Energy Year 2016 Electricity 23.1.2017 Finnish Energy 23.1.2017
Electricity Consumption Year 2016 85.1 TWh (+ 3.1%) 23.1.2017
Temperature Corrected Electricity Consumption Year 2016 86. 0 TWh (+1 23.1.2017
Changes of Electricity Consumption (change 2015/2016 +2.6 TWh) 23.1.2017
Peak Load of Electricity Maximum MW/h 23.1.2017
Electricity Consumption 7. 1 Electricity Consumption 7.1.2016 hour 17-18 (Highest peak power ever in Finland) 40 Generation 10 889 MW Wind Industry- CHP 1227 District heating-CHP Consumption 15 177 MW Condense Generation 10 889 MW Imports 4 328 MW Exports 40 MW Nuclear Power Hydro Power 1200 1468 433 23.1.2017
Electricity Supply Hourly 7.1.2016 23.1.2017
Electricity Consumption 2016 (85.1 TWh) 23.1.2017
Electricity Consumption of Industry 23.1.2017
Change of Industrial Electricity Consumption 2015/2016 23.1.2017
Net Supplies of Electricity 2016 (85.1 TWh) 23.1.2017
Electricity Supply by Energy Sources 2016 (85.1 TWh) 23.1.2017
Variation of Electricity Supply in 2016 23.1.2017
Electricity Generation by Energy Sources 2016 (66,1 TWh) Renewable 45 % Carbon dioxide free 78 % Domestic 50 % 23.1.2017
Electricity Generation from Coal, sum of moving 12 months 23.1.2017
Generation of Hydropower Average year 23.1.2017
Generation and Capacity of Wind Power 23.1.2017
Wind Power Capacity and Variation of Supply 23.1.2017
Generation and Capacity of Condensing Power 23.1.2017
Generation and Capacity of CHP in Industry 23.1.2017
Generation and Capacity of CHP in District Heating 23.1.2017
Electricity Generation in Nordic market area 2015 23.1.2017
Imports and Exports of Electricity 23.1.2017
Electricity Net Imports Year 2016 19.0 TWh 23.1.2017
Value of Electricity Generation in Finland Value of electricity generation in Finland is based on: Yearly electricity generation in Finland Yearly Elspot prices in Finland (NordPool) 23.1.2017
CO2-emissions of Power Generation EU-28, v. 2014: 276 g CO2/kWh Source: EEA 23.1.2017