OBJECTIVES: Food Engineering – BSc Diploma at Fasulty of Food Science Szent István University Buda Campus - Budapest-Hungary Web page: www.kee.hu e-mail: csballa@omega.kee.hu The Faculty of Food Science (FFS) is located on the south part of Gellért Hill in Budapest at the Buda Campus of Szent István University. The FFS started its activity in 1972 with the BSc and MSc courses in Food Preservation. Nowadays the FFS offers BSc degree and higher diploma (MSc) in food engineering. OBJECTIVES: To educate food engineers to utilize the science of biology, chemistry, physics and engineering at the value adding processing of agricultural raw materials, production and preservation of substantial, safe and attractive food satisfying the demands of modern nutrition and competing at the market . The skilled food engineers is able to manage food production, quality control and management, product development, and organise food distribution on the market. The graduates work: 85-90% in Food Industry 10-15% in other areas A BSc (3 year) diploma, after 12 undergraduate study years. The disciplines are grouped in 6 main topics: 87% Compulsory 13 % Optional distributed as: Students with BSc diploma can continue their studies at MSc level. Additional requiremet for Food Engineer MSc diploma is 180 ECTS credits. Date: December 2000