Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri Università degli studi, Milano, Italy Soft Computing for Environmental Applications and Remote Sensing Introduction of Remote Sensing and Environmental Applications Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri Università degli studi, Milano, Italy
Course introduction This course introduces the theory and techniques of remote sensing and their application to environmental analysis. In the first part of the course we present the acquisition, processing and classification techniques which do not require actual contact with the object or area being observed such as aerial photography; infrared thermometry; passive microwave sensing. (aero and space technologies and systems). In the second part of the course we will present the techniques used to monitor the environment using networks of sensors and the main soft computing techniques to analyze data, to process data fusion and measurements. Let’s begin! Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri
A note on the course material This course provides a lot of introductive material in order to allow a good comprehension of the Remote Sensing main issues. Those issues can greatly help the reader to properly understand how to use the soft-computing methods in remote sensing. Please note that not all the material non strictly related to soft-computing is required to the course. Reading the material please keep in mind that issue! Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri
Introduction to remote sensing Our goal is to study the basics of the remote sensing for environmental applications, in particular “What is remote sensing?”; Electromagnetic radiation; Interaction of radiation with the atmosphere; Interaction of radiation with targets; Passive and active sensing; Basic characteristics of the remote sensing image. Please read carefully the tutorial L1_IntroductionToRemoteSensing.pdf (*) linked in the course page. The file contains a final quiz to test your improvements. (*) Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri
History and examples Our goal is now to briefly review the history of remote sensing and to propose the examples of basic applications. Please read carefully the tutorial L1_HistoryAndExamples.pdf (*) linked in the course page. (*) Planetek Italia srl www.planetek.it Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri
Additional (facultative) web resources Columbia University's Remote Sensing Glossary http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/remote/glossary.html The NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Homepage/Homepage.html Planetek srl. www.planetek.it (introductive tutorials) Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri
End of the lecture Fabio Scotti - Manuel Roveri