The Meigs County Health Council is a county-wide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of families in Meigs County by providing education and resources intended to improve the overall health and well-being of the community
The Meigs County Health Council is a county-wide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of families in Meigs County by providing education and resources intended to improve the overall health and well-being of the community Our Mission: The Meigs County Health Council is a county-wide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of families in Meigs County by providing education and resources intended to improve the overall health and well-being of the community.
Meigs County, Tennessee
Demographics of Meigs County Population: 11,830 <18 YOA: 20.5% 65+ YOA: 19.8% Persons in Poverty: 21% Age 25+ with high school diploma 75%
Health Outcomes Length & Quality of Life 2016 Rank (of 95) 2015 Rank (of 95) 2014 Rank (of 95) 2013 Rank (of 95) Health Outcomes 85 91 90 87 Length of Life 92 93 Quality of Life 84 73 54 31 Health Factors 64 74 71 61 Health Behaviors 77 Clinical Care 44 52 34 33 Social & Economic Factors 68 76 72 Physical Environment 75 59 41 3
Walking Tracks
The children have really enjoyed the track and it’s allowed us to have walking contests between schools because we do have a mud-free place to walk no matter what the weather is or if the gym is available. We starting having walking contests and have had good participation with the students.
Veteran’s Park Exercise Stations
For the adults, we offered cash prizes in the walking contest with some of our diabetes prevention grant money. It was a good incentive and 35 teams with 144 people participated in our walking contest. Studies show that worksite wellness programs aren’t effective without incentives so we didn’t feel bad about offering a little bribe to get people going. Participants walked a total of 14,446 miles.
Healthy Horizons All Fourth Grade students in county Topics: Sugary Drinks Portion Control Tai Chi Dancing Inflatables Obstacle Course Tobacco Education
Healthy Horizons 5-Year Data Comparison Nutrition Issue 2011 2012 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 2015 U.S. Number of students who have a sugar-sweetened drink one or more times a day. 94 65% 89 60 49% 66 51% 49 52% 48 50% 62.8% Number of students who have a sugar-sweetened drink two 70 48% 58 43% 41 33% 38 29% 22 23% 32.9% Number of students who have candy, cake, cookies, ice cream, or other sweets once a day or more. 68 47% 54 44% 39 30% 47 46% 34 35% Number of students who have chips or French fries once a day or more. 50 34% 40 32 26% 42 32% 19 20% 18 19% Total Number of Students 145 136 123 130 96 We have evaluated our Healthy Horizons event with the 4th grade students using the same data measurements since the first event in 2011. Since 2011 we have see decrease of sugary drink consumption from 65% to 50%. If compared to the YBRS annual survey, being asked the samw question, the US average is 63%.
Pathway Diabetes Prevention Program
School-Based Nutrition Education
Workplace Lunch & Learns Cooking Matters for Teen in FACS classroom Meigs Matters Monthly Cooking Class
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