Achieving the Right Balance Class of 2020 8th Grade Parent Night March 1, 2016 Dr. Edward Spurka, Principal Ms. LaToya Gray, Assistant Principal Ms. Amy Price, Assistant Principal
Beginning the Transition Process Increased Student Responsibility & Support Programs Selection of Classes/Pre-Registration Unique Schedule and Course Options Grading Differences Graduation Requirements Availability of Athletics/Extra-Curricular Activities
Pre-Registration for Courses February Current teachers make recommendations for core courses: science, math, English, social studies, world language March Students and parents fill out verification form #1 by selecting elective courses and confirming teacher-recommended courses (or completing waiver to request non-recommended courses). April and May Parents/students make changes to core and elective course requests on verification forms #2 and #3 distributed to students. June 20, 2016 – Final date to make course request changes.
Cambridge Bell Schedule 2016 – 2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Period 1 8:20 – 9:20 8:20 – 9:14 Period 2 9:26 – 10:22 9:19 – 10:09 Period 3 or Lunch/Study Hall or CLAWS 10:28 – 11:24 Or Lunch/Study Hall 10:28 – 10:56 10:56 – 11:24 Class or Lunch 10:14 – 11:04 Period 4 or 11:30 – 12:26 11:30 – 11:58 11:58 – 12:26 11:09 – 11:59 Period 5 or 12:31 – 1:27 12:31 – 12:59 12:59 – 1:27 12:04 – 12:54 Period 6 1:32 – 2:28 12:59 – 1:49 Period 7 2:34 – 3:30 1:54 – 2:44 PAWS 2:48 – 3:30
Cambridge Bell Schedule How does this schedule benefit 9th graders? C.L.A.W.S. support period – 1st semester Small groups Faculty advisor 11th and 12th grade student mentors A variety of activities: High school transition Counselor sessions Academic and career planning Team building Study skills Peer tutoring
Grading Middle School High School Grades are calculated using a system of averages. Example 8th English Semester I – 60 Semester II – 80 Yearly Average – 70 Grades are not averaged. Each semester counts separately. Example 9th English Semester I – 60 Semester II – 80 No yearly average – student fails 1st semester Credits accumulate over 4 years.
Graduation Requirements 23 Units required to graduate * 0.5 unit = 1 semester-long course * 2 semesters in a school year * 6 Classes taken each semester
All students will take 4 units of ENGLISH 4 units of MATHEMATICS 4 units of SCIENCE 3 units of SOCIAL STUDIES 1 unit of PHYSICAL EDUCATION: ½ unit Health & ½ unit Personal Fitness 3 units (minimum) from WORLD LANGUAGE and/or CTE (Career & Technical Education) FINE ARTS 4 units (minimum) of additional ELECTIVES
9th Grade Registration Planning Guide ENGLISH _____ On-level English OR _____ Honors English Year-long 1 SCIENCE _____ On-level Biology OR _____ Honors Biology OR _____ On-level Physical Science OR _____ Honors Physical Science MATH _____ GSE Algebra OR _____ GSE Accelerated Algebra / Geometry A Honors OR _____ GSE Geometry Honors OR _____ GSE Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II Honors P.E. _____ General Health Semester-long 0.5 SOCIAL STUDIES ______ American Government & Civics OR ______ Advanced Placement Government & Politics (college level course) ELECTIVES ______________________________________ (1st choice) ______________________________________ (2nd choice) ______________________________________ (3rd choice) Semester or Year 0.5 or 1 TOTAL 6
English / Language Arts 4 units required Grade Required Courses Term 9th 9th Literature and Composition or Honors 9th Literature and Composition Year-long 10th 10th Literature and Composition or Honors 10th Literature and Composition 11th American Literature and Composition or Honors American Literature and Composition or Advanced Placement (AP) Language and Composition 12th World Literature Composition and Multi-cultural Literature and Composition or Move On When Ready “MOWR” (“College English”) Advanced Placement (AP) Literature and Composition Semester-long
Mathematics 4 units required Grade Required Courses 9th 1. GSE Algebra 2. GSE Accelerated Algebra/Geometry A Honors 3. GSE Geometry Honors (students 1 year ahead) 4. GSE Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II Honors 10th 1. GSE Geometry 2. GSE Accelerated Geometry B/Algebra II Honors 3. GSE Algebra II Honors (students 1 year ahead) 4. GSE Accelerated Pre-Calculus Honors 11th 1. GSE Algebra II 2. GSE Accelerated Pre-Calculus Honors 3. GSE Pre-Calculus Honors (students 1 year ahead) 4. AP Calculus AB or BC 12th 1. GSE Pre-Calculus or Advanced Math Decision Making 2. AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC or AP Statistics 3. AP Calculus AB or AP Calculus BC or AP Statistics 4. AP Statistics or Multivariable Calculus through Georgia Tech or other college-level mathematics course
Science 4 units required Biology (On-level, Honors, or AP for upperclassmen) Physical Science (On-level or Honors) or Physics (On-level or AP) Chemistry (On-level, Honors, or AP) or Earth Systems or Environmental Science (On-level, Honors, or AP) or Astronomy or AP Science 4th Science
Social Studies 3 units required Grade Required Courses Term 9th Grade American Government & Civics or AP Government & Politics Semester-long Year-long 10th Grade World History or AP World History 11th Grade U.S. History or AP U.S. History 12th Grade Economics or AP Macro/Micro Economics
General Health/ Physical Education 1 unit required *General Health (1 Semester) – 9th grade *Personal Fitness (1 semester) 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th (or waiver) Electives Weight Training Body Sculpting Recreational Games General P.E. Outdoor Education
World Languages Elective Students planning to enter or transfer to a four-year college/university must take a minimum of 2 units of the same foreign language. World Languages offered at Cambridge HS: Spanish French Latin
Performing Arts Band Chorus Orchestra Drama
Visual Arts Elective Drawing & Painting Ceramics Sculpture Jewelry & Fine Arts -- *Introduction to Art (semester-long) is prerequisite. Drawing & Painting Ceramics Sculpture Jewelry & Metal crafts Photography Printmaking Graphic Design AP Studio Art 2-D or 3-D AP Art History
Academics Electives for Freshmen Social Studies Advanced Placement Human Geography Advanced Placement U.S. Government & Politics (in lieu of Civics) Mathematics Math Support English Speech Annual Literary Magazine Newspaper Journalism “101”
Career & Technical Education (CTE) – Elective Audio, Video, Technology, & Film Information Technology & Business Engineering & Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Sports & Entertainment Marketing Veterinary Science
Audio Video Technology & Film CTE
Information Technology & Business CTE
Engineering & Technology CTE
Sports & Entertainment Marketing CTE
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security CTE
Veterinary Science CTE
Talented & Gifted (TAG) Students must complete one TAG activity each semester to remain in good standing. TAG students are served in a variety of ways in a high school setting: Seminar options for all 9th graders during fall semester Advanced Placement Classes Directed Studies (11th and 12th grade students) Internships (11th and 12th grade students)
Special Education -Resource classes Transition meetings Case Managers -Team Taught classes -Career Technical Instruction -Community Based Instruction Transition meetings Case Managers Students who currently receive instructional support through special education services will continue to receive supports:
Traditional Freshman Schedule First Semester Second Semester 1st Pd – Am Govt/Civics 1st Pd – General Health 2nd Pd – Spanish 1 3rd Pd – 9th Literature/Comp 4th Pd – C.L.A.W.S. Lunch 4th Pd – Study Hall 5th Pd – GSE Algebra 6th Pd – Biology Honors 7th Pd – Introduction to Art 7th Pd – Ceramics 1 P.A.W.S. (tu/th/f)
Online Courses Before signing up for an online course, ask yourself the following questions: What is my motivation for taking an online course? Do I have the self-discipline and self-motivation to work independently? Am I a good self-advocate? Am I organized? Do I have strong written communication skills? Do I have strong computer skills? What will I miss (if anything) by not taking this course in a traditional learning environment? Fulton Virtual or Georgia Virtual?
Non-traditional Freshman Schedule First Semester Second Semester 1st Pd – Introduction to Art 1st Pd – Ceramics 2nd Pd – Spanish 2 2nd Pd – Spanish 3 3rd Pd – Honors Biology 4th Pd – GSE Algebra 5th Pd – C.L.A.W.S. /Lunch or Check out 5th Pd – Study Hall /Lunch or 6th Pd – 9th Literature/Comp (traditional classroom or online) 6th Pd – 9th Literature/Comp (traditional classroom or online) 7th Pd – Online Civics –Fulton Virtual 7th Pd – Online Health – Fulton Virtual
Success at Cambridge Select appropriate classes – BALANCE! Complete homework. Be organized, and keep an agenda. Seek help when needed. Study consistently. Get involved and make connections with Cambridge’s programs, staff, and students.
Questions? Curriculum guide Course offerings Course numbers Course descriptions Course pre-requisites CHS Placement guidelines for honors and AP classes Waiver form Fulton County Placement Guidelines