Science Fair Power Point
Big Question Does gender affect the ability to walk in a straight seven foot line blindfolded? I want to test a couple boys and couple girls to experiment which gender will be more balanced and coordinated.
Hypothesis I predict that the boys will do better than the girls because I am comparing walking to driving and in my experience boys drive better than girls. I think the boys will do better because they are naturally more competitive than girls and I think they are more calm.
Interesting Facts Both teams had a person that never made it all seven feet. The boys team had much quicker times than the girls. The girls team had a person (me) that made it all the way both times in 14 seconds. Each person said it was harder than they thought it would be. Some people went off course like only after two feet but others went far like six feet then went off course.
Experiment Materials: Control/Variables Instructions Masking tape Measuring tape Paper, Pen Stop watch Blind fold __________________________ Control/Variables I found that people at younger ages went quicker. My mother the oldest of us all nearly doubled our times. J.C., Maddie, Jeff, and I all in the same age group went around the same time like 6-14 seconds. Instructions First I taped a 7 foot long line to the floor. I gathered all the people and timed them as they went along the line. Each person got two tries. I recorded each persons time and at which length they got off course. Then I compared results. (Boys vs. Girls)
Observations From Experiments An observation I saw was that Maddie went far the first time and went very short the second time. While Maddie went far then short most people went short then far. I thought it was interesting how I made it all the way both times in the same amount of time. I found it different a lot of people thought it was going to be easier than it was and they tried to go fast the first time and the second time they slowed it down.
Data Girls! Boys! Maddie- 1st time-6ft until off course in7.70 seconds 2nd time- 2ft until off course in3.47 seconds Lou- 1st time- 2ft until off course in 10 seconds 2nd time- all 7ft in 23.93 seconds Emily (me)- 1st time- all 7ft in 14 seconds 2nd time-all 7ft in 14.94 seconds Boys! J.C.- 1st time- 3ft until off course/14 seconds 2nd time- all 7ft in 8.64 seconds Jeff- 1st time- 4ft until off course 6.17 seconds 2nd time- 3ft until off course 6.89 seconds
Analysis Of Data According to the data, I found that neither boy nor girls are better at walking in a straight 7ft line blindfolded
Conclusion My conclusion of the experiment is that gender does not affect the ability to walk in a straight line blind folded although age does.