Introduction to legal and illegal Drugs Aim: to identify the three categories of illegal drug Goal: to understand some of the different types of drugs and the effects they have on users. Starter: spider diagram. What do you know about drugs already? 3
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Intro to drugs -discussion What is a drug? What is drug abuse? What are the different types of abuse? What is drug classification?
Key terms Drug: a substance which when taken affects the body or mind. Prescription Drugs: drugs legally obtained only with a doctors consent. Drug abuse: using drugs in a way that causes harm to the user.
Key terms Illegal drugs: drugs which are illegal to possess, sell, or use. Social drugs: legal drugs which are still addictive such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine etc. Drug classification: Three legal categories by which illegal drugs are classified according to British Law. The categories are based on the level of harm they do and how addictive they are.
5 Brain time In pairs/groups can you name the drugs on the worksheet? Are they legal or illegal? What ‘class’ are they? Time: 5 minutes. 5
Brain time We are now going to go through each of the drugs. On your worksheet record the name of the drug, its class and details about it.
What drug is this?
Answer Ecstasy ('E/ pills / cowies') Class A Max of 7 years in prison for possession and life for supply. Gives a sense of euphoria followed by calm. Sweating and heart rate increase –can lead to instant death through dehydration.
What drug is this?
Answer Salvia Divonorum (Legal high- hallucinogenic plant) Legal Produces vision and hallucinations, laughter etc. Has traditionally used by Mexican Shamans and other ‘religious groups’.
What drug is this?
Answer Research chemical sold as a legal high. Legal Produces vision and hallucinations, laughter etc.
What drug is this?
Answer Cocaine (Coke) Class A Snorted or injected. Max of 7 years in prison for possession and life for supply. Snorted or injected. Powerful stimulant for about 30 mins then depression and restlessness. Addictive Price has reduced significantly - £30 gram
What drug is this?
Answer Cannabis (weed) Class B Most widely used illegal drug in Uk Max of 5 years in prison for possession and 14 years for supply. Most widely used illegal drug in Uk Sense of ‘chilled out’, ‘munchies’ and feeling of calm. May lead to mental health issues.
What drug is this?
Answer Ketamine Class C Illegal to possess and supply. Possession 2 years in jail and supply could be 14 years. Powerful hallucinogenic General anaesthetic used on animals mostly.
What drug is this?
Answer MDMA powder (pure powered Ecstasy) Class A As ecstasy
What drug is this?
Answer LSD / Tabs/ Acid Class A Max of 7 years in prison for possession and life for supply. Hallucinogenic drug with effects that can last for 8-12 hours. Cheap – can be as little as £1 per tab.
What drug is this?
Answer DMT Class A Psychedelic drug Max of 7 years in prison for possession and life for supply. Psychedelic drug Used by Amazonia peoples and shamans and some ‘modern Brazilian Christian movements’ in worship.
What drug is this?
Answer Poppers (aka alkyl or amyl nitrites) Legal Cheap – £2-£5 Usually sold in sex shops and gay areas. Head rush, relaxed anal muscles, better orgasims.
What drug is this?
Answer Alcohol Legal An addictive social drug. Is a depressant Causes obesity, damage to the heart, liver damage.
What drug is this?
Answer Magic mushrooms ('shrooms') Class A Max of 7 years in prison for possession and life for supply. Cheap –free or about £5 ‘Trip’ –feel creative, confident and out of this world.
What drug is this?
Answer GHB/ GBL Class C Illegal to possess and supply. Possession 2 years in jail and supply could be 14 years. GBL converts to GHB when it enters the body. Feeling of euphoria and can reduce your inhibitions (date rape drug)
What drug is this?
Answer Nitrous Oxide Legal Has uses in cooking, machinery, etc but can also be used as a recreational drug and produces euphoric effects.
What drug is this?
Answer Tobacco Legal Contains nicotine an addictive social drug. Causes cancer, bronchitis, heart disease, low sperm count etc.
Brain time Time: ................ minutes.
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Social drugs (legal)
Social drugs (legal) Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant drug that relaxes the drinker. About 9 out of 10 adults in the Britain drink alcohol. It costs the NHS about £150 million to deal with alcohol related problems. One in four men admitted to hospital is there due to alcohol 3000 people die per year from drinking too much, but the death toll relating to alcohol is estimated at 28,000. This includes suicides, accidents and diseases like strokes and cancers
Social drugs (legal) Caffeine Caffeine is an addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system and makes a person feel more energetic. Many of its effects are negative though. It increases the blood flow through the kidneys, which produces more urine. Large doses increase the risk of heart attacks, can cause restlessness, sleeplessness, nervousness, excitement, palpitations and diarrhoea. The amount of caffeine in tea or coffee can vary greatly- it can contain between 30-200mgt. Caffeine is unlikely to cause permanent damage.
Social drugs (legal) Tobacco About 13 million adults in the UK smoke- 29% of all males and 25% of all females 80% smokers started as teenagers It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under 18 About 25% of 15 year olds smoke, despite it being illegal to sell them tobacco 120,000 people die every year from smoking- that’s 330 a day Smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths One in two smokers will die because of smoking More than 17,000 children under 5 are treated in hospital each year due to passive smoking Over 4000 different chemicals can get into your bloodstream because of smoking Illnesses due to smoking cost the NHS £400 a year
Brain time Time: ................ minutes.
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Summarise today’s topic in 5 sentences. Plenary Summarise today’s topic in 5 sentences. Reduce to 5 words. Now to 1 word.