Music and musicians for teens Pereverzeva A.V.
There are many different genres of music: rap, rock, pop, classical and others.
Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich (25 January 1938 - 25 July 1980) – the Soviet poet, actor and singer.
Vladimir Vysotsky Vysotsky wrote more than 200 poems, about 600 songs and poems for children (in two parts).
Aria "Aria" – the Soviet and Russian group playing in the genre of heavy metal.
Bahh Tee Bahh Tee, real name Bakhtiyar Aliyev (born October, 5 1988, Moscow).
Bahh Tee
Agatha Christie "Agatha Christie" – the Soviet and Russian rock group, one of the most popular in the country in the first half of 1990s, based Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Kozlov and Peter May in 1988 in Sverdlovsk.
Agatha Christie
Catharsis Cathársis (ancient Greek. Purification) - Russian rock group playing music in the style of power metal.
Thousand Foot Krutch Thousand Foot Krutch (abbreviated TFK) - Canadian rock group. Since 1997, the group released 8 studio albums.
Skillet .
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