 10 E-SWIS – Data entry and Excel Aug. 7-11, 2017 RD Dte, CWC / NIH NERIWALM, Tezpur 11 Ground water hydrology Aug. 21-25, 2017 NIH / CGWB RGI, Raipur 12 Network design and Instrumentation Aug. 28-Sept.01, 2017 CWPRS/NIH Pune 13 Flood Forecasting Modelling 1D (HEC RAS) Sept. 4-8, 2017 Lucknow / Patna 14 Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Water resources Sept. 11-15, 2017 NRSC/ IIRS/NIH Dehradun 15 Irrigation Benchmarking Sept. 18-20, 2017 NWA/ NIH NWA, Pune
Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates TRAINING CALENDER UNDER NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT FOR YEAR 2017-18 (Contd..) Sl. No. Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates Course Coordinator/ Organiser Venue 3rd Quarter (Oct. – Dec., 2017) 16 River Basin Modelling Oct. 9-13, 2017 NIH Bhopal 17 Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment Oct. 23-25, 2017 CPCB/NIH New Delhi 18 E-SWIS – Data entry Refresher & Secondary validation data process Nov. 6-10, 2017 RD Dte, CWC NWA, Pune 19 Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Water resources Nov. 13-17, 2017 NIH/NWA Jaipur 20 Flood Forecasting Modelling 1D Nov. 20-24, 2017 NIH / DHI Lucknow / Patna 21 Dec. 4-8, 2017 NRSC/NESAC/ NIH Shillong 22 Basics of Hydrology Dec. 18-22, 2017 NERIWALM, Tezpur
Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates TRAINING CALENDER UNDER NATIONAL HYDROLOGY PROJECT FOR YEAR 2017-18 (Contd..) Sl. No. Title of the Training Course Duration& Tentative dates Course Coordinator/ Organiser Venue 4th Quarter (Jan. – Mar. 2018) 23 Assessment, Modelling and Management of Groundwater Quantity & Quality Jan. 8-12, 2018 CGWB/NIH RGI, Raipur 24 River Basin Modelling Jan. 22-25, 2018 NIH Banglore 25 E-SWIS – Data entry Refresher & Secondary validation data process Feb. 5-9, 2018 RD Dte, CWC New Delhi 26 Open Data Sources: Introduction and Spatiotemporal Analysis Feb. 12-17, 2018 Dr D S Arya / NIH IIT, Roorkee 27 Flood Forecasting Modelling 1D (HECRAS) Feb. 26 – Mar. 2, 2018 Kolkata 28 Network design and Instrumentation Mar. 12-16, 2017 CWPRS/NIH Pune 29 Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Water resources Mar. 19-23, 2018 Kolkatta
PURPOSE DRIVEN STUDIES (PDS) One of the main focus of NHP is to take up R&D studies in the form of Purpose driven studies (PDS). PDS would address the specific issues of water management problems identified within the area of operation of implementing agencies and of public concern. Outcome of the studies are expected to provide feasible and cost effective methodologies for replication in other areas situated in similar hydrological and hydro-geological setup.
TERMS OF REFERNCE OF INVESTIGATOR The Purpose Driven Studies (PDS) should be formulated to find out solution to some real-life problem of the concerned area. For a PDS, the end-user organization / agency that will use outcome of the study should be clearly specified. In general, the period of a PDS may not exceed 3 years. However, exceptions (up to a maximum of 5 years) will be considered depending on the requirement of the study. The proposal should be prepared as per the proforma (Annexure I) and as per the guidelines. Based on the budget allocation for various PDS studies under NHP, the cost of a PDS should not exceed to Rs. 50.00 Lakh. However, in exceptional cases the amount may exceed to Rs. 50 lakhs for a PDS provided the PI gives proper justification in the proposal. The PI is advised to keep the budget requirement bare minimum in order to take up more number of PDS proposals within the stipulated budget for PDS.
EXAMINATION OF PDS 3.1 On receipt of a PDS proposal from any Implementing Agency, the R&D Section will assign an identification number to the proposal and create a separate file for that proposal. 3.2 The R&D Section will send soft copy of the PDS proposal to any subject area expert in NIH for internal review. 3.3 On receipt of reviewer comments, the PDS proposal (if required) will be sent to Principal Investigator (PI) for revising the PDS proposal based-upon comments of the reviewer. 3.4 Principal Investigators of such revised PDS proposals will be asked to present their proposal before the designated R&D Committee. 3.5 After notification of presentation date, soft copy of all the revised PDS proposals (proposed to be presented) will be sent to expert committee members for their prior knowledge so that they are better prepared for their expert views during the presentations. 3.6 Based-upon the presentations by PI, the designated R&D Committee may approve the PDS proposals or advise for any modifications needed in objectives, methodology, study area, budget etc.
EXAMINATION OF PDS (Contd..) 3.7 Formal order for approval of PDS proposals or revision will be issued by NPMU. 3.8 All PIs of approved PDS are required to submit half-yearly progress report to NIH and NPMU. 3.9 There will be annual review of ongoing PDS by the designated R&D committee wherein all PIs will present the status and progress of their studies and further incorporate any suggestions or modifications of committee members in their studies. 3.10 After completion of PDS, the PI is also required to submit copies of Final Report of the PDS.
Current Status of PDS Proposals (As on 20 May 2017) Total PDS Proposals Received = 72 Under Review = 13 Under Revision by PI = 33 Revised Proposals Received = 26
List of Revised PDS Proposals as on 20 May 2017 Implementing Agency PDS Title Budget (Lacs) CWPRS Study of Surface and Subsurface Water Interaction using Remote Sensing, Geohydrological and Geophysical Techniques and its Modeling 98.80 River Rejuvenation of Mutha River Reach Flowing through Pune City and Suburbs, Maharashtra 70.00 Chhattisgarh Integrated Reservoir Operation Studies for Mahanadi Reservoir Complex in Chhattisgarh 55.00 Karnataka Assessment of Water Resources in Ungauged Catchments of West Flowing Rivers of Karnataka 46.93
Kerala Measurement of Discharge of the Flowing Stream using Image Processing Techniques in Muvattupuzha Basin 40.00 Sediment Assessment of Reservoirs 58.00 Water Security and Sustainable Agricultural Productivity through Holistic Management of Ponds in the Command of Neyyar Irrigation Project in Kerala with Stakeholder Participation 170.00 Evolving an Integrated Water Resources Management Model for the Rejuvenation and Environmental Sustainability of Pulamonthodu Stream in Kerala through Stakeholders’ Participation 286.90 Maharashtra Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters in Different Geological Formations 50.00 Identification of Causes for Water Level Declination nearby Coal Mine Area of Nagpur Region 90.00
West Bengal Hydrochemical & Mineralogical Evaluation of the Arsenic affected, Shallow (<50 m) Holocene Aquifers of West Bengal & its Effect on Food Chain, West Bengal India 50.00 Development of Guide Curve and Study of Sedimentation of Kangsabati Reservoir in the Context of Climate Change and Projected Demand 53.85 NIH Evaluation of Impacts of Rabi Irrigation in Ganga River Sub-Basin of Madhya Pradesh 41.51 Dam-Break Analysis & Preparation of Emergency Action Plan for Tawa Reservoir in Madhya Pradesh Modelling of Tawa Reservoir Catchment and Development of Tawa Reservoir Operation Policy under Climate Change 26.96
NIH Assessment of Impacts of Groundwater Salinity on Regional Groundwater Resources, Current and Future Situation in Mewat, Haryana – Possible Remedy and Resilience Building Measures 90.00 Evaluation of the Impacts of Upcoming Irrigation Projects on the Droughts and Desertification Scenario for Chambal Basin in Western Madhya Pradesh 44.50 Development of Inflow Forecasting Model for a Reservoir using RTDAS of Wainganga Basin 60.00 Suspended Sediment Dynamics and Sediment Potential Assessment in Parts of Upper Ganga Basin (UGB) of Lesser Himalayan Region through Modeling Techniques 55.06 Development of a Simple Hydrological River Basin Model 46.00 Developing a Climate Change Adaptation Framework for Water Resources Management for River Basins in Different Agro-climatic Regions of Karnataka 62.32
NIH Forecasting of Flash Flood and Management for East Flowing Rivers of India’s Sub-zone 4(A) 54.91 Sedimentation Study of Hirakud Reservoir, Odisha using Optic and Microwave Remote Sensing Technology 51.19 Web GIS Based Spring Inventory for Vulnerability Assessment and Hydro-Geological Investigation of Selected Springs for Sustaining Local Water Demand in Ravi Catchment of Himachal Pradesh 69.00 Integrated Study on Groundwater Dynamics in the Coastal Aquifers of West Bengal for Sustainable Groundwater Management 51.50 Hydrological Monitoring and Modelling of a Himalayan Basin 76.63