Life of a college student Studies Hobbies Chill out with friends Memories Be cool
Current scenario Wants to pursue photography Doesn’t have enough funds to purchase Hence, the dreams once upon a time, are shattered!! Wants to gift dad his favourite watch on his birthday Doesn’t want to ask friends/family for money Wants to purchase an iPhone – because it’s cool Doesn’t have an easy way to avail any monthly payment plan
The student is happy, because KRAZYBEE is now delivering dreams! And now!! KRAZYBEE provides the student with offering, via which the student can purchase anything on affordable easy monthly payments The student is happy, because KRAZYBEE is now delivering dreams!
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Start-up fest
Cyber Carrier
Start early! Be a winner.
B plans
Start early! Be a winner.
Introduction Company name and logo Self-introduction Presenters’names (titles if necessary) Company proposition Products or services being offered
Opportunity/ Need gap Problem or need gap in the market Significance or prevalence of the problem Why is now the right time for a solution (if appropriate)? A ‘problem’ scenario that provides a basis for your company’s product or service
Market Market size, growth, trends and maturity Market challenges Market segments served by the company Company’s potential in the market
Customers Describe the company’s current and potential customers (STP) Profile of the optimal customer Validation of customer acceptance – customer feedback, survey data, testimonials
Competition & Advantage Direct and indirect competition for your company SWOT w.r.t. competition Differentiation in terms of offering Your company’s competitive advantage
Marketing plan Description of marketing plan Go-to market strategy Pricing model & Gross margin Accessing customers Customer support needed
Business or Revenue model Company’s business and revenue model Overall business strategy Channels to sell your product or services Sales cycle for the company’s product or service (customer experience)
Revenue & Sales projections Projections of volume & value of sales Incoming and outgoing cash flows Profitability in the near future Projected break-even point (if any)
Product or Service roadmap
Company vision or future plans B.H.A.G.
Strong team Relationship among team members Good understanding of what the business is (and the core business line) Unique and differentiating idea Strong execution plan Investor sentiment
Why funding?
A question you need to answer for yourselves
Up to 10 teams to be funded No limit on team size 12 slides + supporting collaterals INR 1 Lakh Induction into incubation cell
Deadline: 31st August (Bangalore) 14th September (Pune)
Have a Dream? Go Get it!!!