ELECTROMAGNETISM THROUGH MAGIC Pablo Picasso school – year 6 Teachers: chelo and lara
A need to know I want the kids to know about repelling and attracting concepts and they are going to teach this to other students through a ‘Magic show’.I
CALP TYPES PROPERTIES USES Permanent attraction motor Induced repulsión compass Natural poles magnetic separation Artificial magnetic field magnetic resonance imaging Electromagnet
ADVANCE ORGANIZER Have you ever seen this film? Do you know who this person is? What is his power? Why can he attract things? What kind of things can he attract? Can he repel other things? What things can attract and repel things made of iron? How does a magnet work? How many types of magnets do you know? What do humans use magnets for? What can we use a compass for? Why can we use a compass to know where to go on Earth?
DRIVING QUESTION Could you find a way to show people at school that you are a kind of superhero and show all the power you have using magnets?
1ST STEP: EXEMPLARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUt28q92ygw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n21I2ofMCfU http://blogthinkbig.com/experimentos-magnetismo/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5oXWtSMHzw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvoCZji-Sro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Seo8ZOjxn2M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWhxDqY45YI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wJJN2I4BNw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKXuyTEnc_w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2OcFaiudpM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kc5STE_PP8
BICS (Basic interpersonal communication skills) Can I have….? Please give me some ideas about…. What do you know about…? First….. Then….. Later……Finally Could you help me with / explain to me how….? We should…. Don’t forget… How many….? Where exactly…? Could you pass me… ? Who has the…? In my opinión,…
RULES Use English as much as posible. Find out what you need for your magic trick: magnets, plastic, card, paper,… Choose other materials you are going to need for the show: clothes, magic wand, gloves, hat,… Decide what trick you are going to do. Create your magic trick. Decide how you are going to explain the magic trick and write it.
Weekly Lesson Planner Subject: Natural Science - Unit: Electromagnetism through magic - Date: 6th March MONDAY Advance organizer, driving question, some exemplars DEFINITION OF MAGNETISM. WHAT A MAGNET IS. PLINIO. TUESDAY Some other exemplars, magnetite, magnets game with magnetic slime TYPES OF MAGNETS. PLATÓN. WEDNESDAY Some other exemplars, some experiments with magnets (iron dust on paper, boat made of metal paper with a needle in, needle pulling thread) POLES OF A MAGNET. ATTRACTION AND REPULSION. THURSDAY Some other exemplars, experiment with a polystyrene ball and iron dust MAGNETIC FIELD FRIDAY Some other exemplars, Einstein story THE EARTH AS A MAGNET. THE COMPASS.
MAGNETIC MATERIALS. MAGNETS AROUND US. Weekly Lesson Planner Subject: Natural Science - Unit: Electromagnetism through magic - Date: 13th March MONDAY Experiments with magnets and different materials. MAGNETIC MATERIALS. MAGNETS AROUND US. TUESDAY Making an electromagnet. ELECTROMAGNETS. WEDNESDAY Mind map. VOCABULARY LEARNT THURSDAY REVISION ACTIVITES FRIDAY TEST
Weekly Lesson Planner Subject: Natural Science - Unit: Electromagnetism through magic - Date: 21st March MONDAY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TUESDAY PLANNING THE MAGIC TRICK FOR THE SHOW: USING CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION WEDNESDAY PLANNING THE MAGIC TRICK FOR THE SHOW: CREATING THE TRICK THURSDAY PLANNING THE MAGIC TRICK FOR THE SHOW: REHEARSAL FRIDAY MAGIC SHOW
EVALUATION I will evaluate the students learning by observing them while they are doing the experiments and while they are planning and creating their magic trick. I will take notes in a check list. I will evaluate their new knowledge about magnets by asking them some questions in a test. I will also evaluate the planning and the creation of the trick their for the magic show and the acting in the magic show. There is an example of a rubric I will use in the next slide.
Memorization of the script MAGIC SHOW RUBRIC CATEGORY IN PROGRESS GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT Score (1) (2) (3) (4) Pronunciation & Intonation Never uses the correct pronunciation Sometimes uses the correct pronunciation Often uses the correct pronunciation Always uses the correct pronunciation Body language Facial expression Never uses body language Sometimes uses body language Often uses body language Always uses body language Creativity Bring costumes or extra materials Not very creative A little creative: some posters Very creative: some posters and atrezzo Super creative: costumes, objects and atrezzo Memorization of the script Always reads the script Sometimes reads the script Often reads the script Never reads the script Total points