Interior Design –V Fall 2012- 2013 Literature Case study Interior Design –V Fall 2012- 2013 Rfal Al-johani ID#200900521
Zapata & Herrera lawyers office
Out Line History background and general information location and sight plan Designer and concept Plan Exterior and interior building Functional relationship Circulation Zooning Major / Minor Areas Area calculation Personal opinion
History background and general information last project realized in an emblematic building from the end of the 19th century. situated in the historic center of Valencia, Spain. The beams have been restored in the old building.
History background and general information The project designed for the law office Zapata Herrera. Located in valiancy in Spain. the project was finished in the 22ed of September 2012. The space is about 100 m2
Designer and concept It was designed by the Spanish design studio Masquespacio by the designer Ana Milena Hernández Palacios. The concept was based on the designers historic values by the use of colors black, grey and natural wood tones. And each of the colors have their owner values and meanings.
Floor Plan
Occupancy Managers Office Lawyers office HR office Meeting room Filing room Waiting area Reception Kitchen
Occupancy Managers Office Lawyers office HR office Meeting room Staff Managers Office 3 Lawyers office 2 HR office 4 Filing room Kitchen Managers Office Lawyers office HR office Meeting room Filing room Waiting area Reception Kitchen costumers Meeting room 5 Waiting area Reception 2 Pair a day 20-35
Interiors+ code plan Meeting room
Employees office /lower Interiors+ code plan Employees office /lower
Interiors+ code plan Waiting area
Interiors+ code plan Reception
Interiors+ code plan HR Office
Functional relationship Entrance Reception Meeting room Waiting area Storage Kitchen HR office Manager Office Lawyers office
Functional relationship Manager Lawyer HR Meeting Filing Waiting Reception Kitchen Managers 1 HR office 3 2 Strong 1 Moderate 2 Week 3
Zoning Waiting area Kitchen Meeting room Entrance Offices Reception Open area / office Storage
Meager and minor Areas Meager Minor Manager office Kitchen Reception Storage Employee office Waiting area Meeting room Filing room HR office
Area calculation Major area 111 107.11% Minor 23.3 0.23% Functions Area in m2 % Managers 20 m2 106.2% Lawyer 16m2 0.16% HR office 39m2 0.39% Meeting 30m2 0.3% Reception 6m2 0.06% Major area 111 107.11% Filing 12m2 0.12% Waiting Kitchen 5.3m2 0.053% Minor 23.3 0.23% Assigned net area 134.3 107.34% Grouse Area 189.3 100 Unassigned area 55m2 0.55
Personal opinion Small space but with bright colors it gave the it the feeling of more opening space Using a naturalistic theme in the area by showing wood and steel in there design gave the employees a feeling of home and confer, witch was a marvelous idea to make employees work more less stress.