Former St Martin of Tours RC Church, Lydd, TN29 9BA Featured Image Former St Martin of Tours RC Church, Lydd, TN29 9BA Development Opportunity – Freehold with vacant possession
Former St Martin of Tours RC Church, Lydd, TN29 9BA Opportunity A former Roman Catholic Church with potential for redevelopment subject to obtaining the relevant planning consent. Location MAP The Property is located on the southwest edge of Lydd in a predominantly residential area. Lydd is classified as a service/district centre serving the local hinterland with shops, employment and public services. The road network into Lydd is good with the B2075 leading north from the centre of Lydd to the A259. The A259 connects Lydd to coastal towns and the region’s road network. Description The church building was constructed around 1931 and has a total Gross Internal Area of 147.35m2 (1,586ft2). The total site area of the Property is 0.174 ha (0.430 acres). There is currently no gas connection to the Property and it is not connected to the public sewerage system. It is serviced by means of a septic tank. We however understand that mains water and sewerage services are available in the area. Legal Title & Tenure The freehold interest in the Property is held by Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church. The Property is offered freehold with vacant possession and with the benefit of any rights and restrictions which may exist. Planning The Property is located in the administrative area of Shepway District council. The Property is considered suitable for residential development, subject to the grant of planning consents. Purchasers should rely on their own enquiries with Shepway District Council planning department.
Former St Martin of Tours RC Church, Lydd, TN29 9BA Guide Price £350,000 Viewings/ Offers MAP Viewing is by prior appointment with Sole Agents Stanley Hicks. Offers are invited (either unconditionally or conditional upon the grant of planning consent) . Further Details Paul Greenwood E: Tel. 0207 248 0241 Bunmi Olafare E: Tel. 0207 248 0241 MISREPRESENTATION ACT 1967 Important: These particulars have been prepared as agent for our clients and are intended as a convenient guide to supplement an inspection or survey. They do not constitute any part of an offer or contract and their accuracy is not guaranteed. They contain statements of opinion and in some instances we have relied on information provided by others. You should verify the particulars on your visit to the property and the particulars do not obviate the need for a full survey and all of the appropriate enquiries. Accordingly, there shall be no liability as a result of any error or omission in the particulars or any other information given.