Date: May 8th – May 12th 2017 Theme: Communications Bible Verse: I thank God for you (Philemon 4) Letter: review all letters Number: review all numbers Color review all colors Shape: review all shapes Kindness Curriculum: Teachers: Miss. Mary & Miss. Emily Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Circle Time Greet Children, Pledge of Allegiance& Pledge to the Bible, Days of the week, and Months of the year, Calendar (date) and weather. IV.A.1 Greet Children, Pledge of Allegiance& Pledge to the Bible, Days of the week, and Months of the year, Calendar (date) and weather. IV.A.1. Greet Children, Pledge of Allegiance& Pledge to the Bible, Days of the week, and Months of the year, Calendar (date) and weather. IV.A.1 Art Paint with spray bottles Make a face puppet Paint on newspaper 11.C.1 Home living Play with communication devices 111.B.b.2 Discover hats and jobs Talk on the telephone Pretend to work in a post office Play with dress up Blocks Drive a mail truck Play with big trucks and buses Play with professional career figures Build with blocks Drive cars on highways Science Investigate sounds and with cups and strings Find letters in sand Weigh letters V.A.f.2 Create a map Investigate sound with PVC pipe Bible Read over scripture verse Play a scripture verse game – hangman? Read Bible Story (part 1) lI.A.1 Practice Bible Verse II.A.1 Review scripture verses of the week Math Count letters in a bible verse Play a bible verse game Work puzzles Play a concentration game Match cards and envelopes Lg. Motor Sing and move with music Step on stones Move to the Limbo music Follow directions Blow bubbles Writers Corner Write signs Draw on white boards Work a letter puzzle 1.D.1 Write cards to friends Make pretzel letters