Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education Inclusive education is a process of addressing and responding to the diverse needs of all learners by increasing participation in learning and reducing exclusion within and from education. Not limited to the integration of CWD into mainstream schools. This should be clearly stated in national policy documents.
Inclusive Education Availability: education must be available the right to free and compulsory education to all school-age children up to minimum age of employment strategies for reaching the un-reached in rural and remote areas initiatives such as mobile schools, boarding schools etc. should be introduced or expanded Accessibility: education must be accessible progressively expanded access to pre- and post-compulsory education as circumstances permit - clearly identify what barriers to education excluded groups face. Changed policies and regulations. elimination of exclusion from education based on internationally prohibited grounds of discrimination Is education really free? What barriers are there due to hidden/opportunity costs?
Inclusive Education Acceptability to set minimum standards for the learning materials, methods of instruction, school discipline, health and safety, and professional requirements for teachers to improve the quality of education by ensuring that the entire education system conforms to all human rights standards Identifying reasons for drop-out/ repetition Adaptability to design and implement education opportunities for children excluded from formal schooling adapt the education system to the best interests of each child, especially those from disadvantaged groups Inclusive non-formal education alternatives Mobile schools for children to migrant workers, adapted curriculum for over-aged children, EP initiatives,
Inclusive Education Inclusive Education policies shouldn’t just be instruments aiming to integrate particular groups into mainstream schools but rather policy and planning frameworks for reaching all the un-reached. Inclusive Education should not be limited to issues related to access to primary education but also be reflected in ECCE, NFE and quality education policies.