Canada and the Post-War Years: The Roaring Twenties -Continuation- Page:65-66 By: Dania Zeidan Mon.24,2016
Lesson goals: New Art New Words Sports as Popular Entertainment A New Culture Emerges Moving Pictures New Art New Words Sports as Popular Entertainment Conclusion
A New Culture Emerges After WWI, Canadians started trying different forms of entertainment, which led Canada to find its own voice as a nation with a unique culture. And the result was that Canada found different forms of Canadian art, sport entertainment , movies, and words in the 1920s.
Moving Pictures: Movies were introduced in the twenties. At first, movies were silent. Music and subtitles were added to convey the message. Some movies about Canada were made in the 1920s, but they could not compete with big studios in the United States. Eventually Canadians became famous and successful in Hollywood.
New Art: In 1920, Canadians such as ‘the Group of Seven’ introduced a new art movement which included the Canadian landscape. Although the art work wasn’t traditional, it gained wide acceptance at the end of the 1920s.
New Words: Political debates, Canadian poems, and writings, began to appear in magazines. Even Canadian spelling was used in these magazines. Canadians could not compete with the Americans magazines/books.
Sports as Popular Entertainment : People were looking for entertainment and sports became very popular. For example, Hockey entered Canadian homes by play by play radio broadcast. Also Canadian athletes succeeded internationally. One day in 1922, Lionel Conacher hit a triple in the last inning of a baseball game to win the championship for his team. Also in the same day he scored four times in lacrosse. Fanny “Bobbie” Rosenfeld is one of Canada's greatest female athletes. She was a star at many sports such as: basketball, softball, and hockey. In1928 she won a gold and a silver medal for Canada, and became a national hero.
Conclusion After the war, new forms of art and entertainment emerged. These included movies, paintings, poems, and sports. These are what made the unique Canadian culture.