Unity Christian Fellowship Church Community Garden
Mission The Unity Christian Fellowship Church community garden is a community project at Unity Christian Fellowship Church for the citizens of the City of Pine Bluff. Our purpose is to cultivate the soil and souls for the purpose of harvesting natural food and impacting the lives of the community. Our goal is to enhance the farm to table experience while inspiring the youth, senior’s citizens, and community as a whole to work together and learn new techniques to accomplish a healthy sustainable community garden. It’s our expectation that the community garden will promote resourcefulness, physical activity, and well-being of the community.
Community Garden Blessing Community gardens beautify neighborhoods and help bring neighbors closer together. Gardens have proven to be useful in reducing neighborhood crime. Particularly when vacant, blighted lots are targeted for garden development. Community gardens provide safe, recreational green space in urban areas with little or no park land, and can contribute greatly to keeping urban air clean.
Garden Times: www.unitychristianfellowshipchurch.com
Pine Bluff, Arkansas (AR) Poverty Rate Data - Information about poor and low income residents Read more: http://www.city-data.com/poverty/poverty-Pine-Bluff-Arkansas.html#ixzz37B2wkDmJ
Contact Martin Stevenson Program Manager 870.413.9997 Church Office 870.536.1480 unitychristianfellowship@live.com