Systematic review of the potential adverse effects of caffeine consumption in healthy adults, pregnant women, adolescents, and children: Behavior Outcome Dr. Harris Lieberman Military Nutrition Division, US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine and Dr. Charles O’Brien Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania
Disclosure Harris Lieberman: Charles O’Brien: Member of the ILSI North America Caffeine Systematic Review Team (uncompensated) Government Liaison ILSI North America Caffeine Working Group (uncompensated) The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author(s) and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the Army or the Department of Defense. Any citations of commercial organizations and trade names in this report do not constitute an official Department of the Army endorsement of approval of the products or services of these organizations. In the conduct of research involving human subjects, the investigators adhered to the policies for protection of human subjects as prescribed by DOD Instruction 3216.02, and the research was conducted in adherence with the provisions of 32 CFR Part 219. Charles O’Brien: Member of the ILSI North America Caffeine Systematic Review Team ILSI North America provided an honorarium and travel to attend this meeting.
Adverse behavioral effects Population, Exposure, Comparator, Outcome (PECO) Questions for the Behavior Outcome For [population], is caffeine intake above [dose], compared to intakes [dose] or less, associated with adverse effects on behavior health outcomes? Example: For healthy adults, is caffeine intake above 400 mg/day, compared to intakes of 400 mg/day or less, associated with adverse effects on behavior health outcomes? Population Healthy Adults Pregnant Women Adolescents Children Exposure > 400 mg/day > 300 mg/day > 2.5 mg/kg-day Comparator ≤ 400 mg/day ≤ 300 mg/day ≤ 2.5 mg/kg-day Outcome Adverse behavioral effects P E C O
Characterization of Data for Behavior Outcome Data Type Characterization Number of studies 81 included; 123 excluded (no quantitative value of caffeine – “association studies”; other exclusionary criteria such as unhealthy study population or no data on adverse effects) Study types Randomized controlled trials; some cross-sectional and cohort studies; a single case-control study Populations Adults, adolescents, children (no data available on pregnant women) Exposure Primarily controlled exposure to some form of pure caffeine, though some provided measured doses of coffee, energy drinks or another source Others quantified dietary intake (e.g., food frequency questionnaires) – coffee, soda, tea, chocolate ~2/3 specifically evaluated caffeine Categorical groupings (e.g., <1 cup/day, >3 cups/day) or specific quantification Outcome (Endpoints) Adverse Mood States (Anxiety, Anger and Confusion, Depression); Sleep (Objective and Subjective measures); Withdrawal; Headache; Risk-taking
Behavior End Points (All Potentially Adverse) Mood – Adults Increased anxiety Increased anger Increased confusion Increased depression Mood – Children and Adolescents Headache – Adults Headache – Children and Adolescents
Behavior End Points – All Potentially Adverse (cont’d) Sleep – Adults Subjective (self-report questionnaires) – increased fatigue, drowsiness Objective – decreased sleep duration and/or quality assessed by polysomnography (EEG) or wrist activity monitoring Sleep – Children and Adolescents Problematic and Risk-Taking Behavior – Adults Substance abuse Smoking Disorderly behavior Risk-taking Problematic and Risk-Taking Behavior – Children
Through a Different Lens Other than “Safety and Toxicology” Caffeine is frequently consumed for its behavioral effects Increased alertness Decreased sleepiness European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel concluded consumption of caffeine increased alertness and attention in doses of at least 75 mg caffeine in the general adult population.
The Behavioral Data 81 studies included after eliminating 123 (only 5 on children and adolescents, none on pregnant women) Only 6 were dose-response studies 19 used doses of 400 mg or above (the comparator for adults) Most not conducted for studying ‘adverse events’ per se Many were conducted to test behavioral hypotheses Does caffeine in moderate doses found in foods increase alertness? Does caffeine given before bedtime interfere with sleep?
Results Mood – Adults Mood – Children and Adolescents Anxiety Findings across studies very variable, over ½ below 400 mg were negative Concluded: caffeine can produce a small increase in anxiety above and below 400 mg/day For future research, dose-response studies should be conducted Anger and Confusion Generally no effects below or above comparator Depression No negative effects below or above comparator Mood – Children and Adolescents Insufficient data overall – two studies available are both negative
Results (cont’d) Headache – Adults Headache – Children and Adolescents Difficult, complex area; some studies suggest: Caffeine withdrawal can sometimes cause headache Caffeine administration during withdrawal can mitigate headache Conclusion based on 15 studies – caffeine doses below 400 mg comparator are not associated with headache Headache – Children and Adolescents Insufficient evidence
Results (cont’d) Sleep – Adults Sleep – Children and Adolescents “Subjective” effects on alertness, fatigue No adverse effects below comparator (a decrease in fatigue) At very high doses (1200 mg/day) increase in fatigue due to disruption of sleep Objective measures of sleep with polysomnography (EEG) or wrist activity monitor (a decrease in sleep duration/quality) Caffeine administration above or below 400 mg comparator can disrupt sleep especially when given later in the day Sleep – Children and Adolescents Insufficient data Problematic and Risk-Taking Behavior (substance abuse, etc.) Insufficient data – adults and children
Evaluation of Individual Study Quality (Risk of Bias) Overall “probably low” risk of bias for studies in adults; few qualified studies in children and adolescents which were generally of lower quality Limited by exposure characterization (Q8, Q11) and Outcome Assessment (Q9) +2: Definitely low +1: Probably low -1: Probably high -2: Definitely high
Behavior: Weight of Evidence (WoE) Conclusion Adults: When the weight of evidence was considered, with particular emphasis on level of adversity, 400 mg caffeine/day was found to be an acceptable intake that is not associated with significant concern regarding adverse behavioral effects. There were some adverse noted effects below the comparator: Anxiety and sleep may be affected below the comparator depending on dose, time of administration, history of caffeine intake, genetics, etc. There is moderate to high level of confidence in the body of evidence supporting this conclusion Children and adolescents: the evidence base was insufficient to develop a conclusion No data on pregnant women From manuscript: Overall, the Nawrot et al. (2003) conclusions for the safe levels of daily caffeine intake for healthy adults are generally supported by this body of evidence. There are sufficient data from RCTs that lower doses of caffeine may negatively affect some aspects of behavior (particularly anxiety) and sleep for adults; however, these changes are often low in magnitude and/or are more apparent in sensitive subpopulations. Of the 81 included studies, the data in children and adolescents were limited to just 5 studies, which together evaluated mood, headache, and sleep. As such, it was determined that the evidence base was insufficient to render a conclusion regarding appropriateness of the comparator (2.5 mg caffeine/day) for potential impacts of caffeine consumption on behavior outcomes in these populations.
Anxiety (Adults) The evidence demonstrates that caffeine has adverse effects on anxiety both above and below the comparator of 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations At intakes above the comparator, up to 1200mg/day, reported adverse effects are more consistent Studies reporting effects that were often Low in magnitude Only in sensitive sub-populations (ADORA2A polymorphisms) Moderate level of confidence in the body of evidence From manuscript: Taken together, some but not all evidence, primarily from RCTs involving single/short term caffeine exposure and subjective measures of anxiety, suggests that the comparator of 400 mg/day can lead to increases, albeit small, in measures of anxiety in adults. Evidence suggests that some of the variability in findings may be due to individual variation in the response to caffeine. Much of the variation in response, including the magnitude and sensitivity of its effects, may be attributed to other factors such as genotype (e.g., ADORA2a receptor TT genotype polymorphisms), consumer status (e.g., studies that involve participants with genetic predispositions or participants who do not regularly consume caffeine tend to report effects below the comparator), and subjectivity inherent to the evaluation of anxiety (e.g., POMS). This later point being notable when considering the level of adversity of the reported changes in anxiety –the often-small changes observed were considered to be of low magnitude. These findings highlight the need for additional research to further characterize population-based sensitivities based on genotype and consumption status.
Sleep (Adults) Evidence supports that 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations is an acceptable intake that is not associated with significant concern regarding subjective measures of sleep Most studies indicate that caffeine improves measures of fatigue One study at the high end (1200 mg/day for 7 days) observed adverse effects related to cumulative loss of sleep Evidence suggests that 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations is associated with adverse effects on objective measures of sleep Most studies indicate that timing of the dose is important and that sleep disruption occurs most frequently when administered close to bedtime. High level of confidence in the evidence base From manuscript: Subjective; Based on the studies reviewed, the majority demonstrate that the comparator of 400 mg caffeine/day is acceptable as an intake generally not associated with concern regarding adverse effects on sleep. There were a few cases in which prolonged dosing was associated with increased fatigue; the magnitude of these changes was difficult to assess. Caffeine’s mode of action in the central nervous system (CNS) helps, in part, explain why most caffeine doses tested in these studies may indeed provide some benefit on this endpoint by reducing perceived fatigue; however, higher doses may disrupt sleep and lead to an increase in fatigue when consumed over the course of several days (see Bonnet and Arand, 2003a, and Section on objective effects). Objective: With respect to the data obtained via objective measures of sleep in adults, results indicate that 400 mg caffeine/day is likely too high as an intake, in that it would be expected to disrupt sleep when administered with the intention to do so. Specifically, ingestion of caffeine even at doses below the comparator can lead to delayed sleep onset and decreases in sleep quality and efficiency, but this is particularly the case when caffeine is consumed near bedtime. Overall, caffeine at doses both above and below the comparator may provide short-term benefits to improve perceived fatigue but, depending on the dose and timing, may also disrupt sleep, leading to increased fatigue the following day.
Behavior in Children and Adolescents Relatively little data available for each of the major behavioral endpoints Only one study provided data above the comparator No major adverse effects seen in children or adolescents at doses near or less than 2.5 mg/kg Many non-quantitative (i.e. association studies) available in the literature could not be used Few studies available to effectively evaluate the comparator of 2.5 mg/kg/day in this population Lower quality evidence base due to issues with study design, indirectness and reverse causation More research is required, particularly in the key areas of sleep and risk-taking behavior From manuscript: Of the 81 included studies, the data in children and adolescents were limited to just 5 studies, which together evaluated mood, headache, and sleep. As such, it was determined that the evidence base was insufficient to render a conclusion regarding appropriateness of the comparator (2.5 mg caffeine/day) for potential impacts of caffeine consumption on behavior outcomes in these populations.
Clinical Considerations in Weigh-of-Evidence (WoE) Conclusions Relationship of caffeine to anxiety disorders, caffeine and addiction, caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine and sleep disorders. Caffeine and children (strongly need more studies). Caffeine and cardiac disease, hypertension. Effects of caffeine on performance, cognitive, motor, at what dose?
Anxiety (Adults) The evidence demonstrates that caffeine has adverse effects on anxiety both above and below the comparator of 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations At intakes above the comparator, up to 1200mg/day, reported adverse effects are more consistent Studies reporting effects that were often Low in magnitude Only in sensitive sub-populations (ADORA2A polymorphisms) Moderate level of confidence in the body of evidence From manuscript: Taken together, some but not all evidence, primarily from RCTs involving single/short term caffeine exposure and subjective measures of anxiety, suggests that the comparator of 400 mg/day can lead to increases, albeit small, in measures of anxiety in adults. Evidence suggests that some of the variability in findings may be due to individual variation in the response to caffeine. Much of the variation in response, including the magnitude and sensitivity of its effects, may be attributed to other factors such as genotype (e.g., ADORA2a receptor TT genotype polymorphisms), consumer status (e.g., studies that involve participants with genetic predispositions or participants who do not regularly consume caffeine tend to report effects below the comparator), and subjectivity inherent to the evaluation of anxiety (e.g., POMS). This later point being notable when considering the level of adversity of the reported changes in anxiety –the often-small changes observed were considered to be of low magnitude. These findings highlight the need for additional research to further characterize population-based sensitivities based on genotype and consumption status.
Sleep (Adults) Evidence supports that 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations is an acceptable intake that is not associated with significant concern regarding subjective measures of sleep Most studies indicate that caffeine improves measures of fatigue One study at the high end (1200 mg/day for 7 days) observed adverse effects related to cumulative loss of sleep Evidence suggests that 400 mg caffeine/day in healthy adult populations is associated with adverse effects on objective measures of sleep Most studies indicate that timing of the dose is important and that sleep disruption occurs most frequently when administered close to bedtime. High level of confidence in the evidence base From manuscript: Subjective; Based on the studies reviewed, the majority demonstrate that the comparator of 400 mg caffeine/day is acceptable as an intake generally not associated with concern regarding adverse effects on sleep. There were a few cases in which prolonged dosing was associated with increased fatigue; the magnitude of these changes was difficult to assess. Caffeine’s mode of action in the central nervous system (CNS) helps, in part, explain why most caffeine doses tested in these studies may indeed provide some benefit on this endpoint by reducing perceived fatigue; however, higher doses may disrupt sleep and lead to an increase in fatigue when consumed over the course of several days (see Bonnet and Arand, 2003a, and Section on objective effects). Objective: With respect to the data obtained via objective measures of sleep in adults, results indicate that 400 mg caffeine/day is likely too high as an intake, in that it would be expected to disrupt sleep when administered with the intention to do so. Specifically, ingestion of caffeine even at doses below the comparator can lead to delayed sleep onset and decreases in sleep quality and efficiency, but this is particularly the case when caffeine is consumed near bedtime. Overall, caffeine at doses both above and below the comparator may provide short-term benefits to improve perceived fatigue but, depending on the dose and timing, may also disrupt sleep, leading to increased fatigue the following day.
Future Research Needs More research necessary on children and adolescents; particularly with regards to caffeine’s effects on sleep and risk-taking behavior. More consideration for/or better understanding of the effects of caffeine withdrawal on these endpoints. No data available on pregnant women. Better understanding of the effects of caffeine on anxiety and sleep in sensitive subpopulations, individuals with polymorphisms (e.g. ADORA2A).