Author: Mr. Richard Crisler EXPT-240 OMEGALOG Software Operating Instructions Revision-1 (3-Feb-14) Author: Mr. Richard Crisler Purpose: This document is intended to provide basic operating instructions for the OMEGALOG software program currently used for experiment-240. The instructions presented in this document have been tested by the author. Warning! Users who deviate from these instructions may incur loss of data or improper data-logger functionality. Background: Data-loggers are instruments that are capable of remotely acquiring data from compatible sensors and storing these data on an internal storage device. These data can then be accessed utilizing a computer interface and a suitable software program. The OMEGALOG software establishes a communication link with the OM-SQ2010 Portable Data-logger. Once communication with the OM-SQ2010 has been established, users can: initiate data collection, view a graphic display of their data in real time, terminate data collection, and download data files to the interfaced computer.
First, start the OMEGALOG program by double-clicking on the OMEGALOG icon located on the EXPT-240 computer desktop. Normally, the lab engineer will have the OMEGALOG program active before the laboratory period begins.
Next, the OMEGALOG Assistant window will automatically pop up Next, the OMEGALOG Assistant window will automatically pop up. From this window, you need to double click on the expt-240 s-2013.s20 Setup file. It should be the only Setup file in the window. Normally, the laboratory engineer will have already done this prior to the start of the laboratory period
The normal sequence of control activation is as follows: After selecting the setup file, the Logger Setup window will automatically appear. In the Logger Setup window, there are only 4-controls that you will need to use. Reading from right to left they are: disarm (stop data collection), arm (start data collection), download data (export data from the data-logger to the computer) and meter mode (display a graph of real time data) Download data Disarm Arm Meter mode The normal sequence of control activation is as follows: Click on the arm button to start collecting data Click on the meter mode button to see a graph of your data in real time Click on the disarm button to stop data collection Click on the download data button to download your data to the computer.
To start collecting data for a trial, click on the arm button To start collecting data for a trial, click on the arm button. A message box should automatically appear: “Arm Completed” then click on “ok” to proceed. Next, you should activate the Online Graphing window by clicking on the meter mode button
After you have armed the data-logger, you can click on the meter button to see a graph of your data. Once you click on the meter button, the Online Graphing window will automatically pop up. From this window you can monitor the progress of your trial and determine when the system has reached steady state. In addition, you can determine the state of the data-logger as being armed or disarmed. In this picture, the data-logger is armed. Once the system has reached steady state, you should stop collecting data and save your data file to the computer. To do this, you must first close this window by clicking on the close window button in the upper right hand corner of the window. After clicking on this button, a message box should appear: “Data logger is still being metered; would you like to stop metering and exit?” Click on “yes” to proceed.
Once you close down the online graphing window, the Logger Setup window should be active. You can then disarm the data-logger by clicking on the disarm button. A message box should appear: “Are you sure that you want to disarm the data-logger?” Click on “yes” to proceed. Then another message box should appear: “ Completed successfully “ Click on “ok” to proceed. To download and save the data file from the data-logger to the computer, you need to click on the download data button
After clicking on the data download button, a download information box will appear. You must first select the data file you want to download by clicking on the data file (the selected data file will then be highlighted) Detailed information about your selected data file will appear here. The file number in this example is: 14133818. This file number is related to the arm time of the data-logger. In this example the arm time was on 14-January at 1338 hours (which is the same as 1:38 pm) and 18 seconds: 14133818 Once the data file has been selected, you then need to click on the Download Selected files button. Do not click on any other buttons.
Next, the download file name box will appear and it is important that the user ensures that this file will be saved to the correct folder. Each team will have a folder on the expt-240 computer desktop. If this folder does not appear in the Save in box, the user needs to select the correct folder. Once the correct file folder has been selected, click on the save button. Do not attempt to change the file name at this time.
When the user clicks on the save button, the OMEGALOG data file When the user clicks on the save button, the OMEGALOG data file *.D20 will be saved to the user selected destination folder. However, this data file can’t be opened by Microsoft excel. The OMEGALOG setup file has been configured to automatically activate the export wizard subroutine, which will create another data file that can be opened in excel. It takes three steps to complete this process. Select: Next
On step-2 of this process, the user needs to select the location where the export data file will be stored. Normally, once this location has been selected for the first exported file it will become the default storage location. Do not attempt to change the export file name at this time. Select the destination folder for the exported file “This should be the same location selected in step: 10” After selecting the destination folder, the user needs to sequentially select : Next Finish At the end of this sequence a message box should appear: “Completed successfully”. Click on “ok” to proceed.
Corresponding excel compatible data file Once you have completed the export process, a *.#00 excel compatible data file will be created and saved in your folder. At this time, it is recommended that you check your file folder to ensure that this process was completed successfully. The file name for the *.#00 data file will be similar to the *.D20 data file; the only difference will be the addition of the numbers 001 to the end of the *.D20 file name. OMEGALOG data file Corresponding excel compatible data file
This is an example of how your This is an example of how your *.#00 will look when you open it in Microsoft excel. At the end of the laboratory period, you should copy all of your data files to a portable storage device. Do not remove any of your data files from the expt-240 computer. If you have any problems opening any of these files, then please contact the laboratory engineer for assistance. T1 Vessel temperature data T3 Jacket-in temperature data T2 Feed temperature data T4 Jacket-out temperature data