Online Training Resources for JPSS Patrick Dills Amy Stevermer UCAR / The COMET® Program AMS Short Course Experiencing JPSS Capabilities Jan 21, 2017 Seattle, WA
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Lessons and Courses
Lessons and Courses
JPSS Distance Learning Course 4 core lessons (3-4 hrs total completion time) 8 optional lessons on various aspects of JPSS science & applications
MetEd JPSS DL Course (Dec 2016) JPSS Satellites: Capabilities and Applications Course Core Lesson Highlights Suomi NPP: A New Generation of Environmental Monitoring Satellites Introduction to VIIRS Imaging and Applications Advances in Space-Based Nighttime Visible Observation Microwave Remote Sensing: Overview, 2nd Edition Optional Lessons (8) Provide more in-depth information on benefits and applications of JPSS observations for various topics of interest Additional Learning Resources Core lesson highlights for new JPSS Satellites MetEd DL course (Dec 2016)
Suomi NPP: A New Generation of Environmental Monitoring Satellites 1-hour lesson, available in English and Spanish, pub. 2012 1st half of lesson: Introduces Suomi-NPP (2011) and its role in weather forecasting & climate monitoring Evolution of the U.S. polar-orbiting satellite program Some info on future JPSS satellites Orbit basics & coverage Data downlinks and processing Overview of environmental data records, imagery, and derived products Instruments (VIIRS, CrIS & ATMS, OMPS, CERES) Published May 2012, 45 – 60 min long, Eng & Spa Includes mention of future JPSS satellites
Suomi NPP: A New Generation of Environmental Monitoring Satellites 2nd half of the lesson covers data and products for various applications including: Climate (ozone, carbon dioxide, tropospheric temp & trends, SST) Land (cloud and snow cover, fires) Ocean (SST, ocean color & optical properties, oil spills, sea ice breakup) Atmosphere (CO & other trace gases, aerosols, hurricanes, low cloud/fog, total precipitable water, soundings) Space Weather (aurora) Published May 2012, 45 – 60 min long, Eng & Spa Includes mention of future JPSS satellites Top: Artic ozone, VIIRS cloud vs. snow cover Bottom: Oil spill, Blended TPW, Day-Night Band image of aurora S-NPP MetEd lesson link
Introduction to VIIRS Imaging and Applications 1-hour lesson, pub. 2013 Flying on Suomi NPP, future JPSS-1 & -2 VIIRS vs. earlier imagers (AVHRR, OLS, MODIS) Introduces VIIRS capabilities & technical advancements 22 bands Imaging strategy, resolution and improvements Brief introduction to the Day-Night Band (DNB) Overview of various products & applications Published Sep 2013, 45 – 60 min long, Eng VIIRS on board Suomi NPP (2012), JPSS-1 (fall 2017), JPSS-2 (~2021) VIIRS “True Color” composite image
Introduction to VIIRS Imaging and Applications Key VIIRS applications covered include: Imagery and image composites (e.g.RGBs) Sea ice Convection Fog and low clouds SST Tropical cyclones Fires Volcanic ash Dust and aerosols Ocean Color Day Night Band Nighttime fires near Ventura, CA Fog and low cloud cover Ocean chlorophyll conc. Published Sep 2013, 45 – 60 min long, Eng VIIRS on board Suomi NPP (2012), JPSS-1 (fall 2017), JPSS-2 (~2021) VIIRS MetEd lesson link
Advances in Space-Based Nighttime Visible Observation 1 to 1.24 hour lesson, pub. 2013 Presents technical Improvements with Suomi NPP and upcoming JPSS VIIRS “Day-Night Band” (DNB) Discusses role of lunar cycle & modeling, and constant contrast techniques for normalized imagery Covers meteorological and other applications Potential future improvements in nighttime Vis imaging Published Apr 2013, minor revisions in Jan 2016, 60 – 75 min long, Eng
Advances in Space-Based Nighttime Visible Observation Day-Night Band applications covered include: Tropical cyclones Dust Low clouds & Fog Air pollution Fires Population and economic geography, city lights & other anthropogenic light sources Volcanoes DMSP OLS (left) vs. VIIRS DNB (right) Nighttime image normalization Smoke, ice pack, lightning, cloud features Published Apr 2013, minor revisions in Jan 2016, 60 – 75 min long, Eng DNB MetEd lesson link
Microwave Remote Sensing: Overview, 2nd Edition 30 to 45 min. lesson, pub. 2012 Overview of polar-orbiting satellites and MW observing capabilities Reviews basic active vs. passive microwave remote sensing concepts Instrument heritage, current and new platforms (AMSU, ATMS, AMSR2, GPM, scatterometers) Discusses orbits, data latency, and JPSS improvements Shows examples of imaging and atmospheric sounding products Published May 2012, 30 - 45 min long, Eng Includes mention of S-NPP, JPSS, Metop, DMSP, and other complementary missions (Megha-Tropiques, GCOM-W, GPM)
Microwave Remote Sensing: Land & Ocean Surface Applications, 2nd Edition (updated Jan 2015) 1.5 to 2 hour, optional lesson in the JPSS course Microwave concepts and principles for observing land and ocean surfaces Snow cover & water equivalent, sea ice, soil moisture, sea surface temperature Emphasis on ongoing and new missions Updated Jan 2015, 1.5 – 2 hours long, Eng
JPSS River Ice and Flood Products Optional lesson in JPSS course, pub. 2016 Introduces JPSS capabilities and products for monitoring river ice and flooding Cases demonstrate product use and value 2013 Galena, AK spring ice jam flood Ice formation in the Upper Mississippi River affecting navigation 2014 springtime flooding event in the Upper Midwest along Red River of the North Published Jan 2015, 1.5 – 2 hours long, Eng JPSS MetEd course link
JPSS Learning Resources Outside of MetEd JPSS User Guides - VIIRS and CrIS (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR) NWS VISIT Training Sessions - VIIRS Applications for Forecasters (CIRA/RAMMB) VIIRS imagery interpretation, VIIRS Day-Night Band imagery GINA Polar-Orbiting Satellite Product Quick Guides for High Latitude Data Users (GINA/UAF) Polar satellite and VIIRS imagery basics and usage for high latitude forecasters NASA SPoRT Training – Quick Guides and Lessons on VIIRS Additional Training Resources – JPSS Short Course Web-links
Patrick Amy Thank you! For more info, Patrick Amy