The Islamic World and Africa Chapter 9
Page 1: Essential Questions 1) What are the major beliefs of Islam? (pages 4 & 6) 2) What were the political, economic, and social effects of the spread of Islamic culture? (page 8) 3) How did the Gold-Salt Trade encourage the growth of a series of prosperous kingdoms in West Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? (page 10)
Page 2: Introduction In this chapter, you will learn about developments in the Middle East and Africa during the post-classical era. Mohammad founded Islam on the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century. The Quran/Koran is the sacred book of Islam. It records the teachings of Mohammad. Muslims follow the 5 Pillars of Islam: faith in 1 God, prayer, charity, fasting, and making pilgrimage to Mecca. Islam rapidly spread through Middle East, North Africa, and Spain. Islamic culture flourished under the caliphates. Islamic scholars made important contributions in mathematics, science, and architecture.
Page 2: Introduction (cont.) The Gold-Salt trade exchanged salt from the Sahara Desert with gold found in West Africa. The gold-salt trade encouraged growth of series of prosperous kingdoms in W. Africa: Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. Other civilizations also flourished in Africa, including Ife, Benin, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, and cities of East Africa. Use of captives as slaves, a practice common in the ancient world, encouraged later development of the slave trade.
Page 3: Key Terminology Islam 9) Savanna Five Pillars of Islam 10) Timbuktu Ghana, Mali, Songhai 11) Quran (Koran) Arabian Peninsula 12) Gold-Salt Trade Sunni Muslims 13) Ibn Battuta Shiite Muslims Mohammad Mansa Musa
Page 5: The Five Pillars of Islam Create an illustration featuring The Five Pillars of Islam Be sure to draw, label, and colorfully illustrate your design You must show all 5 Pillars
Page 4: The Rise of Islam Due to warfare between Byzantine and Persian empires trade land routes were changed Sea routes now used, connecting India with Arabian Peninsula & Red Sea Land camel caravans traveled along these trade routes Mecca- holiest Muslim city Islam was created in 600 A.D. Islam- Arabic for the word “submission” Within 100 yrs. Islam controlled large area of Roman Empire
Mohammed: Prophet of Islam Islam founded by Mohammed Born in 570, was a merchant and a shepherd While meditating in the hills, the Angel Gabriel visited him and revealed to him that he was the next and final prophet Allah- is the proper name for Islam’s God He began to preach but attracted few followers; many enemies feared he would upset the political and social order
In 622, Mohammed and his followers fled to Medina (trip is called the Hegira), it is also the start of the Muslim calendar In 630, he gathered an army to retake Mecca in a Jihad “holy war” 632 Mohammed died and is buried in Medina At time of death most Arabian tribes were Muslims
The Quran (Koran) Quran- is sacred text of Islam Allah spoke to Mohammad the records Mohammed memorized them Scribes wrote them in the Quran Discusses: forms of worship, proper conduct, treatment of women The fundamental doctrine is “there is no God but Allah; Mohammed is his prophet/messenger
Page 6: The Five Pillars of Islam As part of Islam all true Muslims must perform 5 duties, called the 5 Pillars of Faith Shahada (affirmation or belief)- “There is only 1 God/Allah and Mohammed is the Messenger of God” Salat (prayer)- duty to worship Allah in prayer 5 times daily Zakat (almsgiving/charity)- duty to give charity to help the poor/needy Siyam (fasting)- duty to keep the Fast of Ramadan Hajj (pilgrimage)- duty to make pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime
Islam Spreads Islam united various Arab tribes with same language Strengthened their newfound unity Set out for a “holy war” against non-believers/infidels Fought to gain entry to heaven Byzantine and Persian Empires were weak because of centuries of fighting each other Allowed Islam to spread into Indus valley and to Spain, was stopped at Battle of Tours
The Caliphates When Mohammed died, Muslim leaders chose a new leader- “Caliph” “Successor to Mohammed” 2 early caliphs were murdered A new caliph founded the Umayyad Caliphate/family Created a division in the Muslim religion Sunnis- most Muslims followed the new caliph Shiites- only Mohammed’s descendants could be caliphs
Umayyad caliphs moved capital to Damascus (Syria) After 750, a new family, Abbasids took over the caliphate Focused on trade not war Built new capital at Baghdad (Iraq) Absolute rulers Surrounded himself with riches Caliphs converted or enslaved other peoples they found worshipping other gods Non-Arab converts had less rights
Page 7: Golden Age of Muslim Culture Bubble Maps Create four separate bubble maps featuring: Mathematics Medicine Arts and Crafts Architecture
Page 8: Muslim Rulers Treated Christians and Jews with Respect because: they worshiped one god allowed self-governing communities had to pay a special tax since they were not Muslims could not hold some public offices
Golden Age of Muslim Culture Period of great advances in culture and technology Absorbed achievements of Greeks, Romans, Jews, Byzantines, and Persians Arabic became language of Quran and empire 12th century, Muslims vs. Christians 4 control of Holy Lands (cultural diffusion) 1099 Jerusalem re-taken by Saladin (Muslim leader, warrior, hero)
Math Borrowed zero from India Developed Arabic numerals Great advances in Geometry and Algebra Medicine Discovered blood moved to and from heart Diagnosed many diseases (measles and smallpox)
Arts and Crafts Forbids images of God Islamic art mostly geometric designs, flowers, stars Textiles, leather works, rugs are highly prized Architecture Muslim rulers built beautiful palaces and mosques, richly decorated with mosaics, calligraphy, geometrical designs
Page 10: Kingdoms of Africa Anthropologists believe humanity 1st arose in E. Africa Kush civilization early iron-producing center became rich selling iron, ivory, ebony, wood, and slaves Kingdom of Ethiopia developed own form of Christianity
Page 9: The Gold-Salt Trade Create a map featuring Africa’s Gold-Salt Trade Please refer to page 128 in textbook Include: drawing, labeling, and color to your illustration
Page 10: Kingdoms of Africa and The Gold-Salt Trade The Sahara Desert was a barrier 4 trade between Mediterranean world and S. Africa Travelers found oasis and developed paths to cross the Sahara Merchants motivated 2 cross Sahara because of gold & other riches in W. Africa W. Africa lacked salt, salt is needed 4 human survival
Merchants traveled on camel caravans across Sahara with blocks of salt 2 trade 4 gold Thriving trade based on salt-gold Ideas exchanged such as Islamic beliefs
Kingdom of Ghana (750-1200) Developed in region between Senegal and Niger Rivers Made: iron swords, spears, lances to take control of trade routes Kings of Ghana taxed the routes used 4 gold-salt trade With this $ they created army with large cavalry Built capital city and governed a large area with officials and nobles
Kings appointed nobles Nobles had to make sure their land paid taxes 1076 Muslims from N. Africa invaded Ghana Ghana never fully recovered Ghana became several smaller states
Kingdom of Mali (1240-1400 ) 1240 people of Mali conquered old capital of Ghana and created a new empire Kings took control of salt and gold mines Mail’s rulers converted to Islam Most of people did not and stayed with their own traditional beliefs Mansa Musa- Mali’s most famous ruler, expanded kingdom Brought Muslim scholars and architects back to Mali
Ordered palace and mosque built in Timbuktu Important center for several universities Because of the importance of the Koran, many people learned how to read and write Ibn Battuta, an Arab traveler, did extensive traveling in Africa Because of Ibn scholars know much about the life in Africa and the Middle East Rulers after Mansa Mus were not as good, kingdom collapsed in the 1400’s
Kingdom of Songhai (1464-1600) In 1464, Sultan Sunni Ali, ruler of the Songhai people, captured Timbuktu The Kingdom of Songhai became the largest of W. Africa’s Kingdoms Grew rich from trade across the Sahara Expanded trade to Europe and Asia Created elaborate system of taxation and communication
The Kingdom of Songhai only lasted 130 years Morocco invaded W. Africa for its riches Was able to defeat Songhai because they used gunpowder and the Kingdom used spears and arrows Morocco was unable to govern from long distance Kingdom split up into independent areas Was the last great W. African kingdom
Other African States Ife and Benin famous for their copper and bronze statues 16th century, became involved in the slave trade traded captured people for guns and iron goods with Europeans
Zimbabwe One of the best trading kingdoms Large gold deposits Traded gold, copper and ivory
Coastal Cities of East Africa Merchants from Arabia and India would buy gold from these cities
Family Roles in Africa Many African societies, boys and girls would be separated at puberty and have special ceremonies Marriages arranged by families Groom paid a dowry Under Islam, women could only do household chores