Living God’s Love at St Michael’s School How are we distinctively Christian at St Michael’s School?
Our Christian ethos and values underpin daily life
Values we have focused on in recent terms Courage Thankfulness Wisdom Forgiveness Perseverance Peace Prayer Trust Joy Love … Respect Humility Making a difference
Our policies are rooted in Christian values of respect, forgiveness and reconciliation
We have high quality acts of collective worship
Daily acts of worship Whole school – values / current news based Whole school – songs and worship Whole school – celebration assembly Key Stage church assemblies – clergy led Key Stage or paired classes
KS2 Eucharist Service
Christingle Service
Harvest Festival Bishop’s Harvest Appeal
Our school leaders, RE subject leader and governors are well trained and committed to the school’s Christian ethos
Our displays are of high quality and are high profile
Prominent displays
“The school’s Christian character is celebrated on the website, through high quality newsletters … and within general documentation…”
We are excited and challenged by our RE curriculum and its understanding of the Christian and other faiths
We have outstanding international and also local links
Supporting the Foodbank
Animal shelter
Harvest Lunch
Carol singing
We have excellent links with St Michael’s Church Visits to St Michael’s Church by every year group. Weekly visits to school by the clergy. School displays in church and the church’s centre. Regular article regarding the school in the church magazine. Volunteers from the church community help in school. Year 4 asked to launch the Church Trail.
Year 4 launch the Church Trail
Strong links with the Diocese Year 6 attended Church Schools Diocesan Harvest Festival Service at St Alban’s Cathedral. Articles on the school featured in the Church Schools Newsletter and SeeRound. Courses attended providing high quality CPD. Support and advice from the Diocese through the Service Agreement. Support - visit by Diocesan Action Learning Set
An important value for school and church communities. Koinonia A Greek word ... ... meaning community, communion and joint participation; and in Christian terms meaning Christian fellowship and communion with God. An important value for school and church communities.
The strong local links encourage children to consider others’ needs. What is the Impact ?? “All pupils are nurtured and valued highly and thus achieve exceptionally well.” “At St Michael’s ‘every child is special, we have all been given a gift and can use these’ said a parent who was explaining why her child is thriving within the Christian ethos of the school.” SIAMS 2014 The international links have developed pupils’ understanding and empathy of contrasting cultural localities and strengthened pupils’ willingness to help others. The strong local links encourage children to consider others’ needs. Because we know that our religious education teaching is having an impact on learners, our headteacher and RE subject leader are working towards a Quality Mark in religious education, to recognise and celebrate our learning. The worship significantly contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SIAMS 2014) and our links with St Michael’s Church enable the staff to feel pastorally supported by the clergy.